Chapter 3
An hour later, at exactly three o'clock, I received Richard's text informing me of his arrival. I was done with plotting, drawing up character arcs for my book, and had been waiting eagerly. The second I got the notification, I stood up and took a deep breath, mentally preparing myself to see him again. My chest was suddenly on fire, goosebumps spreading all over my body. Good goosebumps. I didn't head outside immediately, waiting back for a few minutes.
Grabbing my purse, I locked my office and headed toward the entrance, sighting him from far off as he leaned against his car, fiddling with his phone. He'd brought his Lexus today. With each step I took, my heart raced faster and faster, the sound growing louder and louder, drowning me in it.
How could a man look...so out of this world? So fucking perfect?
Every time I saw him felt like the first.
I pause for a minute, and inhale deeply, taking him in. I'd memorized his soft features like the back of my hand. That silky blonde hair, that well-defined jawline, those cerulean blue eyes that are identical to Talia's — the most beautiful eyes I'd ever seen. It wasn't fair that he got even more handsome and attractive as we grew older. Each time I saw him, he felt a little more out of reach. Like he was right there, in front of me, but I couldn't get to him. It made my chest tighten, made me even more sad.
As though he could feel my eyes on him, he looked up just then, and our gaze collided. He slipped his phone back into his pocket and straightened, a warm smile transforming his face, making me lose my breath.
I closed the distance between us, my knees weak. "Hey," I said quietly, trying to sound breezy. He pulled the door open, grinning. I couldn't resist smiling back at him as I clambered into the car, breathing in the smell of new leather and his deep, manly cologne. There was a good chance that I would regret giving in to this shopping idea later, but until then, I was going to make sure I enjoyed every second of it with him.
"So, where are going?" I asked when he got in beside me, his brawny hands wrapped around the steering wheel.
He exhaled, leaning his head back against the headrest. I couldn't blink when he tilted his head toward me. "Elena," he called softly, sounding frustrated. My heartbeat picked up, a thousand miles per minute now. It was so sickening how he had me spellbound whenever he called my name. The world always faded away, leaving me and him alone. "What's wrong? Why don't we see each other anymore?"
He looked genuinely distraught, as though he really had missed me, and that fire I keep trying to put out, reignites once more, stronger this time.
"It's nothing, Richy. I've just been battling writer's block. I've been busy." My voice is low, almost weak, even though I was telling the truth. "I've never been so stressed about my writing career as I am now. I've been trying to cure my block, brainstorming long hours. My readers need me. It's been three years since I got a book out. I'm scared of so many things. I'm scared they wouldn't find the next book as good as the last, or the others. Some days, I don't even eat. Some days I can't sleep. Failure feels so... crippling."
A flash of guilt glows in his eyes, but it's only for a brief moment. So brief, I almost didn't see it. He nodded and dragged his eyes away, a look of concern in his eyes as he revved up the car. "Don't push yourself too hard, Elena. Your mental and physical health is more important than getting out the next best seller. You can't always be so worried about your writing, to the point that you barely eat. No wonder you're looking so tired. Apart from work, you also need to have a social life. Tell me, when was the last time you visited home to see your parents?"
I forced a smile onto my face and crossed my arms over my chest, thinking about the best way to lie to him without him detecting it. The older I got, the more strained my relationship with my parents got. Not that they loved having me around, anyways. Their entire world revolved around Sarah, and her hot, busy life. I hated going where I wasn't welcomed. It was my home, I knew, but I didn't feel like I belonged there. My mother always made sure of that. "I do have a social life. Talia dropped by my office an hour ago," I said confidently. "I do have other friends too who I do meet up every once in a while."
He stared at me for a long moment, like he always did as though he could see through my lies and deception, but choosed not to press further.
"What do you intend to get her this year?" I asked him after a few minutes' silence had passed between us.
He glanced back at me with a grin. "What do you think she'd like? Some hospital equipment she's been raving about lately? Medical books?"
I scrunched up my face. "Ew. Do you know your girlfriend at all? Sarah's not nerdy like me."
He exhaled. "Jewelry?"
I nodded. "That's more like it. She'd love a new statement piece. Or that new diamond necklace from La Ganza."
He blinked at me with such a blank expression, I couldn't hold myself from bursting out in laughter. He shook his head, his eyes glittering. "You looked so... Oh Jesus. You're so funny, Richy."
"It's been a while since I heard you laugh," he said seriously. "I didn't realize I missed it. It sounds so nostalgic."
My laughter died away instantly, and I pursed my lips, shifting my gaze to my lap, my heart aching. I wish he didn't say things like that. He saw him as his best friend, and future sister-in-law, but whenever he dropped sweet lines like that, it made me hope dangerously. Like he was leading me on without ever knowing. I tightened my hold on my purse, and exhaled, my head pounding now. "Sarah's obsessed with diamonds. La Ganza has some really good pieces. They're the best jewelry store in all of Manhattan."
"I've heard of them before from Phillip." He grinned at me. "How about I just let you pick?"
I gave him a pointed look. "Like you let me do every year? She's your girl for fuck's sake, Richard. You should know what she'd love."
"Well, I don't, so you're picking it for me. Pretty please," he pleaded, making a sickening puppy-eyed face.
I groaned. "Okay, fine."
"You're the best!" he bumped the steering wheel in glee, then drove carefully into La Ganza's parking lot. He jumped out, rushing around it so he could open the door for me, offering me his hand. I took it and stepped out of his car, my eyes on his.
A flash of light, followed by the sound of a camera click startled us both, and I turned to my side to find a paparazoo that has been stalking my lately smirking at me.
"What the fuck," Richard gritted out, taking a step toward him, but the paparazoo bolted off, quicker than lightening. "That idiot — "
I held onto Richard's arm, preventing him from going after the brute. "Leave him. He's not worth it. Let's just... let's just go inside. Come on."