Read with BonusRead with Bonus


Adam continued to cry as I screamed then started to punch him. When I was exhausted and had nothing left in me he picked me up and brought me to his truck. I told him I did not want to go. I did not want to live anymore I was done with it all. I had no one that cared for me. No one that mattered to live for anymore. He told me he was bringing me home and we were going to call the law. I cried quietly as we rode to Adams house. When we got there there was already a police car outside. Adam got out first and went to the car. His friend came out. They walked slowly over to the truck and I opened the door. I told the officer I was tired and just wanted to sleep. He asked me how I wanted to handle this. I told him I did not want to have to go through a medical examiner to reach the conclusion that I already knew. I was raped. He told me he understood. He looked at Adam and said well we can handle this the legal way or your way. Adam looked at me and said I am handling it my way. He told me to go inside and take a bath and he would be back shortly. They both got in the police car and sped away. I had never seen Adam look so angry before. If he was a cartoon character I know he would have had steam pouring out of his ears.

I started the bath and got in. It felt good and warm around my bruise and swollen skin.

I winded up drifting off to sleep soon after. When I awoke it was to cursing in the kitchen and the sound of the freezer door slamming. I got out of the now freezing cold bath and put my pajamas on that I left at Adams house. When I walked into the kitchen Adam had his head down resting on his arm and a pack of frozen peas on his hand. I waked over slowly and moved the peas away. His knuckes when bloodly and swollen. I seen a small cut by his eye that was now bleeding. I asked him if he was ok. He just looked at me. I went and got a paper towel and dapped at his eye. He reached up and stopped my hand. Then he used his swollen hand to lightly touch my chin and turn it to the side. He asked me if Donald choked me, if he was trying to kill me. I told him I think he was trying to keep me still rather than kill me but he did choke me. He slammed his fist down and started to stand. I told him it was ok I was ok . And he yelled no, no you are not stop saying that. You are not ok you were raped. He needs to go to jail. You need to put him there. I yelled back that I know I was raped I was there And it would mean I would be in jail too and judged by everyone in this town if I called the law on him. He was known as this great family guy and dad throughout the town. I would be the reason I broke up their home because I roused him in the middle of the night. Adam looked at me with a sad look on his face. He said no you did not. I did that and I am so sorry. I thought I could trust him I thought….. Then I remembered Adam TOLD HIM! I slapped him then. Why would you tell Donald about what happened to me?

He looked down ashamed. I am so sorry. We were drinking soon after you told me and I got upset thinking about it. He has daughters so I made him promise me that he would not ever allow anything like that to happen to one of them. That he would protect them. He wanted details but I would not give it to him. I did not understand why at the time but now I do. Just then we heard banging at the door with a holler POLICE DEPARTMENT Open up yelling out.

I looked at Adam and he sighed. He told me he beat Donald senseless and he wasn’t sure if he was breathing when he left. I could not believe what I was hearing. The police banged on the door again. Adam went to the door and opened it. His buddy was there and he asked if he was Adam. Adam said yes and he told him he has to take him in for questioning. When he reached up to take Adams arm I seen that his knuckles were red and bloody also.

Adam turned to me and told me his card was on the counter if he calls from the jail just use that to bail him out and they left with Adam in the back seat.

I feel asleep shortly after 3 am. About 6:30 my phone rang. It was Adam needing me to come up that his bail was about to be posted. When I reached the jail house Donalds wife was in the lobby. I quickly walked past her and to the receptionist and told her I was there to bail out Adam. Donalds wife started hollering asking why I was getting that man beater out, her husband almost died. I turned slowly and looked up at her. Her eyes widened in shock and asked if he beat me too, If I was ok. I told her no Adam was protecting me. She asked what I meant and I told her again Adam was protecting me. But this time I whispered from Donald. She told me TO shut my mouth I was lying. I turned away from her and handed the card to the receptionist and told her to let Adam know I would be waiting in the car. I left as Donald’s wife was yelling for me to explain myself again. I just told her to ask Donald.

Thirty minutes later Adam was getting into the car. He looked at me and gasped, that’s when I lowered the sun visor to take a look at myself. I have never seen my face so bruised and swollen, my neck had purple fingerprint outlines on either side and I had blood seeping threw my clean shirt where he bit me. I did not even think to check myself over in the mirror before I left this morning. Adam reached over and slowly rubbed the back of his hand on my cheek and whispered I am so sorry I failed you.

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