Read with BonusRead with Bonus


I did not know what to say. Why would this stranger who wanted nothing to do with me because I was a baby gift me a vehicle to drive. There had to be some strings attached?!

I asked him “why would you do that?” He replied “ Like I told Adam it was just sitting there, why should I let it rot if you need it. Anyways its my spare vehicle incase my truck breaks down.”

“Spare vehicle? Who has a spare vehicle?!”

“well when your vehicles break down a lot you either have to stop your life in order to fix it to get back on track or you get a spare vehicle so you can make sure you have a ride while maintaining your rides so they don’t break down”

“That is a load of nonsense” I say

Adam gave me a look which meant be nice and I apologized to Victor. I am sorry, Thank you so much I replied. I don’t mind paying you rent for it or something. He laughed and told me if I felt like I needed to pay him I could cover a burger once a week or something until I find a vehicle of my own that I could afford. I quickly agreed. I did not want to be tied down and have Victor expecting me to make payments in any other way. This was something that I could do.

We chatted a few more minutes about the car, what to do, not to do. How it rode things like that. Adam let us know he was going in to shower and walked away. I told Victor thank you again and went to leave when Victor cleared his throat. I turned back and asked “sir?” he scoffed and replied “Please don’t call me sir, I am only three years older than you” I replied “Well to you that is to much” he shook his head and told me that he needed a ride home.

I told him that I would go get Adam

He told me no, and he promised that he would not touch me or anything, he would ride in the back seat if that made me feel better. I just starred at him ADAMMMM I screamed in my head. I swear he has a bigger mouth than the red hat ladies at Saturday brunch.

“Look, I do not know what Adam told you but I am ok, I just don’t put myself in those situations anymore so that way I am not welcoming it” Victor looked at me in disbelief. “He did not tell me everything but enough to know that if I touched you with a 6 foot pole he would rib my balls off and stuff them down my throat while I was still alive. But I do know it was not your fault and you should not ever feel that way”

I told him that I would ride in the passenger seat and he could drive because I did not know where he lived.

We pulled off in silence until we got tohis house. I saw a white dodge sitting in the driveway…..

“Is that your truck” I asked. “Yes, why?” he replied

“Do you sit at the shop when we close sometimes?” I asked

He glanced at me from the side of his eye before dropping his eye back down to his lap. “Yes, but I promise it is not in a creeper, stalker type way. I just worry”

“Worry?” I asked

“Yes Adam told me about the ball stuffing the first day we meet and I just, well, I could not bear the thought of something lik that happening to you. Let alone happen again after I really meet you.”

I did not know what to say. What is he trying to be my white in shining armor that did not want me? It was all so weird and confusing. He was so handsome and perfect looking. But he ghosted me for the last week or so after he learned my age. But he would sit and wait to make sure I left the parking lot safely, now he is lending me his car? What is this. Other than Adam no one has ever been this nice to me. “why?” I asked

“what do you mean why?” he replied

I hesitated, tears threatened to fall yet again “Why are you being so nice to me?”

“we all deserve some happiness don’t you think?” He said

“I don’t” I whispered back

“Well why would you think that?” He replied as he turned slightly in his chair now to look me full face on.

My head dropped and my eyes started to fill, when I went to reply I choked.

“its ok” He said “we all deserve happiness, you deserve so much more than what I or Adam can give you”

“I don’t understand” I replied

“Why don’t you understand? You are polite, beautiful, sweet,so giving. You carry the world on your shoulders but you still make sure everyone is taken car of. You take pride in your work, and throughout everything that is happening you are still in school, you haven’t turned to drugs or alcohol. You are still taking care of you.”

Tears were freely falling now. I have never seen kindness to myself like this before. I felt undeserving. I told Victor that I hope to find something in the month if that’s ok and thank him again for his help. He told me there was no rush and if he can help in anyway to call him he did not mind. He got out and placed a card on the center console. I moved over the console to get in the drivers seat. I had to adjust the seat because I could not reach the pedals. Once it was adjusted I looked up and Victor was standing on his door step watching me. I gave him a small wave and he smiled and waved back to me . I seen him mouth the words good night as I pulled away.

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