Chapter 4 - Violet
Well, it seems the day is here. Aunt Della has been ringing around the werewolf packs that were linked to my Dad's family. Who knew there were so many werewolf packs in the country that are not known about!
And surprise surprise, my family yet again did not want to know. If you can call them family when they treat you like that. My Dad had certainly pissed off his family by deserting his pack. Even his death was not enough to allow forgiveness. Yet surely they would see it as him protecting his wife, would they not? She was being picked on, pushed out by the others in the pack because she was not the same as them, so he did what he felt he should to keep her safe. Surely that is an honourable thing to do, is it not?! I truly do not see why his family are so hard on my Dad's choices. Or was there more to it than I knew?
But as it turned out, there was an elderly aunt of my Dad's at a werewolf camp a couple of hours away from Aunt Della's house. Having spoken to my Aunt, she was willing to help, especially when she realised there was nobody else willing to help me. So now I was being packed off to Autumn Moon Pack. And I was not happy. I had hoped beyond all hope that nobody would be willing to help. But instead, this sweet old Aunt Lena had messed up my hopes.
I had packed up my things, though I plan to go and learn what I need to learn and then, once that is done, move away and live out of pack like my Dad did. Aunt Della and I had driven across the country to the pack in an almost silence, I guess dreading the fact we were leaving one another, and were now approaching the gates.
"Not too late to turn around and forget about it, you know?" I joke with my Aunt.
"As much as I would like that sweetheart, you know this needs to be done. You need to learn about this. Learn about your Dad's history." She smiles sadly.
"A history he didn't even like that much." I mutter.
After driving down a long lane, we are stopped at the gates by a tall dark-haired man. He looks pretty intimidating, I have to say.
"Can I help you?" he asks as Aunt Della opens the car window to him.
"Here to see Lena, and your Alpha." She tells him.
"He expecting you?" the guy asks with a puzzled look on his face.
"I sure hope so" Aunt Della rolls her eyes at me as she speaks.
"Drive through the gate to the main building, the Packhouse at the bottom of the driveway" the guy, I assume a guard, says to us. "Alpha will be waiting there with Lena to meet you"
Wait, how does he know that? He hasn't called them. He hasn't spoken to anyone, so how does he know that? I find myself thinking as we set off.
The guard opens the gate for us and Aunt Della drives through, continuing the drive toward the pack. It looks nice enough to look at. Well looked after. Like a little village, I guess. Lots of trees, and grassy areas, houses all spread out along pretty little streets. The road we are driving along is quiet at the moment, but I can see a large building at the end of it. I assume the main building, The Packhouse the guard mentioned. Where my new future awaits me. Or my future for the next few months at least.
I am a quick learner. Hopefully, it will only take a few months and I can learn all I need to learn, then they will let me leave again. That is what I am banking on. Praying and hoping that is what can happen.
Aunt Della pulls up in the car park outside of the large building. Standing on the steps leading to the main door of the large building is an elderly woman and a younger man, maybe in his early 20s with blond hair and built like he spends every single minute of the day in the gym! I don't think you would want to piss that guy off!
"Hi Violet, Hi Della. I am Alpha Lachlan Taylor." The man says, his voice full of authority and power.
I simply smile. I can't be bothered with this. I don't even want to be here. Surely they can just let me go home with my other Aunt, learn what I need and go again?
"Hi Alpha Lachlan. Nice to meet you. We spoke on the phone. Thanks for arranging this for Violet. As you are aware, her father wanted her to have the correct support as she goes into this next stage of her life, and I don't have that ability." Aunt Della smiles sweetly at the Alpha.
He smiles at her too. "Of course, no problem. I realise it will be a bit strange for you to begin with Violet, but I hope you come to see Autumn Moon Pack as a new home"
"Hmmm" I nod.
A tall dark-haired man, likely in his early 20s like the Alpha, walked out of the Packhouse at that moment. His eyes met mine, and he froze for a moment. Looking puzzled.
"We got some newcomers, Alpha Lachlan?" he smiles.
"This is Violet. I told you about her coming to stay with our pack, remember? Violet, this is the pack Beta. Which is the second in command of a werewolf pack. So this is Beta Tate." The Alpha speaks.
The man I now know is called Beta Tate smiles at me, his face lights up with his smile. He too is broad and muscly, like the alpha, though maybe not quite to the same extent. He has chocolatey brown eyes. And his skin was decorated with a few tattoos.
"Well, the room is sorted for her anyway, Lach" the Beta says to the Alpha.
"Room? Am I not staying with my Aunt?" I ask, suddenly paying attention to the two of them. Surely I would be living with my new Aunt, would I not? Like I do now.
"Your Aunt's house is not big enough for you to stay I am afraid, hunni" Beta Tate says. "So we set you a room up in the packhouse."
So I am not even staying with family? I am staying in the packhouse?! No, this gets worse.
"But…" I begin, unsure of what to say.
"It is ok, you won't be bothered there, Violet. And you are welcome to visit my house anytime you need" Aunt Lena says.
"Well, are we going to get her things carried to her room then, boys? Or are we standing outside all day? As I have a drive home to do before it gets dark, unfortunately" Aunt Della says with a chuckle.
Alpha Lachlan smiles at her " Of course. You know you can visit her anytime you like as well, Della, or call me if you are worried about Violet. But we will teach her everything she needs to learn. We are assuming she will have the shifter genes from her father, and shift on or around her 17th birthday. She will have our support."
"Can I visit her too?" I ask him.
"Erm, not initially. We need to wait until you have shifted, I think, Violet. But you call as often as you like and your Aunt is welcome here whenever she wants to come" Alpha smiles.
"Even though she is human?" I ask with a frown.
Alpha looks at me with his eyebrows raised. "You got something you want to get off your chest there Violet?"
"Just curious. Seeing as my dad left his pack as they didn't treat my Mum too good with her being human and not a werewolf like him." I say bluntly, not caring if I piss him off. Maybe if I do he won't let me stay.
I see the Beta smirk at his friend. Is he finding me amusing?
"Well, we aren't like that here. This isn't your Dad's old pack, hunni. And your Aunt is welcome anytime, so long as she lets us know so we can let the guards at the gate know to let her in." Alpha says with a smile.
"Vi, please give this a go, this is what your Dad wanted darling. Don't be stubborn, and listen to what they tell you. Ok?" Aunt Della says as she kisses me on the cheek, I see tears building in her eyes.
"Are you going?" I ask.
"I need to sweetheart. Lena will look after you now, and these guys too. Let's get your bags and boxes from the car." She tells me, walking away.
Dear diary…
Well, we came to the place I will be moving to. A werewolf pack. Looks like a normal town to be fair. Though I don't know what I actually expected if I am honest. But it looks nice enough, not that I want to stay, or plan to stay. Aunt Della dropped me off, and it was hell seeing her leave. She is my only family now, or that is how it feels, but apparently, I actually have members of my Dad's family who didn't want to know us.
So they can quite honestly fuck off. One of which is an elderly aunt at this pack. Which is why I have ended up being here. She has said she would help me. I don't really know what went on with my Dad and his family, but there must have been something for them not to talk and hate each other that much that none of them wanted to help his orphaned daughter. That makes them fucked up in my mind.
Met the guy in charge. He is called an Alpha apparently. He looks like he is beefed up on steroids quite honestly. But Aunt D told me that is normal for an Alpha from her research and it is nothing to do with steroids, they are just naturally bigger when they are an Alpha. But he seems a nice enough guy, this Alpha Lachlan, though I don't plan on staying here, so I couldn't care less. Met his second in command I guess you call them, which is a Beta see I am learning already (yeah sarcasm).
This Beta seems a decent enough guy. Quite young looking, pretty good looking to be fair. Some decent tattoos. And a wicked sense of humour.
Also, found out they seem to know a little about my Dad. They appear to be implying things weren't quite the way my Dad made out. They have no issues with humans at this pack either, or that is what the Alpha said which I found odd. That was a reason Aunt D told me my Dad moved him and Mum away from the pack he was from. So surely all werewolves are the same aren't they? Or was my Dad not truthful?
I plan to be finding out from them what I could, as Aunt D seems reluctant to tell me about my Dad and his past, if these guys know things, maybe they will tell me. Or maybe I can ask this new Aunt that lives here if I spend time with her.