Salvatore Dalla

The elevator doors open as we arrive at the basement, more specifically in the dungeon.

We have several warehouses and storage facilities scattered around the city. Typically, these are the places where we conduct our dirty work—extorting, torturing, killing. In short, these are the appropriate places for our activities. However, I maintain a dungeon here in the headquarters building, just like in ancient times, and these places still serve as prisons when needed.

Sometimes it’s necessary to have a place like this nearby, like now, for example. Old habits maintained can make our lives easier.

"You mean my best man can't even handle a little woman?" I ask irritably as I look at Amadeu.

"Boss, the woman was very out of control, and I didn’t kill her right away because I needed your permission and because you kept her father alive," he justifies.

"I'm with you, Amadeu; the best option is always to kill," Rico says, and I don't even bother to look in his direction.

As always, I'll have to solve this problem. At best, both prisoners will be killed together and painlessly. However, if they get on my nerves, they will die slowly, being tortured until death finally embraces them.

"Cell 08," Amadeu says, and I head in that direction.

Down here in the basement, we have fantastic soundproofing, and each cell, which resembles solitary confinement, also has the same mechanism. This is also a way to torture my prisoners, keeping them completely isolated, with only pain and silence as their companions, which are only interrupted when we arrive.

I'm sure everyone kept here prefers the silence to our presence, and that amuses me. The despair on each face when we approach is invigorating.

The loudmouth creature doesn’t know it, but she’s closer to her father than she imagines.

The man is being held in Cell 03. I was still deciding what to do with him. Although Rico proposed killing him, I considered that he might be useful to us. We needed someone who wouldn’t raise suspicion to deliver some of our shipments, and a disabled man with a pitiful face is always a good choice.

He had no option—it was either serve me or die. But I didn’t have time to go down to the dungeon and find out which of the two he would prefer. I always give the opportunity to choose: either my way or death. Deep down, maybe I’m not so bad, right?

What I didn’t expect is that the hungry daughter, whom he wanted to feed, would reach us.

As soon as I decided to bring him here, I asked Amadeu to verify his story. If he had lied about starving with his daughter, I wouldn’t give him any option but a slow and painful death, but he had told the truth. He was in a deep mess, and I decided to keep him alive. However, he would have to serve me from then on.

I walk past the cell where the man is being kept—his name is Leopoldo, but I’ve never called him anything other than scum in the few times we’ve met.

He’s been receiving a piece of bread and a cup of water each day, just enough to keep him from dying of hunger and thirst, but also very little to make him feel satisfied. Hunger and thirst are ancient forms of torture; it’s always good to exercise them.

Amadeu has been doing the job of bringing him the minimal necessary supplies. He relieves himself in the cell, and of course, he’ll have to clean it himself when the time comes to leave or die.

Even if I decide to kill him, he will have to clean up his own filth; I would never subject my men to that.

I know he can’t hear me as I walk through the dark corridor, and it’s invigorating to know that I have his life in my hands, and now his daughter’s too.

Commanding people’s lives, deciding their futures at my whim, and controlling them brings me an indescribable sense of power. Having control over everything around me is fantastic, but nothing compares to the feeling of having someone's life and fate in my hands.

Amadeu steps in front of me as he opens the cell door. As soon as she sees him, the woman lifts her eyes. She had been huddled in a corner of the cell and immediately stands up.

"Where is my father?" she asks with a firmer voice than I imagined she would have, especially in her situation.

Amadeu steps aside, revealing me and my brothers. There is the usual silence that accompanies us when we arrive at a prisoner’s cell and enter the room. It’s almost like a funeral procession, and in a way, that’s exactly what we are—we announce and lead death wherever we go.

We enter the cell, and I step forward.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"My father," she replies quickly.

"And why do you think he’s here?" I question.

"Isn't he?" she asks, confused.

"I ask the questions, and you answer," I say, seeing her mouth tremble.

"Someone told me that one of you took him," she says after a moment of silence.

"And you believed that?" I raise an eyebrow.

"I had already searched everywhere for him and couldn’t find him," she says, and I notice the sadness and worry in her voice.

I examine the creature in front of me—pale face, sad eyes, enormous dark circles made even more pronounced by recent tears. She’s wrapped in a black overcoat much larger than her small body.

Perhaps I would have shown pity and not tortured her before killing her. Although she seems young, the girl in front of me appears to have suffered enough for one lifetime.

"Who do you think I am?" I ask, wanting to see if this apparently fragile creature knows who she’s dealing with.

"No, yes..." She shows her confusion. "I mean, I heard some people talking, and I think they were right," she adds, and I’m impressed by her courage, I have to admit. Deep down, she might not really know the danger she’s in.

"I’m honored you’ve heard of me," I say sarcastically, "but can you be more specific about what they told you?"

"That you were the very embodiment of the demon," she says all at once, showing the courage I didn’t think she had.

"And do you think they’re right about that?" I ask with a smile that says a lot on my lips. "Interesting."

At this moment, I want to show her that I am indeed the demon, just to make it clear that I control everything, including her and her fate.

"I don’t want to know anything other than my father. I just want my father. Tell me where he is," she says firmly, and I find it amusing.

"You're in such a hurry," I say.

"If I were in your place, I’d try to delay the moment rather than rush it," Rico says behind me, showing that everyone is fully attentive to our interaction.

As if gasoline had been thrown on a fire, I see flames of anger in the girl’s eyes, and she throws herself at me, apparently intending to slap me.

Her fists hit my chest only once before I restrain her with little effort. If she were a strong and robust man, I would have had to use more force, but being small, thin, and seemingly fragile, her attempt at resistance only made my action of restraint quicker and less satisfying.

I always value a good struggle before any restraint, but the woman, whom I hold securely by the wrists, seems like she might break at any moment if I apply a bit more pressure with my hands. I adjust the force, as we haven’t reached the torture phase yet.

She doesn’t realize it yet, but she’s not here to get answers. She’s here to become part of the game.

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