Chapter 3
I slammed my hand on the table, beginning to lose my temper once more, for the third or fourth time this morning. But my men were driving me insane, you would think that if you gave assassins and natural born killers a job to catch a culprit they would!
But that isn’t the case.
The runners we were after kept getting away, but not for long, a person could only run for so long before they grew tired, and they were getting slower.
“If you would have apprehended him when I said he wouldn’t have disappeared!” Jione shouted, his wide shoulders shaking with rage.
He was the biggest of the group, wide and muscular, but he was also fast and very good with a weapon. He had short black hair with shaved sides and green eyes, but it wasn’t a light green, it was dark. Just like the colour of his deeply tanned skin.
Misha huffed, crossing his arms, his brown eyes narrowing. “The order was to apprehend BOTH, he would have led us to the second one, the female.”
Misha was just as tall as Jione, both of them around 6 foot 5, but Misha had longer hair, it was unkept and curly, as chaotic as his so called charm. But he was my most trusted advisor, my sniper. My spy.
Nikolai watched them, sat in the chair opposite mine, a smirk on his lips, he had a large scar over his left eye, it scared most people off. But he wasn't so bad when he came to the ones he trusted. he had a light brown crew cut and brown eyes, he was just as muscular and fast as the other too, but he was more .. unstable. You never know when he would blow his fuse.
However when he did, cities burned to the ground.
“Nikolai. Jione. Misha.” I say, rubbing the bridge of my nose. “How hard is it to catch two people? They are only runners; they should be the easiest to catch!”
“He knew it was a trap.” Nikolai mutters, his accent thick as he leans back, drinking his coffee.
Misha scoffed, “yeah, exactly, we would have had them, but she wasn’t there, our intelligence was wrong.”
I couldn’t take this much longer; they are driving me insane.
They were like brothers to me, but I was still the boss, and they needed to remember that. We had built our organisation from the ground up, it had taken years, but someone was apprehending our stock and moving it themselves. That couldn’t be allowed.
No one stole from me and lived.
I would make whoever these people were pay, and I was close to finding the man behind it. He worked for the city, we knew that much. It was only a matter of time.
I stand from my seat, “Mistakes happen.” I say, causing them all to look at me confused.
“I never thought I would see the day you say something like that.” Misha frowned, leaning back in his seat.
Jione scoffed, as he always does when angry. “You’re pulling our leg.” He snaps, his thick accent easier for me to understand than most others. “I know you boss, you would never say such a thing.”
I smile sadistically. “I know who our female runner is.”
They all snap their heads towards me, eyes wide.
My smile grows wilder. “I don’t normally do the grit work, that much was true. But I had gotten lucky one night at the club. She was spotted working there. Both behind the bar and in the toilets.”
“She was working your club?” Nikolai asks, slightly amused.
He was amused, but I was not, no one works my clubs except for me. The runners had made a huge mistake. She was on record, a bar maid. Easy to track.
It was only a matter of time, all we had to do was go to her address.
“Well, we better get going, I have her address listed on my phone. Shitty area, just like the dirt they are.” I laugh, as soon as I got my hands on that girl, she was dead. I wasn’t taking any chances. I didn’t care about her age. She was old enough to know that no one messes with the Mafia, and we were the worst of them.
We did not take prisoners unless we wanted information.
Nikolai smiles, but it isn’t a nice smile. “We go hunting boss?”
He wants blood.
He always wants blood. He was the worst of us. He didn’t know the meaning of mercy.
Misha checks the weapon strapped to his right hip. “It's been a while since I got my hands dirty.” He says.
Jione cracks his knuckles, but he says nothing. He doesn’t need to. I know that he wants a good fight.
Runners are hard to catch, they are fast. But they aren’t strong, not at all, this girl was said to be around 5 foot 3. Nothing compared to us.
We can kill her easily.
Stupid girl has no idea what is coming for her.