I picked up a small piece of metal beside me and marked a tally on the wall beside my bed. It's been a week since I was rejected by my only friend, Denver. After I was revived from my unconscious state, I was taken to the cabin meant for rejected mates who would soon turn rogue, it was located outside the pack and led to the forest so the rogue can run into the forest. The rogue transformation usually took a maximum of three days but seven days has passed and I was yet to transform.
I was shocked and couldn't understand what was going on, I have witnessed wolves in the pack turn rogue before, no one has ever survived it so why was I different?
My heart ached when I thought of Denver, my friendship with him was all a lie and I have already accepted the fact that I was alone from the beginning. I was ready to accept the madness and live a useless life till death called for me. But it's been a week and I felt healthy and normal. If the pack or any wolf at all found out about this, there would be an uproar and I would probably be dissected like a lab rat so they could find out why. It's a good thing that no one was allowed to come to the cabin except soon-to-be rogues, they only come to check and clean up after one week.
Wait! One week…
It should be one week today since I was rejected, some pack members would arrive at any time now thinking I had already turned rogue and left. If they see me here then…
I jumped up from the bed in alarm and rushed out of the cabin, I need to run and go somewhere far away from the pack, somewhere that the pack would never see me. The day anyone recognizes me is the day my secret will be exposed.
I pushed my legs to run faster through the forest, my heart was being fast but I didn't dare to stop. I could only run because I couldn't shift, I needed to leave the premises of the cabin or else someone from the pack would catch my scent. After running for two hours, my legs ached and I was forced to slow down. It was getting dark, I decided to take a rest by the side before continuing on my journey.
Just then I heard the heavy rattling of leaves and growling that alerted me, I got up and looked around keenly trying the find the source of the noise. I have not seen a single soul in the forest since I started my journey which I was very relieved about. I was an Omega and fighting wasn't my forte.
I sniffed the air, an awful smell attacked my nose. The smell reminded me of rogues, there was a rogue nearby. I needed to run away unnoticed or else I might turn to food for it. I went in the opposite direction of the noise, walking slowly and quietly and praying that the moon goddess help me just this once and that's when I unknowningly stepped on a twig that snapped loudly. The growling became fiercer and seemed to be heading in my direction, there was no need to be quiet anymore so I took off running.
The rogue pursued and with every second, it was gaining on me. “Damn this human legs” I cursed. I have never felt so frustrated about not being able to shift like this before. At this rate I knew I would be caught in a few seconds, it was ironic that I survived turning to a rogue but would eventually be killed by a rogue. I looked at my side, it was right behind me. Instead of running, I stopped and picked up an arm length log from the ground. Immediately I turned, it lunged at me, its mangy body pushed me to the ground hard. My head hit a rock and dark spot littered my vision but I ignored the pain of the impact and raised the log I was holding to block its teeth from coming closer to me. The rogue screeched angrily as it struggled to pry the wood off its mouth, I quickly grabbed a handful of sand and threw it at its red eyes, that should stall it for a few minutes. I began pulling myself from under its rotting body when I felt pain in my leg. The rogue had caught my leg with its claws…
I had underestimated it, I was welcomed instead by a very enraged demented animal. The log was out of its mouth and its eyes was fiery red expressing its rage. My body weakened in despair as I watched him growl at me with renewed vigour, what this really the end?
The rogue raised his claws high in the air, ready to swipe at my face, I closed my eyes waiting for it to happen, perhaps my fate was to die anyway.
But I waited for five more seconds and nothing happened, I opened my eyes and couldn't find the rogue in front of me anymore. I tried to stand up but a bout of dizziness assaulted me, I turned to the side and saw another wolf with a silver grey fur that radiated under the moonlight. The wolf and the rogue was engaged in a fierced battle but I could barely keep my eyes open, my leg stung badly leaking hot red liquid from the gash. I just laid on the ground staring at the full moon and fighting to stay awake. I could hear the distant growls, whines and thuds, and then the noise stopped.
The approaching footsteps made my heart fill with dread, I was too weak to see if it was the wolf or the rogue that won. I braced myself to be ready for anything.
“Hey, are you okay? What am I saying, off course you are not okay” a pair of ashy grey eyes greeted me, his shiny blonde hair fell over his face as he raised me up and carried me in bridal style. He was very handsome with his sharp jawline and muscular build, his eyes was hypnotic pulling me in a trance.
“Don't worry, I'm going to take you somewhere safe, you are going to be fine… just stay with me” He said. He was running but my small body was held steady and didn't even shake.
“You are soooo strong” I slurred out as my eyes threatened to close any second. I felt strangely safe in his arms, the same way I used to feel with Denver.
He looked at me with slight amusement and chuckled, “Um… thanks? Hey, hey stay awake, stay with me” he shook me a little to jerk me awake but it was a second too late, I already gave in to the peaceful abyss that called me.
‘Mate’ my head screamed at me and my wolf purred in delight. And then it all went black…