The Luna's Vampire Prince all 151 chapters

  1. Blood for Bread
  2. Long in the Tooth
  3. Maybe There's Another Way
  4. Lazy Wolf Shifters
  5. What's Going On Here?
  6. She's Just a Peasant Girl
  7. He's Not My Mate
  8. Kings and Queens
  9. What About Her?
  10. Facing Laslo Black
  11. Lead the Way
  12. That's Not My Name
  13. The Beginning of the End
  14. The Evil Church in the Forest
  15. Who She Is
  16. Two and Two Together
  17. I'm a Dead Woman
  18. Breaking the Rules
  19. The Culling
  20. Nightmare Church
  21. The Man Beneath the Floor
  22. He's Coming For Us
  23. Right or Wrong
  24. It's All a Lie
  25. Time for Some Tough Love--Like
  26. Welcome to Shadowmanor
  27. Whose Room is This?
  28. I Don't Know That Girl
  29. Meet the King
  30. Does She Like It?
  31. I'm a Luna
  32. In the Bedroom
  33. What Happened in Her Bed
  34. Ainslee for Breakfast
  35. Leverage
  36. Princess Face-Off
  37. Problem with the Feeders
  38. Something Stinks
  39. The Nice One
  40. It's All Her Fault
  41. Things Heat Up
  42. Steam
  43. On the Case
  44. The Nose Knows
  45. Just Stand There and Bleed
  46. Friends and Enemies
  47. A Tortured Soul Without A Soul
  48. Deep Inside Me
  49. The Next Move
  50. Afterglow Dimmed
  51. Make Me Queen
  52. Turning Tables
  53. Grovel
  54. Family
  55. Mother Knows
  56. Not Fair
  57. Threats of War
  58. Reunited
  59. Kissing Him
  60. War is Coming
  61. Who Else Knows the Secret?
  62. Following Her
  63. You'll Never Be Queen
  64. Back on Top
  65. For My People
  66. So Much Blood
  67. Chaos
  68. A Royal Mess
  69. Internal Threat
  70. Taken in the Forest
  71. My Future Wife
  72. Torture
  73. He's Dead
  74. Plan B
  75. A Princess Confesses
  76. Seeing Her Wolf
  77. Time to Get to Work
  78. The False King Falls
  79. Death of a Traitor
  80. Buried in Her
  81. The Situation is Grim
  82. Even Worse News
  83. Escaping the Tormentians
  84. Back in Beoutown
  85. Shifter Secrets
  86. Troubling Times
  87. Getting it All Straight
  88. A Fang and a Prayer
  89. A Chance to Apologize
  90. We Are Mates
  91. The Handfasting Ceremony
  92. A Bit Woozy
  93. Honeymoon Bliss
  94. Council of War
  95. Ainslee Sucks
  96. Out for Blood
  97. To Fight With Honor
  98. Luna Queen Against Alpha
  99. A Celebration
  100. A Private Party
  101. Escapee
  102. The Lowly Hybrid
  103. Interrupted
  104. A New Purpose
  105. Overthrowing a Monarchy
  106. Good News in Small Packages
  107. Taken
  108. To the Northwest
  109. Secrets and Lies
  110. Not This Kingdom
  111. The Man in the Cave
  112. The Lost King
  113. Heartbroken
  114. The Longclaw Position
  115. The Good and Bad News
  116. The What Else That Could Go Wrong
  117. Laying the Trap
  118. The Doctor is In
  119. Into Rallegrad
  120. So Much Pain
  121. Ripped Apart
  122. First Rumblings of War
  123. Bound and Chained
  124. The Wrong Way
  125. Escape
  126. Hybridians
  127. A Little Girl
  128. A New Ally
  129. Rumor Has It
  130. Able-Bodied Men
  131. Freeing the Thieves
  132. The Ultimatum
  133. Son of a Vampire
  134. The Sacrifice
  135. Breaking Through
  136. As Promised
  137. Loyalty
  138. Blood and Gore
  139. Shoot the Messenger
  140. Machinations
  141. Focusing on War
  142. Turning the Tide
  143. Disturbing News
  144. The End of a Claim
  145. Broken Hearts
  146. The Marriage Ceremony
  147. A Final Plea
  148. Feels Like Home
  149. Back at Shadowmanor
  150. A New Life
  151. A Hopeful Future