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Chapter 6: Compete with Michael for a Woman

Charles took a drag from his smoke, eyes half-lidded. "What's up? Got a problem?"

They were all tongue-tied.

This was a huge deal!

Sawyer couldn't hold it in anymore and blurted out, "Dude, everyone knows Anna's Michael's girl. You really wanna go toe-to-toe with him over her?"

Especially since Michael had been spoiling Anna for eight years.

Everyone in the high society knew Michael had Anna wrapped around his finger.

Anna had been studying abroad and was now back, personally invited by the director of Radiant Life Hospital.

Everyone thought Michael and Anna were about to tie the knot, so how did Charles and Anna end up hitched?

Listening to Sawyer, a cold glint flashed in Charles's eyes.

He flicked the ash off his cigarette and said nonchalantly, "Yeah, I know, but that's old news. From now on, Anna's just my wife."

Sawyer and the others exchanged looks, not expecting that.

Mark asked, "You serious?"

Charles chuckled, "We've got the marriage certificate and went public. How much more serious can it get?"

The room went silent.

Sawyer looked at his phone screen, where the marriage certificate was front and center.

After a bit, Sawyer turned off his phone and asked, "Charles, why'd you marry Anna? She's been with Michael for eight years, and you don't care?"

Charles put out his cigarette, thinking about last night, and grinned. "Why would I care?"

Everything about her was now his; Michael was history.

Sawyer was a bit taken aback.

"What do you see in Anna?" Mark asked.

Charles thought for a second and said, "She's soft and tender, and I wanna sleep with her."

Did Charles really have to be so blunt?

Anna was drop-dead gorgeous; what guy wouldn't want her?

And now Charles had snagged her!

Sawyer saw Mark's regretful and envious look, chuckled to himself, and switched the topic.

"I'm more curious why Anna ditched Michael and got hitched to Charles."

At this point, Ethan, who'd been quiet, finally spoke up, "I've heard some rumors lately."

Sawyer swirled his wine and looked at him. "Spill."

Ethan said, "I heard that eight years ago, when Michael went after Anna, he had some shady motives."

Mark frowned. "Eight years ago, Anna's parents died. She was just a kid. What could Michael's deal be?"

Ethan shrugged. "Not sure about the details, but it seems tied to some old family grudges."

Hearing this, Sawyer said thoughtfully, "If it's really about old grudges, Michael took eight years to get his revenge. That's some serious patience."

Mark's eyes narrowed. "Even though we're not tight with Michael, we've heard about his rep. You think a big shot like him would pamper his enemy's daughter for eight years just for revenge?"

Sawyer didn't answer.

He didn't know how to.

There seemed to be a lot of changes brewing within the Tudor family lately. But Michael had kept it all hush-hush, so there was zilch about him and Anna out there.

While Sawyer and the crew were hashing out Anna and Michael's past, Charles stayed mum. He leaned back on the couch, one hand on his forehead, the other fiddling with his phone, eyes half-closed.

It was like he was listening, but also lost in his own world.

Meanwhile, in a café.

Aurora Brown had already ordered two coffees. Seeing Anna walk in, she waved, "Anya, over here."

Anya was Anna's nickname.

Hardly anyone knew it, not even Michael.

Aurora was Anna's childhood bestie. They used to be inseparable as kids.

After the Howard family drama, Anna went abroad to study while Aurora stayed in Crystal City. Despite the distance, their bond only grew stronger.

Aurora had snagged a window seat, perfect for people-watching the busy street outside.

Seeing Anna flop onto the sofa, Aurora teased, "What? Mr. Percy too good in bed, and you couldn't get up?"

Anna rubbed her temples. "How'd you know it was Charles?"

Aurora tossed her phone in front of her. "Apex Holdings made it public."

Anna froze. She stared at the clear image of the marriage certificate, momentarily stunned.

But soon, her face went back to normal.

Aurora crossed her legs, propped her chin on her elbow, and eyed Anna. "Spill it."

Anna looked up.

Aurora asked first, "What's the deal with you and Mr. Tudor?"

Others might not get the Michael-Anna dynamic, but Aurora had seen their eight years together and knew it all. How did it flip so suddenly?

Thinking back on the past few days, Anna's voice was low, tinged with a weariness she couldn't shake.

"He showed up back then, not by chance."

Aurora was puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"He said my parents caused his dad's death."

"No way."

Anna came from a family of medical legends, renowned for generations. Especially her parents, who were famous academicians in the country.

Anna's parents had saved countless lives and solved numerous medical mysteries. How could such legendary figures have caused Michael's dad's death?

Anna shook her head. "I don't know the details yet. That's all he told me."

Aurora snapped back to reality and asked, "If that's true, then what were these eight years about?"

Anna couldn't wrap her head around Michael's intentions.

Or maybe, she never really understood him from the start.

"His revenge might be twisted, like building me up just to tear me down, savoring the power trip."

Aurora's first reaction was, "No way."

For eight years, Michael's love and care for Anna had made even her, a single gal, envious.

But on second thought, it wasn't impossible.

Aurora was a journalist and had interviewed many big shots in Crystal City. She'd heard a lot about Michael. They said he was handsome and loaded, a rising star in the business world.

But they also said he was ruthless and cold-blooded.

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