Spy on Agatha!!!

The study room was just adjacent to the father's room. Bella vamoosed into the study room with a lump in her throat.

As she sat down on the chair opposite her father, she silently prayed that her inner fears were never confirmed.

The study room was silent save for the flipping of the books left by the window side. The long silence made her more nervous.

After some time he began, "I don't blame you for staying out last night but I am just slightly afraid" then paused again. "You're an adult, so I don't expect you not to have a friend or anyone that you will visit but I just to want to know"

Bella tightened her grip on her wrists. What is he going to say? She could feel her heart shaking in her chest. Without knowing, tears ran down her face.

The father stood up and his once fatherly care expression suddenly disappeared. His face formed a scowl and his arms akimbo.

"I am sorry Dad" she managed to say.

The tears on her face didn't make a difference to the father as he began his words carefully. "Look here Bella, I'll sponsor you and support you in becoming a top actress like you wanted".

Bella looked at her father with shock, what did he just say? Sponsor and support her? Is this a dream of some sort?

"D...D... Dad, what are you saying? You'll sponsor me?"

"Yes, I'll sponsor you in fulfilling your dream as well as your mum's but on one condition!"

The lone ray of hope and happiness that just ignited in her mind slowly died down. "What condition?"

Cartersville Trump became silent and paced the study room for some time. Bella sat on the chair with apprehension, what condition could he have before he could help her?

"Dad? Say something...." She Called but the father seems to be deliberating in his heart whether to Talk or not.

Then he spoke up... "SPY ON AGATHA!"

Bella looked up to her father. She stood up from the chair and advanced towards her father. Her tears are now dried. Cartersville Trump made sure that there was no caring expression on his face or else his daughter would think he was joking.

"Dad, what are you saying? Spy on what? Which Agatha?"

"Agatha! The Mafia group! Their young boss is threatening my life and wants to see my end.

“Spy on what? Which of the Agatha’s? Bella enquired in a shaky voice. She couldn't fathom what her father was suddenly talking about.

“Agatha, the mafia group! I want you to spy on them and give me all the information about their invincible young boss and expose his dubious activities”

Bella froze. Why should her such a hard test before he could help her? She knows the Agatha he was talking about. Who else in Liverpool hasn’t heard of Agatha?

They are cruel, whenever an employee from the Agatha group of company is, respect and fear follow. They trained bodyguards and even had many informants among the law enforcement agents.

They are not unknown or invincible. But their boss is! nobody knows who the mastermind behind them is.

Bella shook his father by the hand to jerk him awake if he was still in some kind of slumber or sleeptalking. “Dad, what are you saying? I should spy on what? Agatha? Why would I do that? Did you want to see me dead that soon?”

Catersville Trump’s face held no expression than an ‘I don’t care’ face. “I mean it, Bella! You must uncover the face of Agatha Boss before I can help you”

“Then don’t! Don’t help me anymore! I am your daughter's dad and you can’tsponsorr me without collecting anything in return? This is unfair Dad” BellaTrumpp screamed with a bawl.

Her father knitted his brows like he was angered at her outburst. The tears that streamed down her face made no difference to him as she sobbed.

“Nothing goes for nothing Bella! If you want to act then you must spy on Agatha!” he repeated his same proposal this time with some pronounced leniency.

Bella cleaned her face, even though the tears from her face were still ticking down. “But I am your daughter Dad. Did all fathers ask something from their daughters before they could help them? Why must I go there? Can’t you send Bianca?”

As a thunderbolt would rush through a flimsy door to strike, Mrs. Linda dashed into the room with great force. “Over my dead body will my Bianca become a sacrificial meat!”

Bella and her father were surprised. Was she listening to their conversation?

The woman continued.

“I am saying it Carter; I will not let my daughter go to Agatha or anywhere near Agatha. Let your daughter go there and she can as well die there, I don’t care”

Mr Carter became silent. He walked back to the chair and sat down. The boss of Agatha had shown him a lot of shits and he had made loses a lot. If he missed the opportunity of letting Bella go, then he would never be able to catch the rascal.

At Agatha group of companies. A man was lying on the floor with a golf club dug into his throat. Miguel Rodriguez had his left foot on his stomach while digging the golf club into the man’s throat deeper.

“Ross! I used to trust you above others and you’re very efficient! But last night you fell my hand !”

Ross made a croaking sound as he lay under his boss’s shoe with a golf club shoved down his throat. He didn’t dare try to struggle with his boss. He knows how rascal Miguel Romero could be.

“Answer me! Who is that woman that you brought here? Where did you bring her from?” he yelled as he removed the golf club walked towards his seat and sat down.

Ross quickly stood on his feet and faced his boss.

“Answer me!”

“Yes Boss, after tracking down our client, that she has some connections with Cartersville Trump that incumbent man, I had my men monitoring everyone around his house. We took that wrong woman last night because she is always around Carter’s Mansion and even looks like our Original client” Ross reported.

‘SHOOT!’ a pen ran from Miguel’s seat and bore into Ross’s heart. He winced in pain but he didn’t dare touch it or try to remove it.

“How can you pick anyone based on assumptions?” He asked.

He pinged some numbers on the telecom, and another fierce man entered. “Yes Boss”

“Take this imbecile and place him on CTA-72986 for three days! He has to learn his lessons”

“Yes Boss”

After Ross and the other person left, he pinged another number, then another man came in.

“Yes Boss”

“I want every information on the lady that was brought to me last night!”

“Yes Boss”

The man left the room after bowing to the boss.

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