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Chapter 3

Alpha Cole

Giselle POV

When I returned home my parents and my brother, Toby, were already there waiting for me. I let out an impatient sigh for the confrontation ahead. I hurried past them, ignoring them before my father caught me and held me in a tight grip.

“Where do you think you're going?. You've some explaining to do Giselle”

“What do you expect me to say?,” I huffed in anger. “Jared was the one who called off the wedding so he is the one you should be asking for an explanation from,” I tugged my arm free from his grasp. My arms were already turning red from how tight he'd held them. Trust my father to be cruel and not care about me in a situation like this.

“You are the future Luna and yet you disappeared right before your engagement party and nobody knows where you are, only for me to find out the next morning that your marriage alliance is being called off. Do you know what everyone was saying?. That I didn't have any control over my family,” my father said, looking at me with disgust.

I placed a mask of indifference on my face and turned towards him. I didn't want him to see how hurt I was that he cared more about what people said than what had happened to me.

“Incase you didn't notice, your precious future son in-law was also missing at the engagement so I had to go look for him in order not to bring disgrace to you and Toby, only for me to find him cheating on me and wanting to call off the marriage. So what then did you expect me to do, drag him to the altar and force him to marry me,” I said through gritted teeth.

“Then you should have come to me immediately. Why should I have to find out something so important over breakfast in front of everyone else like I'm some insignificant thing”

“There was nothing left to be done. He doesn't want to marry me anymore so please let it go. We can just find another pack and form an alliance with them instead,” I said in exasperation.

My father's face immediately darkened in anger as he looked at me with contempt.

“Don't even think about breaking up this marriage alliance. You can't even begin to imagine the amount of effort I put into this marriage alliance. No ordinary low-level omega would break it”

It hit me then and I narrowed my eyes on him. “Father, did you know about Tara and Jared's affair”

He turned away, ignoring my question but his actions left me without any doubt that he knew.

“You knew, didn't you?. Yet you still left me in the dark”

“It is very common for the elites and alpha's to take a mistress every now and then. If you didn't like it, you should have done a better job at satisfying him,” my father said coldly.

“I don't care anymore if he was having an affair. I have already done my duty by agreeing to the marriage alliance in the first place. I wasn't the one who broke up the wedding, he did and he doesn't want me anymore, not as a Luna or as a wife so let it go,” I said through clenched teeth.

“We can find another pack to form an alliance with so please the two of you should please stop arguing,” my mother who had been silent since I walked in said in despair.

She looked like she was on the verge of having a nervous breakdown and I quickly went to her side to comfort her. My mother has always been the only one on my side in my entire family and it hurt to see her distressed by everything that happened.

“No we can't do that. It has to be the blue moon pack. Without their support Toby wouldn't be able to maintain his position when he becomes the new Alpha,” my father said in agitation.

My brother stiffened where he stood beside him, stunned by the revelation while my mother grew pale as she stepped back in surprise. So that was why my father was hellbent on having me marry into the blue moon pack.

I knew the marriage alliance was to make both packs stronger but I didn't know it was to help maintain my brother's position. I had always known it but having it thrown in my face made it ten times worse. I was always just a pawn in my father's political games.

“I have already spoken to Jared's father. If he doesn't marry you, he will be banished from the pack and then you can marry his cousin. Either way the marriage alliance still stands. Are we clear?”

I stood up and stared at him levelly.

“No,” I said, grabbing every modicum of strength I possessed.

My father turned and glared at me, surprise written all over his face at my defiance. This was the first time I had ever stood up to him and I was done being his pawn.


I stumbled backwards in surprise as a sharp pain overtook me instantly. This was the first time my father had ever slapped me. Tears began to trickle from my eyes as I looked at my father in contempt.

He stood over me and growled low in my ears.

“You will marry Jared whether you like it or not. The wedding had been scheduled for two weeks and I expect you to be present there waiting at the altar looking like the perfect Luna you are,” he growled before walking away with my mother and brother following in tow.

My heart ached deeply at what my father had said. He didn't care about me at all, he only cared about his power as the alpha. It took all of me not to just leave and never come back but deep in my heart I know I would never survive a day as a rogue. I couldn't leave even if I wanted to but I was done listening to my father and being the perfect Luna. I couldn't respect people who didn't value me and see my worth.






Third person pov

Back in the hotel in the presidential suite, the hotel manager sat in fear across a handsome man while he apologized to him profusely. The man held a piece of note in his hands and a pile of money was on the table that separated them.

“I don't need your apologies. I just want to know who was the person that was in my room last night. She thought I was a call boy,” the man said, looking irritated.

“I’ve questioned all my staff and only one person was seen on the top floor yesterday night. It was a guest named Giselle, the Luna of the Silver Moon Pack and she was here for her wedding but it was called off,” the manager said.

“It was called off. Why?. What happened?,” the man asked.

“I’ve no idea sire but I was informed this morning that the wedding has been moved to two weeks from now”

“That's fine. You can go”

The manager left in a hurry, eager to be out of the man's sight. After the manager left a tall lean man with dark hair entered soon after.

“What are you going to do now, Cole?. Are you already planning to go to war with the Silver Moon Pack when we've only been here for a few days,” the dark haired man complained, biting down on an apple.

“You know for a beta, Rhys, you sure do complain a lot,” Alpha Cole said as he stared at the note in his hands again.

Her scent still lingered in the piece of paper he was holding. The image of the woman that broke into his room yesterday wearing a sexy as hell dress was still fresh in his mind. His body hardened as a rock as he remembered her again. Shaking his head at his urges he pushed it down as a bitter taste settled in his mouth at the memory he'd tried so hard to push back.

The Silver Moon Pack Alpha had conspired with his father's mistress, Bridget, to send him away to fight their vampire enemies in the hope that he would die and her son, his half brother Lucas would inherit the throne. Their plan had failed as he not only didn't die but he had become stronger earning the respect of the council. But during the time Cole had been sent away his mother Luna Violet had died and he didn't have a chance to say goodbye to her.

He inhaled the scent of the note one last time, all hopes of meeting her again crumpled with the notes in his hands. He tossed it away. Giselle was the daughter of the Silver Moon Alpha and he wanted nothing to do with the Silver Moon Pack.

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