Chapter 5
I stood there trembling as Julianne marched towards me before grabbing a fistful of my hair and pulling me across the garden roughly. Suddenly, we stopped at the edge of the lawn, and she pointed towards the driveway which was still covered in dead grass, brown crispy leaves, and dried mud from the car's tyres.
“What do you call this!?” shrieked Julianne furiously. “I told you that I wanted your jobs done before I got back, you lazy, worthless piece of nothingness! Well!? Explain yourself!”
“I’m sorry Julianne,” I cried out loudly while trying to escape Julianne’s clutches. “I didn’t expect you to be back so soon. Let me just mow the lawn quick and I’ll be right on it!”
“Well, it’s too late! What have you been doing all morning!” Julianne screeched impatiently, finally letting me go and pushing me roughly down onto the concrete. “All you have done is prune and weed the flowers. It doesn’t take two and a half hours to do that! So, what have you been doing all this time?”
Finally, after all this time, something snapped inside me. I could feel a white hot, bubbling surge growing deeply inside me, about to erupt, like a raging fiery volcano. Deep down in my mind, I could sense Mya waking up from her slumber and focusing her attention on Julianne, her teeth bared, ready to attack. Like me, she had also had enough and now it was time to take back control. I realised that I had finally had enough of all the shit, the hurt and the drama. I wasn’t going to take Julianne’s crap, or James’s crap for that matter any more. I deserved better than this! She wasn’t my mother, and James wasn’t my father! They had no right to control me!
Inhaling a deep breath, I stood up and looked at Julianne dead in the eye, feeling the years of anger and hatred surging through my veins more furiously, knowing that what I was about to say would shock her to the core. And really, I couldn’t care less! It was about time the truth was known!
“Firstly, I think you forget who I am and who my parents were! They may be dead, but I still outrank you, even if my pack has forgotten that I exist! Which is also down to you, for keeping me hidden in this god damned house!” I snarled. “Secondly, you are not my mother, and James is not my father, so you have no right to tell me what I can and can’t do, especially concerning my wolf, who I have had to contain at your command. And thirdly, if you want to know what I have been doing all morning, then let me fill you in! When you left this morning, James very kindly beat me with his bare hand and sexually assaulted me. After, I ran to the garden to start on your measly tasks. When I had finished your flowerbeds, I went to the shed, where James promptly followed me, and proceeded to rape me, just before you turned up. James doesn’t love you. He never has and he never will. He wants to make me his special little girl! He is nothing but a dirty sex pest and I wouldn’t be surprised if he has had sex with Louisa too. Ever since my parents died, I've been bullied either at school or by you and I am not taking it anymore! I am done with the lot of you!”
Julianne stood there glaring at me, white as a ghost, unable to say a word while James stood silently beside her with his mouth open like a goldfish out of water. After several minutes, James began spluttering words, before he looked at me darkly.
“Yes, I beat her, to teach her a lesson after being cheeky to you this morning, my love,” he began loudly while glaring at me angrily, as he simpered to his girlfriend. “But the rest of what she says is all lies. I do love you, Julianne! Don’t believe her! I don’t know what she is talking about! Do you think I would ever want to go near that? Let alone rape her, when I have someone as beautiful as you!”
“It’s okay babe. I believe you. I know you wouldn’t dare do anything as disgusting as that!” Julianne simpered gently, resting her hands on James's arms, before snapping her head back towards me. “How dare you accuse my boyfriend of ever committing crimes such as these! Are you jealous that I can get any man I want when no man will ever look at you? You will pay for what you just said! I will rip you limb from limb. You will wish you had never been born!”
Gulping nervously, and feeling shocked about what I just said and done, I watched in horror as Julianne transformed into her vixen red wolf, fangs bared and dripping as she walked towards me menacingly. Growling back in warning, I shifted into my own smaller, white wolf, ignoring Julianne’s no-wolf rule, and snarled back angrily, much to Julianne’s surprise. Mya had thick shaggy fur that shone in the sunlight, while my tail and ears had jet-black tips.
Behind Julianne, I saw James quickly transform into a much larger smoky grey wolf, who quickly flanked Julianne, his fangs also bared, while a low growl echoed out of his mouth. Suddenly, a small, chocolate-brown wolf, jumped over the garden fence and started walking towards us, before coming to a stop beside Julianne. This wolf was small, but she was still slightly more bigger than Mya, but I knew instantly, who she was. 'Louisa!' She had also come to her mother's defence after hearing all of the commotion and now stood beside her mother, ready to fight.
Knowing that I was now outnumbered, and I had no knowledge of fighting a fully grown wolf, let alone three, I turned and fled down the street, fearing for my life. Humans knew about the werewolves, but our poor neighbours who were out in the street looked visibly shocked at witnessing four wolves, bounding down the road. Behind me, I could hear the ground thumping loudly as three sets of paws hit the ground furiously. It was lucky that Julianne lived right on the outskirts of the city where there was vast countryside nearby. Judging by the faces of her human neighbours, they didn't appreciate four large wolves bounding down the street in broad daylight.
I wasted no time in clearing a small wooden fence and began running across the grassy fields, with the three wolves in hot pursuit. I was fast but as I glanced over my shoulder, I realised the wolves were gaining on me. Julianne was in the lead, with Louisa behind her while James bought up the rear. I knew that if I stopped running, or even slowed, I’d be dead. There was no messing around this time. Julianne was hellbent on revenge for me shaming her new beau and I knew she wouldn’t stop until my heart had stopped beating. I kept running faster and faster, finally relieved that Mya was finally free. I could feel the hard ground under my paws and the wind whistling through my silky white fur, which only spurred me on. As I looked up, I saw a large forest quickly approaching. I planned on using the dense undergrowth and the thick, knotted trees for cover, hoping I could find somewhere to hide until James, Julianne and Louisa had gone. I could feel my legs beginning to slow as my muscles began to ache and become heavy. My lungs felt heavy as my body longed for water but I wasn't safe yet.
Willing my body to go on, I darted into the trees before tripping over a stray branch on the floor and tumbling clumsily down a large debris-covered bank before landing with a heavy thump on the forest floor. Too exhausted to move, I lay there, panting heavily, filling my lungs with much-needed oxygen. I could hear my blood whooshing loudly in my ears and my heart pounding wildly in my chest. A loud wolf howl in the distance made me look up and finally take in my surroundings. The forest seemed unfamiliar, and I wasn’t sure where I was. A rustling noise above me made me glance up in fear and I saw the trio's heads pop up over the bank's edge as they peered down at me, all three snarling furiously.
Just as James lowered one paw down over the edge and began to step down to make his descent towards me, the noise of several twigs snapping made him stop and freeze in fear. I swivelled my head towards the sound and saw several large brown wolves slinking towards me with their heads low, fangs bared and growling in unison at me. As I glanced back up at James, Julianne and Louisa once more, wondering which option would be the safest, I watched as they quietly disappeared out of sight, leaving me with the strange unknown wolves, my fate in their hands.