Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 4

The pregnancy

Giselle's POV

I spent my days leading to the wedding either trying to avoid my family and the members of the pack or in combat training with Sonia like I was doing now. It was the day before my rescheduled wedding and my frustrations at being forced to marry a man who clearly did not want or respect me increased with each passing second.

Catching Sonia by surprise, I moved in low, grabbing her legs and pushing her back to the floor. I pinned her with my shoulders not freeing her from my grasps but I couldn't hold her for long. I suddenly felt weak. She pulled out from under me and pushed me back down to the floor, knocking me out completely.

Now that was something new. Sonia had never one-upped me before. I was by all means stronger and faster than her and could take her on any day but why was I lying down on the floor out of breath and disoriented?. I tried to remember if I ate anything bad for breakfast. No I don't think I did.

I recalled I had been feeling really down and weak these past few days but I'd chalked it down to depression but now I don't know anymore. What was happening to me?. Sonia walked over and sat down beside me.

“Giselle what happened?. You weren't even trying which is very unlike you”

“I don't know Sonia. I just feel so tired and weak. I think I'm…sick,” I said, stuttering.

“Sick. Giselle, werewolves don't get sick,” Sonia shrieked in concern.

“I know that,” I shouted in frustration.

Sonia went quiet for a few minutes, then she turned to look at me holding my hands, a look of worry evident on her face.

“Sonia, you don't need to be so dramatic. I'm sure it's just pre wedding anxieties. There's nothing to worry about,” I said, trying to lighten the mood.

“Okay listen. When you went to the call boy that night did you by any chance use protection,” Sonia said with a serious face.

“Of course I did,” I pause for a second trying to think. “I mean I'm not sure Sonia, I was drunk.” Fear gripped me as I tried to recall the events of that night. “Oh my God what am I going to do?. What if I'm pregnant,” I said crying into my hands at the remote thought that I might be pregnant.” Sonia held my hands trying to comfort me.

Being pregnant while still being unmarried was considered very shameful among the elites. They pursued only pure direct bloodlines without any smudge of illegitimacy. Only children of married couples who had undergone the marking ceremony could be considered blessed by the moon goddess. I can't be pregnant. My father would kill me not to mention I would be banished for sure.

Sonia stood up, pulling me up with her.

“We need to know for sure before we start jumping to conclusions. We need to see a doctor at once”

“How do we do that?. Ever since the incident my father has been watching me like a hawk and wouldn't let me leave his sight. He thinks I will run off at any moment and disgrace him”

“Don't worry I have a plan. I will tell him we need to go to get our nails done. I'm sure he will let us go since you need to look good for your wedding tomorrow,” Sonia said as she led me to the pack house.

I followed her meekly, thoughts of my future suddenly looking even more bleak than it already was. Luckily Sonia was able to convince my father to let us go out alone without any guards following us. Sonia has succeeded in scheduling an appointment with a clinic under a false name in a neighboring pack. We couldn't risk taking the test in our pack clinic just in case we ran into somebody that might recognize us.

Two hours and an almost nervous breakdown later, I sat in the doctor's office waiting for the test results.

“Congratulations. You're pregnant,” the doctor walked in beaming with smiles.


My face went white with terror. No this can't be happening to me.

I looked up at the doctor, my hands tightening around the table like it was a lifeline.

“Are you sure?,” I croaked, my voice coming out raspy.

“Yes I'm. You're pregnant,” the doctor said calmly.

I clenched my fists as a tear slipped from my eyes.

“Do you want an abortion?,” the doctor suggested, registering my sad countenance at the news.

I tried to respond with a yes but I couldn't. I know it was what I was supposed to do but I couldn't just find it in me to abort a child that had done nothing wrong at all. It wasn't the child's fault.

“No. I will keep the child,” I finally said, making my decision.

I walked out of the doctor's office with a lump in my heart. I hoped I was doing the right thing keeping this child. There has to be a way I can hide the pregnancy long enough until I can find a place where I can be a part of my child's life.

Sonia stood up to hug me as soon as she saw me coming out of the office with a solemn look on my face.

“Everything will be fine. Don't worry. We'll find a solution,” she said, trying to comfort me.

“It's getting late. Let's go home before father starts looking for me”

As we walked to the car in silence, I noticed a woman in dark shades and a huge hat on her head was following us.

I got into the car. “Sonia, look there's a woman behind you,” I pointed over her shoulders. “I think she's following us. Back out slowly and see if she follows us”

Sure enough as soon as we started moving she followed closely behind us. Sonia took a left, then sped through a sharp corner trying to lose her. The woman was gone.

“Who do you think that was?,” Sonia asks.

“I don't know but the person has seen me meeting with the doctor and probably already knows I'm pregnant. Let's go to the hotel. I need to see him”

“Why do you want to see him?. It's not like it's going to help anyway. You're not thinking of marrying, are you?. He's a call boy and you're the Luna of Silver Moon Pack. It's preposterous,” Sonia shrieked in alarm.

I dropped my head solemnly. “Of course I know that. But now that I've decided to keep this baby, I don't think I can be Luna anymore. Besides, it won't matter who I marry anyway. I need a plan B and the call boy might just be it,” I heaved in exasperation.

Sonia stared at me with concern. She knew I was right.

“They will be people we know there so we have to be very careful. Remember the wedding is tomorrow,” she said quietly.

“Thank you Sonia”

“I still think it's a bad idea but I'll support you nonetheless”

By the time we arrived at the hotel, I was beginning to have second thoughts about meeting my child's father. I watched as Sonia discreetly pulled the receptionist to ask for the call boy.

At the door, Sonia knocked loudly and a man with golden hair stepped out.

“Hello ladies. What can I do for you today,” he beamed flirtatiously.

The man wasn't too tall and he looked nothing like the man I remember from last night. I look on in shock. This wasn't the man I slept with that night. What's going on?.

“Giselle. Are you ok?. You suddenly went pale. Aren't you going to ask him anything?. You said you wanted to talk to him,” Sonia asks worriedly.

“No, I don't know what's going on but he's not the one I went to that night”

“What but he's the one I called for you that night”

I faced the call boy “I apologize for disturbing you. You can go”

He shrugged and went back in.

“I don't understand. If he isn't the one then who is?,” Sonia asked clearly confused.

“I really don't know. I must have gone to the wrong room”

I tried to figure out how I had gotten into the wrong room but my memories were a blur and I couldn't remember much from that night. It was starting to give me a headache as I rubbed my temples in frustration.

“We need to find whoever it was that I mistook for the call boy,” I said walking towards the elevator.

“And what are we going to do, by walking all over the hotel from floor to floor?. Remember we might run into guests that are coming for your wedding,” Sonia argued as she followed behind me.

“I just have to find something familiar”. I hit the elevator to go up to the next level floor.

As soon as I walked out of the elevator on the top floor I began to remember vague bits and pieces from that night.

“I remember I passed this hallway that night,” I said to Sonia, my face creased in concentration.

Finally we reached in front of a dark door. The room number was 106 and then everything came into place.

“I had mistaken 9 for 6 in my drunken state,” I gasped as I took a deep breath and tried to remain calm. It was fine then. If the call boy wasn't the one I had slept with then the person I had slept with would be inside the room and just maybe the two of us could find a solution to my problem. I knocked on the door.

“I’m coming. Give me a moment,” a voice said from inside the room. The door handle turned and the door began to open slowly.

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