Chapter 5 Grace
The steady hum of an engine wakes me up from the solid darkness of sleep. The drugs that had my limbs numbed and weakened slowly fades from my system. With each passing minute I am able to move just a little bit of my body at a time starting with my tail, then my paws until finally I am able to have full control of my body with just a little sluggishness in my limbs. I let out a long growl filled with anger as I think about the little trick the Alpha pulled with the Omega, pissed at the man that is supposed to lead our pack and pissed at myself for letting my guard down. I should have been on high alert even within Silver Birch as I am an eye sore to the Alpha. A she-wolf with an opinion is not one many males want to keep around.
The humming under my paws alerted me to the situation. I lay in a small cage barely big enough to for me to move around in wolf form but would be perfect for me in human form if it weren't for the drugs keeping me from shifting. Another cage is situated right against my own but due to the tarp that covers mine and keeps me safe from most of the harsh elements I can not make out the occupant beside me. With a deep breath I focus on scenting the air to figure out who else fought against going to The Run until the scent of strawberries and pine -the familiar scent of Amelia, daughter to the Alpha of my pack – hits my nose. I think I now know why Amelia wasn't at the meeting. I think sadly as I stretch my limbs, happy to be drug free. I want to see if Amelia is okay, if she was beaten by her father before being caged but I am stuck inside my own prison and can barely see past the tarp, I am left to focus on my own stiff body at the moment.
It is pathetic really.
The fact that they would cage a grown woman just to prove a point in the era we call the twenty-first century where women have rights disgusts me. Unfortunately, due to the way the packs are ruled by the Alpha King, I have no choice but to comply with the patriotic ways of werewolf society. What I would give just to be human. To be able to live a more normal and free life. Even being a rogue would be a better option than being part of a pack as rogues only show up to the event if they want to.
Taking a deep breath to calm my anger many scents rush into my nose and a smirk spreads on my muzzle with the realization of us being in the outskirts of my pack near the edge of the border; outside of it to be exact. If I can knock this cage onto the ground, I will be set free and given a chance to run away and hide from the event that would take place soon for mateless wolves. With that thought in mind I crouch, focusing on the center of the bars and leap forward, feeling triumphant until I touched the metal that greet me and howl with pain.
Of course the bars would be silver; it sadly is the Kryptonite to us werewolves. Silver is the only way to keep us locked inside the stupid cages or to harm us in any way, even kill us sadly. Many Hunters who know of the supernatural races use silver to harm us and even kill us for rewards. It is something we feared – vampires, witch, fae and werewolves alike.
With a whimper I stand, shaking my fur out as the scent of burnt skin fills my sense. Quietly I pad towards the spot I awoke in and sit in the center, waiting for when my cage will be opened, most likely at the start of The Run. Judging by the moon, tomorrow night will be when it takes place, sooner then I hoped but sadly, it will happen no matter what.
[Amelia?] I call out through the link, trying to reach my best friend. I wait, receiving nothing but silence and worry gnaws at me.
[Amelia can you hear me?] I ask a little more frantic while looking towards her cage. Sounds of someone stirring beside me brings a slight relief and I wonder if the dosage of drugs injected into her was higher than the ones I receive.
[Grace?] Her voice is weak, barely audible through the link, but Amelia soon reaches out and I am relieved. Thank the Goddess she did not overdose on the drugs.
[Amelia, are you okay?] I ask, hearing a slight whimper in response.
[No. Alpha sent Bryden away on a suicide mission. I haven't eaten anything in days.] She answers, her voice slowly growing quieter. I suppress a growl, wanting to sink my teeth into the man that fathered her more than ever. Bryden is the man Amelia loves, the man she wants to mate with. The fact the Alpha would separate them all because he wants his daughter to be claimed the old fashion way is disgusting.
[Go back to sleep then Amelia. Try to conserve as much energy as you can for now.] I coo to the she-wolf, wanting to curl around her and help take away her pain.
[Okay Grace.] she meekly agrees before silence settles between us. I listen until my friend falls back asleep and sigh, sending a prayer to the Moon Goddess to help Amelia metabolize the drugs before we reach the event. Hopefully she can get some form of food when we arrive or else Amelia will be in trouble.
I let out a small huff of breath I curl up into a ball and think of what I can do to win the bet and keep Amelia safe, watching the scene change through the small opening between where the tarp doesn't those damned silver bars. Looking out the bars of the cage I take in the night sky and take a deep breath. I know just by looking out towards the night sky with an almost full moon I had slept for a day, maybe two. It is easy to tell with the fresh scent of rain that still lingered in the air - rain that was forecasted the night of the meeting to be arriving by Tuesday morning. The night quickly give way to morning as time passes; the indigo sky coming alive with the hues of gold, orange, red, pink and violet as the sun claimed its glory.
The Run waits for me silently to join in a few hours now and if I want to win the bet with the Alpha, then I would have to rest and save my strength. So I let the safety of sleep surround my mind willingly as whoever drives the truck carted me to the worst event ever.
One that may even change my life and fate if I allow it to.