Chapter 8: Getting Things Done
Karas POV
Mother already had my breakfast ready. She had also poured me a glass of orange juice. She sat down across the table from me.
"What's on your list for today?" she asked.
" I plan on going to that karate dojo, the diner we saw on our way in, and going and signing up for college classes." I responded.
" Why do you want to learn karate?" She asked.
" I want to learn it for several reasons, mother. We have been through this a million times," I responded.
That was an exaggeration. We have been over it a lot though. She doesn't like the fact I want to compete as well as learn it for one of my personal training credits. I'm also going to join a gym. That, too, is going to be one of my college credits. I have to experience them in order to be able to train people. She was very happy that I wanted to be a nurse.
I finished my breakfast and went to the hallway closet and got my purse. I then went and gave mother a hug goodbye. She had a shocked expression on her face. I didn't usually give her hugs when I left. I headed out of the house and headed to the dojo. I was fumbling with my headphones when I nearly tripped over the front gate.
The front yard had a porch. Mother had told me that she was going to get some patio furniture for it. Then there were 3 steps down. Then there was a walkway to the garage where the car was parked. Then there was a sidewalk to the front gate. On either side of the porch were garden beds. It looked like whoever lived here before tried planting some flowers.
But they didn't take it. I had decided that I was going to try and plant some later in the spring. I finally got my headphones plugged into my phone and turned on my music. I walked the 5 blocks to the karate dojo. I stopped at the door when I saw him. I couldn't believe that I was running into David not even 24 hours after he rescued me. This was going to be hard. I thought he was just the owner. I didn't even realize he was teaching.
He had his gi and belt on. He was working with a child. The child can't be more than 5 or 6. He was correcting her stance. I finally built up enough courage to go in.
" Hey David." I stated.
" Hey" he stated.
"I'm here to sign up for classes," I stated.
" Good you will be in my adult beginner class," he stated.
"Here is the paperwork and book," he stated.
I then left and went to sign up for my college classes. I signed up for the CNA class first. You have to do clinicals. 175 hours of hand-on experience before your fully certified. That was going to complicate things. But I will make it work. Then I looked into the personal training course. That was a 4-week course that wouldn't take long. There were several other courses that I was going to be taking.
I was thankful that the adult classes were in the evenings. I finished signing up for my college courses. I start college in 2 weeks. Mother starts her new job next week. So things were looking up. I then went to the diner and filled out an application. They would need someone from 5 to midnight. Which would work all except Mondays, Wednesday, and Thursdays. I would work weekends. So that will help with college and other things.
I did not have to worry about rent or food considering I still lived at home. Also, mother paid all my bills. I was finally done with my day. I grabbed a quick bite to eat. I sat in the diner for a little bit to rest. My legs were starting to hurt. I have walked this much in a long time. I finally decided I needed to get home. I could have called my mother to come get me, but I wanted to walk home.
I left the diner and started walking home. I was minding my own business when a black jaguar pulled up next to me. The window rolls down and its David from the dojo.
" Hey " he states.
"What's your name?" he asked.
" Kara." I stated.
" Can I give you a ride home?" he asked.
" Yes please." I responded.
I got into the car and gave him directions to my house. We pulled into the driveway of my house. Mother was outside. She walked down the steps and went up to the car. I got out and thanked him for giving me a ride home. Mother looked into the car.
" Thank you for giving her a ride home," she stated.
" Your welcome, ma'am." he stated.
"Also thank you for yesterday," she stated.
" Again your welcome, ma'am." he stated.
Then he backed out of the driveway. Mother came into the house. I was sitting at the dining room table sipping on some water. The look in her eye told me she was thinking that I was trying to be with him. He was cute, and I did have a crush on him. But I wanted to focus on my career and college.
Besides, he's a man that seems to have his act together. He is at least in his 30s. He was old enough to be my father at that point. Plus, this was supposed to be a new beginning for me and my mother.
" How was your day?" mother asked.
" It was busy," I stated.
" Did you get anything accomplished?" mother asked.
"Yes, I start college in two weeks." I stated.
" My CNA classes are about 4 months long," I stated.
" I start my karate classes tomorrow." I stated.
She gave me a look that told me she didnt trust me. Which I did not care. I'm 19 and can make my own choices. I was already annoyed that today didn't go the way I wanted. I was ready to be hired on the spot. But that was not the case. The hiring lady, Cindy, said she needed to check my background and references before she could make a decision. I was disappointed. I have always gotten hired on the spot. So I decided to go to my room and change into some shorts and a t-shirt.
I was starting to change when my cell phone rang. It was Cindy saying I got the job I started in the morning.