Read with BonusRead with Bonus



“Damn! You are so good,” I whispered against his mouth as he dominated the kiss. ‘This has to be bad, I should stop,’ I told myself but the pleasure surging through me gave no room for a break. Maybe this was all I needed to get that bastard, Liam, off my mind. Three years! Three whole years, that was what I gave him but he chose to betray me. I caught him in bed with my best friend, Laura. She even…

“Ah…” I moaned, as he worked so well with his hands, taking me to cloud 9. There was no room to think of anyone, anything, not even my ex boyfriend, Liam. At the point we shed our clothings, I wasn't sure. All I knew was the warmth and weight, how good everything he did to me felt.

“What's your name so I can call it?” I asked.

“It's better if you don't know it.”

I let things be and focused on him, nothing else mattered, just the two of us. There was nothing left but that final tumbling drop into oblivion.

I jerked awake and looked around me. The bedside clock showed the time 7:00 am and also reminded me that I wasn't in my room. I was surprised to see a strange man on the bed, it meant that last night wasn't a dream. There was no time to think about what happened as today was an important day at work. I jumped out of bed, grabbed my clothes which lay in a messy heap on the floor where it flung in our moment of pleasure. Somehow, I had no regrets for the previous night. The stranger was still sleeping peacefully on the bed and for a job well done, I took out three hundred dollars bills and placed them on the bedside table. In that fleeting moment, his chiseled features, extremely handsome face and smoothly styled black hair imprinted an indelible image on my brain. He had taken my first time.

“Last night never happened,” I muttered and ran out of the room.

I don't know how I did it, but all I know is that I got to work just in time to scrape off the word,’late’ . The employees of the company, Jequk group, were already seated in the general room for an address by the chief when I sneaked in. I mentioned earlier that today is an important day at work. Our company changed hands two months ago and our new boss will be coming today. I walked in and took my seat beside my colleague, Aria. Everyone waited patiently for the boss to show up.

I felt a piercing gaze on me and on raising my face, I saw that betrayal, Laura, staring at me. Instinctively, my hands shot up and reached for my neck, fortunately, it was covered. I had chosen this cloth specifically to cover the dense purple marks on my neck that reminded me of what happened last night. Having confirmed that nothing was out of place, I glared back at her for some seconds and tore away my gaze. If I stared longer, I might be forced to get up and slap her hard across her face. She was my best friend, I trusted her until yesterday, when I saw her intertwined with my boyfriend, making out. Yesterday had been a whole mess. I wanted to surprise my boyfriend with a gift so I called Laura to escort me to the mall and help me pick out something nice. Laura declined, saying she was visiting her grandmother in another town. I hated going to such places alone. Left with no other option, I called my boyfriend, sadly, he was in the office. I was working class too but we were given two days' break to prepare for the new boss.

I went to the mall alone, got the gifts and set off to his house. I was meaning to cook something nice for him to enjoy when he returns from work. But on getting to the house, I saw Laura, who was supposed to be in her grandma's house, naked, and bending before my boyfriend as he slammed her from behind. My heart shattered. For three years, Liam and I were together and he was my everything. He was the best boyfriend anyone could ask for.

“Why Liam,” I asked with tears in my eyes. Liam and I haven't had sex before. Not that I denied him of sex but he said he wanted to consummate our marriage on our wedding night with a virgin and I accepted his decision.

“I need a more passionate and romantic woman. Laura is better than you in all aspects,” he spat. Laura caressed his back and gave him a kiss for complimenting her. I didn't miss the smirk on Laura's face. I didn't wait to hear more, from her or from Liam. I ran out of the house, jumped into my car and drove off. I had not even the faintest idea where I was going, I only knew I was driving, driving away from my useless boyfriend and my betrayal of a best friend! I've known Laura for ten years and this was all she could show for it. The next time I looked around me, I was in front of a hotel.

Bar! Wine!

This was all I could think of. I alighted, walked into the bar and ordered their strongest alcohol. I needed to cool my head. The image of Liam and Laura loomed over my head as I sipped my wine. Words couldn't describe how I felt. I just wanted to die. I drowned myself in more alcohol, hoping to forget it all. My phone rang and I checked the message. It was a reminder from the company about the meeting with the boss the following day. I reasoned that getting drunk would make me go late for work but an extra glass would do no harm. Having decided that, I took an extra glass and another before standing up. I held the chair for better support, took two more steps and the next place I found myself was in a man's strong arms, with my head on his chest. It was very comfortable, I wanted to remain there but…

“I'm sorry sir,” I began but he held me closer.

“You're beautiful.”

His hands reached for my lips, stiring emotions that I have never felt before, not even with my ex, Liam. His well shaped lips were inviting and his touch, exciting in a way I couldn't resist. I don't know if it was the alcohol or the heartbreak that zoned out my senses but that male prostitute was the perfect remedy I needed. I praised the hotel for their right choice of gigolos.

The next place we found ourselves was in a room.

I wasn't given the chance to remember what happened in the room the previous night before Aria tugged at my shirt, pulling me from my reverie. I looked around me and saw that everyone was standing so I took the clue and quickly did the same.

“The boss must be here,” I thought.

As if on cue, a very handsome man in his early thirties entered the room and made straight for the seat reserved for the boss.

Oh no! I recognised him immediately, he was the man from last night! He was supposed to be a male prostitute, how the heck is he my boss?

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