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Chapter 5

The wedding

Giselle's POV

I held my breath as the door opened and a small round man wearing the hotel's uniform exited behind the door.

“Yes. How may I help you,” the man asked politely.

“Well hum..,” I stuttered, not knowing what to say. Sonia pushed me aside. “I'm looking for my friend. He stayed right here in this room about two weeks ago”

“Your friend,” the man asked, confused. “ I think you must be mistaken. We don't rent the suites on this floor. They are residential suites. You must be on the wrong floor,” the man was already closing the door as he spoke.

I shot out my hand to stop him from closing the door.

“Then can we speak to the person who lives here. It's quite urgent,” I pleaded.

“I'm sorry, ma'am but I can't give out the personal information of our guests. You can ask the receptionist for assistance,” the man said, before closing the door shut.

I stood unmoving looking at the closed door for a long time. This was the last alternative I could think of to find a solution to my problem and now it's gone.

“What are we going to do now, Giselle?,” Sonia called out.

“I will be fine. First let's leave before someone sees us”

Sonia held me as we both walked out of the hotel. I was definitely not fine and it was all fake bravado. The cost of one night was far greater than what I had expected. I was carrying a stranger's baby and I don't even know who it was. I dread the day my father would find out. He would most definitely banish me for bringing shame to the family. How do I raise a baby in the harsh life of a rogue with little or no chance of survival?. I couldn't do it.

I placed my hands on my flat stomach and I decided then that I would keep the baby a secret from my father and everyone as long as I can.

The next day I woke up feeling worse than I did the day before. I had to hide my morning sickness from everyone and act like I was okay. I stared disinterestedly at my reflection in the mirror as the makeup artist retouched my face for the wedding.

“You look stunning. Jared will fall in love with you again when he sees you,” the makeup artist exclaimed.

I simply smiled and nodded at her. By the time she was done with the makeup, I could feel my stomach turning with anxiety. I stood up and started to walk towards the garden of the hotel. As I walked through the garden, memories of the past few weeks passed through my mind. To think only a few weeks ago I was the perfect Luna getting ready to have a perfect wedding and being envied by all. So much had changed in just a few weeks.

I had found out my fiance was a big cheater, my wedding had been called off and then rescheduled and now I'm pregnant for a man I don't even know. The girl who came here a few weeks ago for the perfect wedding felt like a million miles away. And now here I'm walking past my scumbag fiance dressed in a tailored black tuxedo holding another woman in his arms.

I scoffed as I walked past them in disdain. Tara was crying uncontrollably and Jared was trying to comfort her with a pained expression on his face. It was almost laughable how Jared had agreed to the marriage after he heard the threats given to him by his father. He couldn't stand to be with me but I know what he hates more was to be banished with nothing and left alone. At the end of the day he had decided to choose his position over love.

“Don't think you've won yet. This story is far from being over and the real show will soon take place. Just watch and see,” Tara said, her voice harsh and cold stopping me in my tracks. She was no longer crying and was now smiling, looking at me with a hateful expression on her face.

Her strange smile sent chills up my spine and I couldn't decipher why. There was something different about the way she looked at me now. There was no longer any fear for me in her eyes, almost as if she had a sinister plan to ruin me. It filled me with anxiety and I was suddenly restless. She stomped off with Jared following on her heels after giving me a sharp glare.

What was that all about, I wondered as I tried to push down the feeling of unease I felt before walking down the path where I found my father waiting for me to walk down the aisle. The music began and my father and I started towards the guests.

Gasps of amazement and flattery were uttered from the guests and my father squeezed my hand pleased. It was ironic the way it was only in a public setting that my father could show me any affection in any way. He led me beside Jared and was about to take his seat when Tara suddenly stood up and went in front of my father.

“This wedding cannot happen. Giselle is pregnant and the baby isn't for Jared. She can't marry Jared. I have proof,” Tara accused.

My heart jumped in fear. How did she find out?. Sonia wouldn't betray me and I had made sure to check everything. My palms were getting sweaty and I could feel my body tremble involuntarily.

“I don't believe you. Giselle won't ever make such a big mistake like that. How dare you accuse my daughter. Jared take her out of my sight this instant,” My father huffed in anger.

“You don't have to believe what I say because I have proof. That man over there,” she pointed to a man in the back row. “He is my proof,” Tara said with a smug smile on her face.

My father signaled his beta to bring the man to the front and everything clicked as soon as I saw him. He was the doctor that had confirmed my pregnancy. Tara must have paid him off. She must have also been the one that was following Sonia and I that day at the hospital.

“Is my daughter pregnant,” my father asked, his voice low and threatening.

The doctor choked out the words looking frightened. “Yes she's pregnant”

“Is the child for Jared?,” my father demanded, looking at me like he was about to kill me.

“The child isn't mine. We haven't slept together for a very long time now. I can't marry Giselle,” Jared said quickly without hesitation. Tara wrapped herself around Jared looking pleased about the situation I was in.

All hell broke loose as all the guests began to chatter at the same time. I could feel my father's anger emanating from his body and he marched towards me.

“Are you really pregnant?,” my father demanded.

I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. I don't even know the words to say to defend myself. My silence was affirmation that Tara was telling the truth and he slapped me across that face. My face stung from the slap as I blink back tears.

“Who's the father of the child?,” he roared at me.

I still couldn't say anything. How was I to tell him that I also don't know who the father of my child was. It was all over. Now I would be kicked out and left all alone.

“I'm the father of the child”

A husky voice cut through the chatter of the guests when a man in a very classy expensive suit walked into the hall. He had his hands in his pockets looking as handsome as hell. He was flanked by two men. He had a powerful aura that radiated throughout the hall that made him the focus of attention.

There was something familiar about him as he drew closer towards me. Then I instantly recognized him. It was him. He was the call boy I slept with that night. The father of my child but what was he doing here?.

“Who are you?,” Tara stood in front of him, looking displeased at the interruption. It was clear she was enjoying every bit of humiliation I was going through but now the man had interrupted everything.

He however didn't even glance at her and instead looked straight at me. Even just by looking at him I could feel myself drawn to him.

“Aren't you Alpha Cole,” my father gasped in shock looking at the call boy.

The guests erupted in another commotion again, everyone trying to get a glance of the Alpha.

“Isn't he the royal prince”

“I heard he was still at war”

“I heard he's coming back to take the throne”

I looked at him in awe as he walked slowly towards me.

Did I just get pregnant for the most powerful alpha in the pack?.

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