Chapter 3
The walk home was silent. I initially tried to ask Chris questions, but he grunted. He gave me nothing. I asked him why he was the one to bring me to the hospital, grunt. I asked him why he was there now, grunt. I asked him where my parents were, grunt. So, the rest of the walk was spent in silence.
When we finally reached my home, I paused, wondering if I should invite him for a snack or beverage. I’m sure my parents weren’t home; if they were, they wouldn’t care. They never cared about anything I did, not even if it was healing in a hospital from a mate bond rejection.
Chris decided for me. “I have training. You should start trying to make yourself useful now and come to training when you’re feeling better.”
I glared. “I was thinking about working outside. I’m not sure I’m much of a fighter.”
“Do both. You’re weak. It’s probably why Zeke rejected you.”
I gasped, the sting of his words hitting me full force. I wanted to slap him, but he’d overpower me instantly, and I knew better. “Why are you so cruel to me?”
“To get you to fight. You let everyone walk all over you. You always have. Especially Zeke. It’s time you started standing up for yourself, Vivid.”
“Your aura is so vivid but you let it become so dull around Zeke. I have to go. Training. Tomorrow. 5am. I’ll be here to get you at 4:30.”
With that, he took off running. I stared at him. This was the most we had spoken without hurling insults at each other since…ever. And I’m not even sure if what he said was an insult or not. Vivid? Aura? Zeke walking all over me?
I turned and walked towards my house, latching the gate behind me. When I entered, I could hear the tv in my parents’ room. “I’m home!”
“Dinner is in the microwave, honey. Hope you’re feeling better.” My mom called out.
So they did know I was in the hospital. Spot on for their level of care. I opened the microwave to seeing a slab of unidentifiable meat, probably meatloaf, gooey mashed potatoes, and some corn. Looks like it was a tv dinner kind of night tonight. I’d go grocery shopping tomorrow.
I made my way back to my room where I placed my Zeke box on my desk and started rummaging through it, picking out each memory and trying to recall the words Chris had said to me. Especially Zeke.
The first item that I removed was a stuffed goldfish I had won Zeke at a carnival that had come through town. I had spent near $50 to win it for Zeke. He had the memory of a goldfish so it had been important I had specifically won that goldfish. When I had finally won it and shown him my prize, he’d be disappointed I hadn’t gotten the spotted goldfish. When I went to exchange it, the carny was an ass and refused. Zeke acted like it didn’t bother him though. It was fine. He just liked the spotted one.
The next item I pulled out was a friendship bracelet I had braided for Zeke. That he never wore. The next item was a shirt I bought Zeke. That he never wore. A hat, he never wore. A cologne, he never wore.
As I withdrew each item, I started to note every unused item, every memory of Zeke being annoyed at me. Small memories of annoyance. Did I just not know Zeke? Did I annoy him? Did I never get him anything he liked?
Chris was getting in my head. I was questioning 14 years of friendship now. The mate rejection was messing with my head already and now Chris. Something was going on and I was going to get to the bottom of it.