Chapter 6 Back to school
We are having a good time at the restaurant. The boys are thrilled when they receive their farewell present, a vast round cake—at least, we all think that. However, when Dad encourages them to remove the decoration from the top of the cake, we all realize it contains something.
Their smiles widen when they realize they have two car keys. They each get a car waiting for them at the airport in Connecticut.
Everyone has a good time, excluding me. If they like it over there, I am afraid they might not even want to return home.
Back home, I undressed sadly, put on my pyjamas, and slipped into bed. I watched the ceiling for a long time instead of sleeping. I didn't want to think of tomorrow, but I couldn't get that out of my mind. Keeping my eyes closed, I tried to sleep but couldn't.
However, my eyes opened suddenly when I heard a quiet knock on my door. I frown as I leave my bed and walk to the door. I opened up, and my eyes widened to see Ethan and Spencer standing there.
They say nothing; they enter my room and pull me inside. They climb into my bed, and they're staring at me.
"Aren't you coming to bed?"
My heart pounds faster as I can't imagine what is happening.
"Come on, Cora, we must get up early tomorrow."
I can't say anything about that; I do what they say. I lay between them, and turning my back to Spencer, I pushed my butt into his lower abdomen. He says nothing; he wraps his arms around my waist, and I can feel his face close to mine. That would be enough for me. However, Ethan gets close to me as well, and he embraces me as well. He lays his head on the pillow above mine and kisses my forehead.
Even if Ethan's closeness feels good, I focus on Spencer. His hand found mine, and it felt great. The intoxicating scent of his favourite cologne finds my nose, and it just makes me more aroused. I focused on my butt to touch him, but I couldn't feel anything. I need to face the truth that it is only me who has such thoughts about him.
Soon, I felt and heard them breathing steadily. Both of them were sleeping. It was only me who was so excited to have him near me. I couldn't sleep and didn't want to sleep, but I wanted to feel him near me as long as possible. However, my eyelids felt heavy. I tried to keep my eyes open, but I failed. Soon, I fell asleep as well.
We wake up together in the morning and laugh a little when Ethan says his arm hurts. I lay on it at night, and he dared not move because he worried I would wake up. Until we discuss it, my attention remains on Spencer's hand, which holds mine during the conversation.
I am in a better mood at breakfast, even if I know today is the day I must let Spencer go. Ethan will also be missed, but I still don't know how to survive without Spencer.
"Take care, Cora. We are coming for a visit as soon as possible."
Spencer tells me, and then he hugs me.
"Maybe you could visit us on the school holiday," Ethan added, hugging me as well.
"Either way, we will see each other soon," Spencer said, and then they hugged Mum and Dad together.
I watched them get into the car that took them to the airport. I stayed with Mum and Dad until the vehicle was visible. Then, Mum embraced me and caressed my back.
"Don't worry, honey. The school holiday is close, so you will see each other soon."
I nod at Mum while I try to smile.
"Come on inside." She said, and I followed them.
The week passes very slowly. The house becomes a quiet place without the boys. However, Mum tries to cheer me up by taking me shopping. School also starts for me next week, and she wants me to be ready for that. I got new clothes and a lot of new staff who are supposed to comfort me in school.
The day comes soon, and I find myself in the car that takes me to the place I hate. I feel anxious as Ethan and Spencer were always there to defend me, but I will have to face the bullies alone this time.
I don't need to wait for it too long. As soon as I entered the building, the usual eyes stared at me.
"Hey Cora, what did you do during the holiday? You look great!" And they all burst out laughing.
"I can't believe that a rich family like yours cannot afford surgery," said one.
"The Astor family has money indeed, but can you imagine how much it would cost to remove that fat off her?" said another.
I tried not to listen to them while walking to my cabinet. I open it and put my stuff in it. However, after I locked it, I found them around me.
"What do you want? Get lost!" I said, but they just moved closer to me.
"You know, Cora, even if you are fat, you have a nice face. Perhaps your boobs are nice as well. Can we have a look?"
A boy got close to me. Too close, so I pushed him away.
"Do not dare touch me!" I shouted, but that seemed to make them angrier.
"You should think twice before you do such a thing, Cora. Now your brothers aren't here to protect you," he says.
"No, they aren't here, but you demonstrated you know about my family’s status. If you touch me again, I will make sure your mother won't get any more jobs in the film industry unless it is porn." I hiss, and he looks at me with hatred.
"You will regret this, Cora." He says, and they finally leave me alone as the school starts. I lean against the wall and take a deep breath before going to class.
I stay in class on each break to prevent them from bullying me. However, at lunchtime, I have to go to the dining room. I get my food on a plate and walk to my table when someone puts a leg out, causing me to fall with the tray in my hand.