Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter One

I’m Mary Louise Baker, a freshman at Sullivan University, where my life’s excitement level has been a solid ‘meh’ for 19 years. College was supposed to be my big break, but so far, it felt like just another chapter in my uneventful life.

“Come on, Lis, we’re gonna be ancient history if we’re late for class!” I hollered, trying to hustle Lisa out of our dorm. She was my best friend and partner in crime, always ready with a sarcastic remark.

“Relax, Mary, we could crawl there faster than this!” she retorted, lobbing my pillow at me. Her carefree attitude was both infuriating and endearing.

I chuckled, knowing a brisk jog could get us there in three and a half minutes, but I did it just to hear Lisa grumble about the dreaded pre-class pit stains.

“Revenge will be mine,” she muttered, grabbing her bag."

“Where’s your sense of adventure, Lis? Admit it, you adore me,” I teased, nudging her out the door.

In class, I locked eyes with a guy who seemed to have descended from heaven itself. His presence was magnetic, and I felt an inexplicable pull towards him. Stunning didn’t even begin to cover it.

“Earth to Mary,” Lisa clicked her fingers in front of my face, snapping me back to reality.

“Uh, hi, I’m Mary,” I stammered as he smiled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. My heart nearly burst through my chest.

This was new; I’ve dated before, but no one ever turbocharged my heartbeat like this.

“Mary’s a beautiful name. I’m Charles Denali, delighted to meet you,” he said, his voice smooth and captivating.

I felt like I’d swallowed a cactus. “Pleasure’s all mine,” I managed, cheeks blazing.

I nudged Lisa to our seats, my mind racing with thoughts of Charles. He had the power to short-circuit my entire being, and I was both terrified and exhilarated by it.

Unbeknownst to me, he sat right behind me. “Fancy going out Friday?” he whispered, his breath warm against my ear.

“Sure,” I whispered back, my voice barely there.

“Perfect, 7:00 p.m. sharp,” he said. As I nodded, my mind raced with anticipation, a thousand scenarios playing out in my head.

Post-class, Lisa and I hit my favorite Italian Bistro, a cozy spot that always felt like home.

“You seem jittery, Mary. Spill,” she prodded, concern etched on her face.

“I’m not certain, Lis, I’ve never encountered someone like him,” I said with a chuckle, trying to downplay the whirlwind of emotions inside me.

“Is this about your enigmatic classmate from today?” she inquired, her laughter tinged with a tease.

“Exactly! And it’s not amusing, Lisa Marie,” I retorted with a mock yelp, throwing a piece of bread at her.

Back to the dorm I went, and the evening tiptoed by uneventfully, leaving me alone with my thoughts of the impending date. Fingers crossed I wouldn’t turn it into a comedy sketch.

The night turned into a marathon of flip-flopping in bed, nerves buzzing like I’d swallowed a live wire. Seriously, what’s the deal? The Sandman must have put me on his blacklist, because sleep was a no-show for most of the night, leaving me as fresh as expired milk.

Eventually, I must’ve conked out, because the next thing I knew, I was in Dreamland, having a heart-to-heart with my mom. She’s been a regular in my dreams since I lost both my folks last year—a wound that’s still got its stitches.

“Mary, I’ve got a whole library of things to tell you. Just hang tight, the big reveal’s coming soon,” she said, her smile beaming like she’d won the lottery.

Man, what a dream! Mom’s face was there in HD clarity. I’m pretty sure she was trying to tell me something, but it was like trying to understand someone speaking underwater.

I kept squirming in my sheets, stuck in a limbo of half-sleep and visions of Mom’s cameo appearances. The anticipation of the date with Charles mingled with the lingering emotions from my dream, creating a whirlwind of thoughts that refused to settle.

Morning came too soon, and I dragged myself out of bed, determined to face the day despite my lack of sleep. The thought of seeing Charles again was the only thing keeping me going. As I got ready, I couldn’t help but wonder what secrets he might be hiding and how our date would unfold. The excitement and mystery of it all made my heart race with anticipation.

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