Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 1

Chapter One.

Harlow Pov

I stormed into the mansion in fury. I was just coming from the hospital, and to think I had a miscarriage through poisoning. I won’t call that a miscarriage because it was more of an attempt to abort my baby.

And guess what? It was successful, the baby was successfully aborted. Who could have done that?

There goes the dumb-headed person I called my husband. He was the one who served me cold fruit juice yesterday, and this morning, I felt sharp pain all around my body.

He had drugged my drink and made a total fool of me out of being romantic, and now I just realized what he did: he aborted my baby without my permission.

"Damon, Damon!” I called his name severally with no stop as I walked into the room, totally fuming in rage, but I couldn’t see him; he must be in one of his hidden spots again.

"Damon, please just come out wherever you are; I just want to see you, " I flared up, but my eyes soon started to break down, and tears threatened to fall from my eyes.

"Why are you screaming like an insane person would?" I heard him ask, and I hissed as I saw him appear in front of the stairs, with his steps slow as he came down.

"You, how dare you do that to my baby ?" I asked. The tears I held in were now falling with no stop.

"What is going on here?" He asked, looking confused but rolling his eyes at the same time. I hissed at him, even though I was strong, but not as heartbroken.

"Do not give me that face! Don't give me that tone of yours! That crap! You know what I'm talking about and stop acting confused!" I pointed at him in anger.

"You killed my unborn child!" Now that I said it, the reality dawned on me, and a wave of anger flowed through me; I dashed towards him agitatedly and held his shirt collar forcefully.

His eyes darkened and he held my hand. "Get your hands off my shirt woman!" He ordered coldly but I held it even more tightly.

"You could have just told me you don’t want the baby. I’ll just leave to another country, and you will never hear of me again. You didn’t have to kill him; my world started brighter now that I realized I was pregnant; how can you shatter it.” I was sad, no doubt, but I was just trying to be strong for myself.

"Why are you making it seem like a big deal? You aren't dead but the baby is. Which is a good news." He said with a smirk on his face. I scoffed unbelievably at his words.

Did he just say it was good news to him? If he wasn’t my husband, I’ll be so surprised at the kind of jerk he was but right now, I don’t even know what to call him.

"You could have damaged my womb with that poison you gave me. You killed my baby and you still have the gut to tell me that to my face! Are you a psychopath?" I yelled; he wasn’t the same guy I knew; he just changed overnight, and now I’m confused.

I need to report this. This is just so unfair and forceful; I would have appreciated it if he had just told me his mind rather than acting caring, then boom!

"Woman, stop making a fuse out of this. After all, you are still very okay and you could still get pregnant. You shouting and yelling at me right now wouldn’t bring back the baby and it wouldn’t do you any good either. " He declared and walked over to the bar store. He picked a glass cup and a champagne.

"When we want to celebrate. We need to get our champagne." He said; he poured the champagne into the glass cup with big strides to the couch next to me. He sat down and turned on the big television.

I could only stare at him. My tears started coming out; the pain I had held in the whole confronting him pushed in me. I no longer felt that anger; no, it was there, but not like the pain in my heart.

“Damon, you are acting creepy right now, I don’t know what happened or who spiced you up, but you had better realize what you did was so wrong.” It was the highest level of trust-breaking I had ever felt, maybe it wasn’t the highest.

At least he wasn’t cheating on me or treating me like trash, he just didn’t want the baby. But as much as he doesn’t, I just want to hold onto another child, his child.

My brain couldn't process what was happening again. My head was starting to get heavy and hot. I just wanted to get out of here. I wanted to get out of his sight because I couldn’t bear his sight right now.

I brought out my phone and dialed Sylvia, my best friend's number, but she wasn't picking up. Could it be she was busy? She wasn’t the always busy type, I’ll call her the more social media type so her phone is always with her.

I called again, but there was no answer; maybe God doesn’t want me to vent unto someone; I’ll just go to my favorite spot, the sea; it calms me down a lot.

Is it only calming me down? Nope.

It was my best place since I was little and I always enjoyed the amazing breeze and the view of the water flowing in and out of the sea. I would sometimes play with the water and it was always worth my time.

I boarded a cab, and in a few minutes, I was there; I carefully walked down, tracing my steps to the water,r, and sat down on a rock beside it.

I noticed someone not sitting far from me; I was surprised because it was more of an abandoned place, and it wasn't usual to meet someone in there, but today was different, I just guess.

A young, beautiful girl was standing in front of the sea with a beautiful smile; her eyes were closed as she gave in to the breeze.

I smiled at the sight that behold me and I brought out my phone to take pictures. After turning it on, I faced her again.

I took snaps and she turned back like she sensed someone was there. I was expecting her to lash out because most rich girls are rude. She looked like one rich girl from a wealthy family too.

"Are you taking my pictures?" Her sweet melodic voice sang into me. To be honest, I couldn't stop smiling.

"Yes, I am. Because you're beautiful." I complimented, and she blushed; who wouldn’t love kids?

"Can I see them?" She asked politely and I gave her my phone. Her face lit up instantly and she yelled happily.

"It's beautiful, and I wish to keep it, but, unfortunately, I can't have this." She frowned and handed back my phone to me.

I push back my phone to her, “How about I get you a phone so you’ll be able to get your pictures.” She beamed up with a huge smile when I said this.

“I’d definitely like that, thanks so much.” She smiled softly, I decided to ask for her name and why she was there all alone by herself.

“So, what’s your name, dear?” I sat closer to her and started stroking her hair softly, “My name is Angel.” She replied to me back.

"Ohh. You are adorable then and that was a beautiful and adorable name for a pretty girl. I am Harlow." I introduced.

“I know you, I made you and I named you.” I thought I heard her say, but she didn’t open her mouth to say anything.

"That is such a nice name." She complimented me, and I blushed at that statement; I checked the time and noticed it would be evening soon.

"So why are you here alone?" I asked, and her face turned into pain, and I could see through her even when she wanted to hide her feelings.

"I’m here because I’m in pain, my heart is pained, I will be losing one of my creations, and I’m willing to give it a second chance.“ I was confused.

What creation?

I was about to talk when she interrupted me, ” What about you?“

"I'm always alone because here is my favorite spot and I am amazed someone found this spot as well." I smiled and she did too. Our hands were clinged to each other and I could sense she was nervous.

Her mind was bothered so I decided to ask again, ”What did you mean by creation?“

"Oh, that was a joke. I meant I have a bad heart, and I’m not sure if I can survive it for long, heart problem.” She smiles


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