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Chapter Three

Chapter Three

My boyfriend, or rather, ex. He was the first to ruin my day before I met Mr. Entitled. Mr. Entitled crowned the weight of my pain in the most outrageous way.

I woke up to find that he was already out of bed, probably out of the room. This could literally be the most exotic room in this hotel. Brandonz hotels was sure the best I could think of in New York City, and maybe the world. Though, it had turned into one of my worst nightmares overnight.

I painfully sat upright on the bed, darting my eyes around the room, searching for my clothes, my shoes and handbag. My shoes and handbag were neatly arranged in a corner, in the room, but my dress and underwear were nowhere in sight.

I wrapped the clean sheet of blanket tightly around my chest, hoping to find them somewhere in the room, and also to have a quick wash before escaping this insane hotel.

My eyes landed on a huge wardrobe with golden orbs and lock stiles. I pushed it open, and my eyes were totally mesmerised by what they saw; neatly arranged clothes and shoes from different brands. Polos and hoodies took most part of the wardrobe. Sorry, does he live in this hotel???

I screened the wardrobe thoroughly, searching for my dress and underwear, but they weren't there. I slammed the wardrobe doors angrily, wondering where they might be.

I pushed open the bathroom door, banging it shut behind me. I stopped in my tracks when I saw a pair of beautiful, manly feet, with water sprayed all over it. My eyes travelled, following the trail of these feet to find a very tempting waistline, wrapped up enticingly, with a towel well knitted to it. The broad, embossed chest with fine, chiselled, belly abbs stood there with a tempting poise like the serpent's apple.

My eyes shot up towards the face of this being, capturing the cold, mesmerising, stare of the grey eyes of Mr. Entitled. He held a towel to his just washed, tattered, yet beautiful, lush hair that glistened brightly. Water dripped slowly and dotingly down his well sculpted face. A little smirk played on his fine, just washed, pink lips, and his eyes twitched mischievously at a hidden joke.

“Done drooling?” Came his deep, husky voice unexpectedly.

I cringed and turned away from him back to the door with my eyes closed tightly as my imaginations played tricks on me; that his towel fell off his waist. I slapped myself mentally at my lascivious thoughts.

“Let me see your face.”

His cold, spine breaking, deep voice tore through the silence again. I was stunned at his request. Why would he want to see my face? I tried to open the door when his voice put me off balance again.

“Galena?” He whispered sonorously as if calling to confirm my identity.

I froze right on the spot. How did he even know my name? Fear exploded in me like a ruptured balloon. Surely, I could hear the tiniest spin and drip of the water from his skin.

I heard him walking towards me, but I was too stunned to raise my feet or open the door. I was rooted to the ground,  trying to catch my breath through my mouth while he strolled over to me.

He twirled me around to face him gently, cupping my chin and tilting my head backwards to look directly at him, as he crouched his head down to look deeply into my eyes, as if searching for answers.

“Is this how you blackmail people into giving you extra tips?

His expression intermittently changed from that of amusement to anger.

Blackmail huh?

I didn't know what to say. I looked away from him, trying hard not to cry, since I couldn't fight. I had promised myself last night never to be vulnerable before him again.

There were things I still did not understand. He called me a slut, he even knows my name, yet - yet he forced himself on me?... It didn't measure up at all! Could all of this be a set up???

My mind was racing with a million questions darting through it. I looked back at him, then looked away, with hatred cursing through me.

He let go of my face and grabbed my shoulders lightly.

“You need not act up. I'll give you the extra tips for your in-time help.” In- time help indeedy. IDIOT!

He opened the bathroom door calmly, striding out, leaving me behind and shutting the door gently.

I heaved deeply with my lips gently parted, and soon, I drifted onto the floor in a devastating, sitting position. I tried to wrap my head around everything. Could this be… a setup from Mia!!?

But… why?

I wanted to understand everything. I had questions, I needed answers. Was she trying to frame me so she could accuse me of cheating and legally snatch my boyfriend?

Oh my God!

I gasped inwardly.

Why were bad things just happening to me?

I didn’t know a tear had found its way to my cheek, and when I realised it, I quickly wiped it off with the back of my palm.

I painfully got up on my feet and walked in wobbly, heavy steps towards the huge bathroom mirror. Probably too large to be in a bathroom. I stared at the broken, depressed girl in the mirror with her long, curly hair pulled in a jagged mess. The mascara on her eyes had slithered from its place and created a rough artwork on her face like a kid learning to paint. Her lips were swollen from kiss bites, her hazel eyes red and pulpy from too much crying. She had a downcasted, exasperated look.

There was a tiny, almost invisible cut just below her lips. She drew in the fullness of her lower lip and bit on it slowly, gently, painfully. She looked lost, almost expressionless, yet full of emotions.

This girl certainly wasn’t me. She wasn’t even a near faction of the shadow of myself. I stared at her. I wanted to ask her who she was and why she was here in my supposed mirror, staring at me with that gaunt look.

But indeed, she was me.

The new me chiselled out of pain.

The heavy duvet slipped down my chest to the bathroom’s floor. I slowly and solemnly stepped into the shower, like I was going to wash myself of every sin, every pain. The tiny cold pellets of the shower once turned on, rushed over me – my face, hair and skin, washing me, massaging me, almost healing me; for what will be a moment.

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