A Grandfather's Hate
We left the building and just started walking with no piculaur destination in mind. We made small talk trying to get to know each other better and honestly it was very nice. We stopped and had lunch during our walk. We also ended up at the Metropolitan Museum, which I loved. When we made it back to the apartment we were both tired and we both went to our rooms to rest. When I woke up from my nap, I had a few voice messages on my phone. I thought they were from my friends, since I have talked to them since I got home. The first message was from my best friend Lisa. She wanted to meet up to go shopping one day this week. The next message was from old man Cole “ Only a homewrecker like your mother could have given birth to an ungrateful bastard child like you. If you don’t get your ass over to the Holloways and apologize for leaving our meeting without permission, I will make sure you will never get away with it.”
My mouth hangs open, did I really just hear that? There was another message and I clicked the play button and out came his voice “ Do you think your weak ass father can help you? He can’t, only what I say matters in this family. You will marry Justin and you have no choice or say in this matter. The sooner you realize your position in this family the easier it will be on you. Now get your ass over to the Holloways and apologize NOW.” he honestly left me speechless for about a minute. Maybe he has a brain tumor that is affecting his mind, that can be the only explanation for his behavior. Yeah that’s it, the tumor is sitting on the part of his brain that causes delusions. I walked out of my room to find Ethan, so he could listen to his father’s crazy rants.
I never really liked the old man, I was only tolerating him, because I had no choice when I was younger. Today that all went out the door. Several times today he has viciously attacked my mother for no reason. He never even met her and he kept disrespecting her character. He wants his son to stay married to a woman he cheated on his son. She was also sabotaging their chances to have kids, while acting like a loving wife. Yet he thinks this lying cheating bitch is somehow a better woman than my mother. There is no doubt about it, that old frat is losing his mind. Does that old fool think he can dominate or bully me into doing something I don’t want to do? I will have to show him he just messed with the wrong person.
I found my father in the living room watching tv again. When he saw me walk in he asked “ What would you like for dinner?” he had no idea his crazy ass father had sent me threatening messages. “ How about cheese pizza?” I said and he smiled while dialing a number. When he got off the phone I took the tv remote and mute the tv, I put my phone on speaker and pushed the play button. While he was listening to the messages his face contorted into this evil menacing look. I was taken back by his appearance for a few seconds. Old man Cole sure has a knack for spissing people off. There is no way, he just developed this personality overnight, he has been a bully his whole life. Now, I feel sorry for Bernice, being married to a man like that for so many years.
After Ethan listened to the last message, he stood up with his phone in his hand and he went to his study. I could imagine that his next phone call will not be pleasant for the person on the receiving end. I texted my friend Lisa and told her what was going on and she texted back “ I feel sorry for that old man, because he has no idea who he just spiss off, smiley face emoji.” We decided to meet up tomorrow to go shopping. I need some shopping therapy before I go berserk on that old man. Maybe Ethan will talk some sense into him, but after today I will not be holding back anymore. Ethan storms out of his office slamming the door behind him. Clearly still mad he took a few deep breaths while massaging the bridge of his nose. “ Kadian I am so sorry that he said those vile things to you about you and your mother. Like I said before you will not marry anyone you don’t want to. As a matter of fact, I don’t want you to have any kind of relationship with the Holloways and their family.”