Read with BonusRead with Bonus



I slammed the tablet on the desk, and could see Liam jump taken aback.

“What is this?”

“Dad, I didn't mean to. My cars were…”

I grabbed him by the collar, and his lips twitched. His hands alighted on mine, and my eyes bore malice.

He took his hand off immediately.

“Take those eyes down.” I spat in a dangerously low tone, and he lowered his gaze, although the stubborn look didn't leave his face. “You must be growing wings. These days, you seem to forget I'm your father.” I shoved him backwards, but instead of staggering, he was rather composed.

“I never forgot for one day. How would I forget why I'm a rejected child?” He retorted.

“We're not about to have this silly conversation when you took my car, and got arrested for drunk driving!”

“Grand dad solved it, okay? The police won't breathe a word about it.”

“What would you do if anyone catches wind of it? Dad said you were mentioning me as your father in your drunken haze.” I spat out.

“That…” he sighed, “Everyone would think I was joking, or just out of my senses. You shouldn't be mad over something like this. This is nothing! People do this all the time. I'm not the first rich kid to get drunk while driving. You're taking this too far, dad.”

I took three quick steps to him, but stopped myself, instead clenching my jaw with all the rage and disgust I felt for him.

“Out.” I commanded through gritted teeth in a low voice that sounded more like a growl.

Still with the insanely adamant look on his face, he stormed to the door, and yanked it open, only to stop.

The door swung wide slowly as Liam left the handle, and we saw Karen standing there, white and shocked, with her bag clutched to her chest.

My heart leaped in my chest, as I saw her. The whole thing was a mistake. Speaking to Liam in the office was a damned mistake. She must have overheard everything.


Karen tried to say something, but no words came out.

“What are you…?” Liam started.

“Out!” I bellowed, and after taking one last look at Karen, transferring all the heated gaze meant for me onto her, he hit her shoulder with his, as he went past.

Karen bowed, her legs trembling.

“I'll… I'll come later.” She breathed out.

“Where the hell do you think you're going?” I stormed over to her, grabbing and pulling her in, before slamming the door.

She took in deep shaky breaths, as her eyes bounced from left to right.

“I… I'm… uh, the thing is…”

“What did you hear?” I asked.

“I… “ She kept on blinking, like she was trying to accept what she'd heard.

I took slow steps to her, my anger for Liam bubbling in her direction. The spy of all people! Having to hear such a conversation with Liam.

“Dear Karen, I will so ruin your life if any of this gets out. Don't even get me started. It won't end with you alone. Whatever family you've got out there, will pay for this. You will regret every single thing…”

“I'm… I'm not going to say anything!” She blurted out, with tears glimmering in her eyes.

So Lucas could use such a coward as a spy planted in my company. Just a few words, and she was crying?

Or were they fake tears?

“Today, I… I didn't hear anything, nor did I see anything…” She kept on blinking at a fast pace, as her fingers fiddled with the hand of her bag.

“Perfect for you. You actually don't have to listen to my warnings though. The moment I see any headlines about Liam being my son, your whole family and friends will regret your existence.” She nodded vigorously, still not looking at me. “Now, Scram.”

She jerked for the door, and even staggered, as she went out clumsily. Her body shaking like a leaf. Did she have to be disgusting too? Was she really the one I'd slept with? I couldn't believe she was the elegant woman in my bed. She and that woman were worlds apart.

I kicked the coat hanger, sending it off its feet, and found my way to my seat, settling heavily in it. What if she cracked? Even though I ruined her life after that, it wouldn't stop the ugly picture that would unfold immediately the world learnt that I was Liam's father.

Was there a definite way to silence her? Something to threaten her with? If she fed that to Lucas…

My phone screen lit up, and it buzzed continuously.

I picked it up, and sighed.


Why did she have to be the one to call?

Sitting upright, I picked the call.

“Ashley, you?”


“Don't even get me started. First, it was Tessy at such a young age, now at this your old age, you're carrying a young girl around? When you should be marrying, and taking the world by storm?”

“She's not young.”

“I don't even have to see her face before I can tell she's young!”

“She just has a young body. She's not young.” I insisted.

“I waited so long for you to bring a lady home and get married, but okay, Leonard said you wanted to make your own imprint on the world first. Now you've done that. You're well-known. I don't care about the measly girlfriends you have, just bring me a proper woman home. Someone the internet would be proud of. I can set up blind dates if you want. I just need someone confident, someone mature, someone beautiful, and someone competent. Because I would not be a laughing stock among my friends. Bring her here tomorrow evening. No fail.” With that, she ended the call.

I slid the phone onto the desk, and ran both hands through my hair. Finally, mom had spoken to me.

For years, I'd been seeking that lady’s approval, hoping she'd see me, but she'd only ever loved and approved of Liam.

What would she think of Karen?

Would she be disgusted more?

Karen wasn't confident. What if she got there, and started stuttering like she so loved to do? What if she was indeed Lucas’ spy?

Well, if she was Lucas' spy, then she'd better be a damned good actress.

Because if Mom disapproved of me more because of her, then her whole life and everything she's built would be over in mere seconds.

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