Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 5: Are You Real?


I’m having the time of my life! That last shot pushed my drunkenness over the edge, and I can’t seem to stop myself from moving to the music. I let my hands wander up and down my body, enjoying the sensation of the silk dress Katie let me borrow for the night as I flip my hair from shoulder to shoulder. I feel incredibly sexy after getting a tan at the pool earlier today, and the whimsical stitching hugs my curves in all the right places. It’s been a while since I’ve felt free like this. My position as a Director requires a conservative attire, and while I often get to joke around and be silly with my coworkers and the children I help, meeting with their parents and corporate calls for a more restrained demeanor. I don’t have to worry about running into people I know around town, tacky email sign offs and bullshit lingo- I am finally letting loose without reservations. Now that the absinthe has kicked in, I’m not “tripping balls” like the rumors say, but I am leaning into the loopy daze as I groove to the beat of my own drum.

Several men keep trying to approach me from behind to dance, and I decline each one as politely as possible, shifting away from them gracefully. Well, surely not gracefully but as kindly as I can muster. Some are sending drinks my way, but even in this state, I’m not foolish enough to trust they aren’t spiked. Jordan disappeared, probably off with that guy she was dancing with earlier. I caught glimpses of her a few times, but I’m not her parent, nor do I want to take away from her 'fun'. Katie retreated to her suite after the last shot. She ended up puking in the bathroom, and after denying my request to walk her back to her room, insisting she’s “shmmmmokay,” I decided to stay behind until the intoxication wears off. I’m not as promiscuous as Jordan, nor am I as prude as Katie- but I’m loyal and never stray from my boundaries. I have no intentions of dancing with anyone tonight and besides, I have my cell phone and pepper spray in my clutch. I see no reason to end the night early. I texted Jasper 30 minutes ago, but he and James are tied up at the casino a few floors above, or below? I’m not really sure, but I guess it doesn’t matter.

The upbeat song shifts to a slower pace, and I adjust my movements to match it's leisurely pace. I close my eyes, letting the music penetrate me completely, when a familiar, deep voice jolts me out of my trance. “Can I dance with you?” he questions, and I open my eyes to find Chase standing right in front of me. Fuck! “Are you real?” my mouth blurts out before I can stop it, and he chuckles, nodding in response. Our eyes lock and despite knowing I should say no, I feel too euphoric to turn him away. I nod back and move closer to him, ignoring the ruffled feathers and mumbles of the prior creepers still lingering around me. I take in his presence, absorbing every deatil of him this time around. When we were seated at the pool, I didn't consider his height- he's at least five inches taller than me! His now tousled dark brown hair is no longer hidden by a backwards hat. Those jade eyes, the sharply defined jawline, they are the same, except for the black button down and slacks. His rolled-up sleeves reveal a partial tattoo on his right arm, and as I glance down, I can see the hint of a bulge where it matters most. Despite my inebriation, I'm much more observant than I was earlier- haha. He looks like he stepped straight from a meeting into this club. Specks of glitter twinkle and sparkle around him, but I shrug it off because obviously, my common sense is clearly taking the night off.

We start moving in harmony with each other, rolling my hips to compliment his rhythm. Even though I am trying to avoid eye contact, I keep glancing up to find him staring down at me intensely. My breath falters, and I place a hand on his muscular shoulder. Where is my refinement? My dignity? My hesitation for goodness sake?! Chase must take this as an invitation because, within seconds, he's pulling me tightly against him by my waist. His cologne is enticing- woodsy but sweet, like a forest after fresh rain. Ceaderwood or pine? Stop your thoughts from wandering Lena! I look up and our connection returns, those damn eyes eradicating every fiber of my being with their radiance. His grinning lips seem to be calling for me, and I feel myself slipping further and further away. He knows exactly what he's doing, he probably pulls this move on all the girls. I spin around to face away from him, and as I do, the tips of his fingers grasp more firmly on my hip- almost as if he’s terrified I might walk away. The way his hand touches me through the thin dress sends shivers through my entire body. It must be the alcohol, absinthe, or my insanity. Maybe all of the above? Besides, I’m not doing anything wrong... I think? I imagine Jasper has probably done worse at the strip clubs he frequents during his business trips. He doesn’t know that I know, and I would never dare tell him. I only became aware after reviewing a credit card statement while paying the monthly bills. What kind of idiot uses a credit card at a strip club knowing his future wife has access to it? Besides, I know what happens in private dance rooms, and this is "relatively" innocent.

Shaking my head, I bring myself back to the moment, away from my worries of Jasper and our wedding. Chase and my movements are so in sync with each other as we gyrate slowly with the bass. I lift my arms above my head, completely consumed by him and the music and immediately, his left hand begins to trace the flesh of my naked back. I can feel my body quivering as I tighten my legs together, my core drumming with pressure. The hand on my back moves swiftly, shifting all my curls to the right shoulder, and the humidity of his breath hits my neck like a wave crashing against the shore. The prickly stubble on his jaw grazes my shoulder, a gesture that illicits a quiet moan out of me and an instinctual urge to lean back hard into his firm chest. Being in his embrace is warm, comforting, and wildly off limits, but I don't care. Not right now. Both his hands run along the sides of my torso, inch by inch, pressing into my skin as the tune continues blaring on. I should walk away, I SHOULD shove his hands off immediately, go back to my room, and call it a night... but I can't. Instead, I wrap my arms around his neck, giving him better access to bury his face into my neck.

Chase's fingertips move around my body to run up and down the center of my chest, playing with the light frills along my breast. All I can do is breathe, hard, at all the sensations coursing through my veins in this moment. I've never wanted anyone to keep going, to keep touching me, so badly in my entire life. Yet he stops, and places a strong hand around the base of my neck, the other hand returning to grip my hip again. “What are you doing Lena?” his rich voice tickles against my ear lobe. I turn my face to answer, shuddering, only to find his within inches of mine. His erection grows and pushes against my back, and I hyperventilate, coming to the realization of how far I'm letting this situation escalate. “I… I’m… I don't know” I stutter as his fingers glide across my bottom lip. He smirks knowing he's got me, brushing my chin while he leans my head to the side. I close my eyes, catching the flurry of warmth his mouth exudes as his lips approach mine. Am I... Am I going to kiss him?! Am I going to allow this to happen?! My mind is a jumbled assortment of nerves, of anxiety, of exhiliration. I push onwards, letting my face crawl forward to seal the deal, when Jordan grabs my arm away from him frantically. “LENA! OH MY FUCKING GOD, THERE YOU ARE! WE HAVE TO GO RIGHT NOW!” A bolt of adrenaline snaps me out of his hypnosis, causing me to stagger forward with her as I look back at Chase, who stands alone in the middle of the dance floor. He gives me a quick wave and mouths something I can’t quite make out before Jordan pulls me through the crowd, out the door, and back to reality.

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