Read with BonusRead with Bonus


“Surprise for what?” Victor asked

“For everything you have done and continue to do” I told him

“No, you don’t have to give me any surprise. I want to “ He said

“ I want to too” I responded and start to untie my bath robe. He just starred at me. Looking into my eyes as I slipped the robe off and let it fall to the floor. He finally started to look down and I could see his eye widen and his adams apple bob as he swallowed hard. I ran my fingers down the front of my chest down to my belly button and stopped just infront of my pussy. I swayed a little left to right out of nervousness then finally whispered “You like?”

“I love it,, you are so beautiful” he responded. Looking up through hooded eyes at me

I turned around placing my feet a little apart and slowly reached down to touch the floor so he could see my full ass and my cheeks spread for him. “pull he thong to the side” he requested. I did as he asked. Making sure to spread my pussy as I did so. He took a deep breathe. After a minute I slowly stood back up and turned around. He was gripping his hard dick through his jeans fabric holding onto it so tight. He looke dup at me and took another deep breathe. I made my way to the couch and straddled him.

He reached up and rubbed his hands down my back nice and slow.I could feel the pressure and warmth where his hands were and it felt so good. His dick was steadily throbbing inbetween my legs now. And I reached up and ran my fingers through his hair slightly tugging his head back as I went down to kiss him for the first time.I was so eager so ready so excited. I started really slow just a peck on the bottom lip, then over to the side, then the top. He reached up and put his hand through my hair and pushed my head down on his so our lips had to connect nice and hard. I licked his lips as he opened his mouth for me. I loved the way he tasted. His tongue found mine and we explored each others mouths for a few minutes taking nice deep strokes and slowly breathing him in. His free hand found its way to my thigh and he gripped it firmly. I could hear him , feel him grunt as we sat there tongue tied learning each others bodies. Then just as quick as it felt when we started he stopped. He pulled back and both of his hands were gripping the couch on either side of him. I sat up and looked down at him “Whats wrong” I asked

He did not say anything at first, Finally he said “we cant do this, not now”

“What? Why?” I asked. He just looked at me as I moved over so I was no longer straddling him. He was telling me no but I could feel that his body was telling me yes. He was so hard and hot under me. I was so confused. I grabbed the blanket beside the couch and covered myself as I sat down.

“Why?”I asked again.

He stood up. “I really, really like you. I want this to be right. I want you. But I want to get to know you better. Know who you are before we complicate it all with sex.”

“Ok...” I was so confused still. Didn’t guys want sex. How can he say no. Was I not pretty, sexy enough. I started to get tears in my eyes as I sat there mentally beating myself up. I did not understand. The tears started to fall so I stood up and mumbled that I was going to go get dressed. When I came out of the room Victor was sitting still but at the edge of the couch now.

“I am so sorry Dawn I find you so incredibly sexy but I don’t want you to think that all I want is sex. I want you. This is real for me, I want it to last. Please understand.” He said

“Ok, I do. I am sorry I pushed myself on you. I know I am not the prettiest there is. I just wanted to show you that I like you and I want you.” I told Victor

He stood up quickly and wrapped his arms around me, as he did that the tears started flowing again. “I find you to be the most beautiful woman in the world. Even without the lingerie. You did not have to do that for me”

“You didn’t like it?” I asked.

“oh, I loved it. So much. Ill be thinking about that everyday.” Victor responded

I giggled. Ok, if you say so. Victor gave me a small kiss on the cheek.

“I guess I need to get going” Victor said

I walked him to the door and told him goodnight. I cleaned up the house and headed to bed. He texted me good night as I was falling asleep but I didn’t respond. I was still a little heart broken.

The next morning when I looked at my phone I had missed a call from Victor. So I called him back He answered in half a ring “Hello, are you ok?” he asked

“Good morning and yes I am ok, I am sorry I feel asleep last night.” I told him.

“You aren’t upset with me are you?” he asked

“I am upset but not with you just myself for throwing myself on you. It will be ok.” I told him

“No please don’t regret that. I went to sleep thinking about your sexy body and woke up with you still on my mind. We just need to wait. I really want this to be forever. I know its early in our relationship, if youre ok with us calling us a relationship. Because I am just committed to you and only want you….” Victor went on

“ I want it to be a relationship also.” I cut him off.

Victor sighed in relief “Ill see you tonight?”

“Yes” I responded and we hung up.

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