Read with BonusRead with Bonus

The Encounter {His weakness}

After gulping down the third bottle of whiskey, l heard my phone ring so l picked it up from the table and checked who dared to disturb me at such a crucial moment.

“Great!” I muttered in disbelief, furrowing my brows after seeing the caller. “What does she want again?” I growled, reluctant to answer the call, but just as if the caller sensed my hesitation, my phone fell silent.

“Ahh!” I sighed in relief, my heart finally easing from the tension of the earlier call. But just moments later, my phone buzzed again, piercing the calm like a jolt of electricity. My stomach twisted with anxiety, the rhythm of my heartbeat quickening. “What the hell?” I cursed, irritation bubbling up inside me as I picked it up.

“What do you want?” l asked the caller with an expressionless face, my heart burned with anger at the interruption during my personal moment.

“Fine! I'll be there in a minute” l replied rudely and without waiting for a response l ended the call.

‘I just can't escape my mother's grip! Why do I have to be the sacrificial lamb everytime!’ I murmured under my breath as the words my mother told me rang in my head. I was annoyed, and as much as I wanted to bury myself alive, I knew my parents would dig out my corpse and sell it to a wealthy family in exchange for more popularity.

As the pulsing beats of the club throbbed around me, I reluctantly made my way toward the exit. It was my birthday, yet here I was, feeling more like a bank than a celebrant. The laughter and cheers of my friends echoed behind me, but all I could hear were the whispers of my family, reminding me of the wealth they expected from me, even on a night that was supposed to be mine.

"Honestly, I just need some air," I told my best friends, who looked at me with concern as if I were stepping into a lion's den. Convincing them to let me leave alone after midnight wasn't easy, but I was determined.

Most people, my family, associates, and even my friends didn't see me; they saw the money I represented.

After getting into my car l drove within a blink of an eye. As l continued driving on the lonely highway a lot of crazy thoughts kept running through my mind. I thought of running away to a faraway land, but I knew it would be a futile effort.

I drove on the highway for hours, not minding that my parents had just demanded for my presence.

'If I was going to die, at least let me die peacefully!’ I stuttered, looking at the happy couples on the road side, wondering if love truly exists.

Time passed quickly and my car alarm broke me out of my thoughts. l lazily glanced at the clock and felt a sense of relief to see it was already past midnight.

“Wow! This cursed birthday of mine is finally over," l murmured with a look of satisfaction and contentment on my face.

“I won't be surprised if mom starts calling me! My free moment is over! Back to the cage!" l giggled at my sarcasm filled words.

But like a curse, my mother's call came in, and I chuckled, happy that I could still read her mind.

"I knew it, once annoying, always annoying," I muttered to myself, thinking about my mom. Distracted as I drove, I decided to answer my mother's call, but suddenly my car stopped. Confused about what had happened, I looked up, and to my astonishment, I realized my car had just collided with a truck.

“Oh my gosh! What have I done?” A wave of panic washed over me as I questioned my actions. My heart raced as I anxiously fumbled to unbuckle my seatbelt and come down to check if I had hurt someone.

Just then, a group of men in dark overalls and jackets emerged like shadows from the night, closing in around me. Fear gripped me, and my breath caught in my throat as I realized I was trapped, with nowhere to run.

My eyes widened in terror, breath catching in my throat. I froze for a moment, a mix of shock and fear washing over me. A cold chill ran down my spine as I looked around for help. Unfortunately, the road was lonely, and at that moment, I hoped my parents' tracking device was still on my phone.

“Get out!” One of the men barked, his voice low and gravelly. He towered over my car, exuding a menacing presence, his eyes glinting with a cold intensity. The sharp weapon in his hand gleamed ominously under the dim light, resembling the fangs of a predator ready to strike.

Although I was frightened, I acted like a stubborn goat, and refused to get out of my car. I locked the door and began to shiver like a cold chicken.

At that moment, my mother's call came in. I have always been wishing death, but it was then I knew I wasn't ready to die. All my life I have lived in my parents' shadows. I wanted to experience life before I die, so I quickly picked her call.

“Mom!?” I cried out, my expression shifted from bravery to fear as my eyes widened, tears welling up at the corners. I bit my lip to stifle a sob, my brow furrowing in disbelief. In that moment, a mix of vulnerability and desperation flickered across my face, revealing the emotions swirling inside me.

“Finally, she decided to answer me" my mom's sarcastic tone echoed in my car, followed by a loud hiss.

“Mom?" I called out her name again but she ignored me and kept on talking, lamenting about how I never listen to her.

"Get out before we decide to get rough," another man snarled at me, his eyes narrowing. Terror gripped me, and I froze in the car seat, my phone clutched in my shaking hands.”

"Ari, what is that noise I'm hearing?” My mom asked suspiciously, probably thinking I was doing something that could tarnish her reputation.

"Mother!" I pleaded, hoping she would listen to me, my heart pounding in my chest.

"Why are you calling me, Ari? What have you gotten yourself into again?" She yelled at the top of her voice, and without waiting for my explanation continued. "Answer my question!”

“I guess she is not ready to come out, boss.” One of the men told their leader with a grimace look on his face.

“Then we will just have to do it the hard way,” The leader scoffed at me, before looking at his ruthless men. "Get her out now!” He commanded them, his red eyes filled with malice.

My blood ran cold when I heard the leader's command, and I couldn't contain the scream that burst from my throat. I didn't want to scream, but that was the only way to gain my mother's attention.

“Ari! Ari! Are you alright? What's happening? Can you hear me? Ari!" My mother's panicked voice echoed through the phone as I desperately screamed for help. I knew she wasn't calling me because she was worried, she was just scared of her money machine getting hurt.

I remembered my father's menacing voice as he threatened to teach me a painful lesson, when I refused to sleep with one of his politician friends. And I couldn't help but think that all of this was his handwork.

His taunting laughter was the last thing I remember before I passed out, thanks to the plank the kidnappers hit on my head.

“What is going on here?" A hoarse mysterious voice yelled at the lowlife kidnappers. The kidnappers were angry to hear someone questioning them, and we're about to start a fight. But on seeing the mysterious man's face, they bowed in fear, recognizing the man as the most ruthless Mafia lord in the continent.

‘'But what is he doing here?” The kidnappers thought within themselves.

The mysterious man walked towards me, and on seeing my unconscious face, a mischievous smirk appeared on his face

“My package is finally ready!" He muttered with a menacing voice and picked me up.

“She belongs to me! She is mine!" He declared with a possessive voice and burst into evil laughter.

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