Read with BonusRead with Bonus

A Year of Hope

[Vivian's POV]

I groaned as I pushed the alarm clock off my nightstand and rolled over to hide my head under my covers when I suddenly jerked up. It had been pitch-black outside that early in the morning, with not a glimmer of sunlight to be seen. Instead, it had been all darkness and shadows, occasionally illuminated by the glitter of a little window peeking through a nearby crack. I got up early because I had a doctor's appointment today.

I've been feeling really depressed and exhausted most of the last few days, as if someone had taken all of my energy away. I was unable to sleep or even get any rest. My thoughts had been spinning nonstop, attempting to piece together what had happened while I was asleep and how long I had been unconscious. It had seemed unfeasible at first. Regardless of the day or my residence, sleep did not cause me to lose my memory or permanently vanish.

However, our pack mother checked my pulse after I puked last night. She explained that my pregnancy was the reason I didn't feel well. Since Liam and I had been attempting to get this for more than a year, I was shocked by the news. I hurriedly crawled out of bed and took a shower, praying that the frigid water would dispel the cobwebs from my mind. After finishing, I changed into a gorgeous pista green dress and went downstairs to see how our pack mother was doing.

The elderly woman was listening to music while she worked at her desk and browsed through a basket brimming with dried fruits and nuts. I said hello to her and took a seat next to the chair to have breakfast. Even though I wasn't hungry, I didn't want to go to the doctor without eating. Still, I brought some food. As she brought the dish of fruits to me, the pack mother sent me a cold stare; she was correct, I did need the extra nutrition. However, I disregarded it. I had never had a strong appetite and was rarely able to eat enough.

I swallowed my breakfast and gave our pack mother a questioning look. She was plucking and tossing odd pieces of fruit into her mouth from a bowl. I said in my monotonous voice, "I'm going to the hospital for my checkup," and she nodded. It felt crowded in the early morning at the hospital. They called my name, "Vivian Benjamin," and I went inside to meet my gynaecologist, Dr. David Smith.

"Vivian, I have some amazing news for you, " Dr. David said, "Congratulations, you were pregnant!" and I glanced down at the test findings again. Indeed, it was there. I had a motherhood planned. However, this is not possible. This can just be a dream. I was in need of some water. I thanked him and left the hospital by walking out the door. Tears welled up in my eyes, and I had no control over them. People were dining, laughing, talking, getting their prescriptions filled, and just going about their daily lives in a quite congested place.

"Sorry!" I put my hand on my stomach in a protective gesture and murmured as I hurried to my waiting car in order to avoid bumping with anyone. Next to the classy black car, my driver, Beta Caleb, stood and bowed to let me in.

"Thank you!" I murmured, entering in a kind manner.

"Where to, ma'am?" He enquired as he climbed into the car.

"Home," I said, losing control of my happiness and the smile that appeared on my face.

This was an actual circumstance. I had been trying for a kid for over a year, and now I was finally pregnant. I finally felt comfortable with my place in the group. I wanted to shout from the top of the roof, "Yes!" to everybody! I was carrying the future heir! But I made an effort not to become too giddy. I had to tell Liam the good news first. One of the largest packs in the southern part of the state, the Stormbringers pack, had Liam as its Alpha. But the huge space was surrounded by dangerous borders full with outlaws willing to rip apart anyone who got in their way. Werewolves sought and looked for their ultimate love their entire lives.

For my part, I had been crushing on Liam since I first saw him when I was eleven years old. My crush on him had never gone away, and when I found out he was my soulmate, it was like a dream come true, and we were married. Who among the Alphas had not longed for an heir as much as he had? I had just turned eighteen, but he had been thirty-one when I had found him. Many other alphas their own age were already grooming their sons to be the next big thing.

"Hurry, Caleb, there's a lot of work to get done now," I urged to the driver as I lay back against the soft leather seat.

I headed directly towards the kitchen, my stilettos echoing on the oak floors as soon as I stepped inside our enormous, guarded home. The reports would be tucked behind his favourite dessert, which I would make!

Telling the maid, "I think you can take the evening off and rest, Clara, I'm going to bake for him tonight."

She excitedly let go of the dish towel she was clutching and said, "Oh, thank you so much! He would be overjoyed if you baked his favourite dish, I'm sure. He doesn't particularly enjoy sweets, yet he can't resist being lured to your custard." I almost laughed when she stated it with such enthusiasm.

"Clara, that's not required," I answered, "We both know he'll like what I'm making," and Clara agreed.

I took out the recipe I had jotted down the night before from the bookshelves and set to work making a big pot of custard. I hummed quietly on with my back to the door. I thought back to the first time he told me that this was now his second favourite dish while I made. In an attempt to make it for him, I had asked him what his favourite dessert was. All he could do was laugh and say, "You."

I couldn't help but smile from ear to ear as I worked, wanting everything to be perfect for his return. The air around me seemed pleasant because of the delight I was feeling. After a few hours, when everything was nearly done, I dressed, set the table with the food, lighted the candles, and positioned the chocolates and flowers in the centre before sitting down to wait for my partner to arrive.

I watched the doorknob turn, the handle turning slowly until I heard the click, and my heart raced as I heard footsteps coming five minutes before 10 PM. I was so happy to finally be able to tell him the amazing news that I ran across the hall. There he stood in the dimly lit hallway. His stunning beauty remained the same. Observing him continued to make my heart skip a beat, even after a year. He put down his briefcase and, untying his grey tie, held a couple of folders in his hands. His eyes, honey brown and tired-looking, met mine, and I smiled.

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