Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Have we met before?

Sadie's pov

The cab came to a sudden halt, jarring me from my restless thoughts. My heart pounded in my chest as I stared at the grand entrance of the Premium King’s Hotel, glowing under the night sky. Everything about this place screamed luxury—polished glass, golden lights, and an air of exclusivity that should have made me feel special. But instead, all I felt was a deep, nagging doubt.

“What am I doing?” I whispered to myself, my voice trembling as if hearing it aloud would somehow make it all real.

The driver turned his head slightly, giving me a questioning look through the rearview mirror.

“We’ve arrived, miss.”

I nodded numbly and stepped out, my feet feeling heavy as I placed it outside the car. My mind was racing, running circles around the decision I was about to make. I was here to forget. To drown out the chaos in my heart. But with every step toward the hotel, the weight of what I was doing only grew heavier.

Could this really help me forget Leo? The man who turned his back at me in the presence of everyone. To this very moment, I could still hear his voice in my head, the lies that had woven their way into my soul. He had been everything to me. My first love. My greatest heartbreak. And now I was here, about to throw myself into something so reckless, so out of character. It was as if I was trying to punish myself for still loving him after everything he’d done. But maybe I deserved that. Maybe I deserve the pain.

The hotel doors slid open, welcoming me into a world I had no place in. The lobby was a picture of elegance—marble floors, chandeliers dripping with crystals, and quiet whispers of wealth. But I barely noticed any of it. All I could think about was the slip of paper in my hand that contained the serial number.

As I approached the reception desk, my fingers tightened around the paper. Was this really what I wanted? To lose myself in the arms of a stranger? To pretend, just for one night, that I wasn’t broken, that I could feel something other than this unbearable ache in my chest?

My mind was screaming at me to leave, to run before I did something I couldn’t take back. But my heart, battered and bruised, told me to stay. I was desperate for an escape, even if it was temporary. I just wanted the pain to stop.

The receptionist greeted me with a polite smile, and after a quick exchange, I handed her my serial number. She led me inside and into an office where a man, in his fifties, sat behind a desk. His name was Jude Woods.

“Hi, Stella,” he greeted me, using the fake name I had been assigned. “Before we proceed, I just want to go over a few things. You’ve read the terms and conditions, right?”

I nodded, even though I hadn’t made it past the second page.

“Our clients value their privacy,” he continued. “No matter what, you must keep your mask on at all times. Is that understood?”

“Yes,” I replied, though I couldn’t shake the wild thought—what if the man behind that mask was someone I knew? Would I still keep it on? I pushed the thought away and followed his instructions, examining the room I’d be entering later.

The room was simple but elegant, with a large bed on one side and a fridge in the corner. The lights would be turned off once I entered, and after a few minutes, a woman came to blindfold me.

As I stood outside the door, heart pounding, I opened it slowly and heard a voice from the darkness.

"My darling Stella..." It was a man’s voice, deep and unfamiliar. He was sitting on the bed. I hesitated, wondering why they hadn’t told me his name. But I answered anyway, "Hi."

He took my hand gently, guiding me to sit beside him. For a moment, I braced myself for the inevitable, but instead of rushing into things, he held my hand and asked softly, "Tell me about yourself."

I shifted nervously, unsure how to play this game. “I’m Stella. I’m twenty-four. I have everything it takes to make you happy... I’m 5'5", with long hair, and my body is... appealing.” I tried to sound confident, though I was anything but.

“Is that all?” he asked, his tone kind but curious.

I hesitated again. "You can feel for yourself," I added awkwardly, trying to move closer.

But then he asked, "Is this your first time?" His question caught me off guard. Before I could answer, he added, “Why are you here, really? I know this isn’t what you usually do.”

The tenderness in his voice made me pause. Leo’s face flashed in my mind, and suddenly, it all felt wrong. “My heart’s broken,” I admitted, my voice barely a whisper. “The person I loved shattered it into pieces, and I thought... maybe this would help me forget.”

He listened silently, his touch gentle on my arm. Then, with unexpected softness, he said, “Love isn’t something you can heal this way. If you’re doing this to forget him, it won’t work. Trust me.”

I choked back tears. His words pierced through me, breaking down the walls I had built around my pain. “I’ve only known heartbreak,” I said, my voice trembling. “Love that no one else wants, love that hurts.”

A tear slipped down my cheek, falling onto his hand. He didn’t pull away. Instead, he whispered, “I’m sorry.”

Before I knew it, I was stripping off my clothes, ready to bury my pain in the moment. “I’m ready,” I said, standing there exposed.

But to my surprise, he shook his head. “No. I can’t make love to someone who’s hurting like this. You deserve better.”

His refusal was unexpected, but it was also the first time in ages someone had shown me real kindness. He helped me dress, speaking softly as he did. “Don’t chase after someone who doesn’t love you. Let them go.”

His words sank in, bringing with them a sense of calm I hadn’t felt in months. For the first time since Leo left, I felt a glimmer of hope. “If you still want this,” he said gently, “use my serial number again. We can meet when you’re ready.”

As I left the hotel, I couldn’t stop thinking about him—the man who, for some reason, had chosen not to take advantage of me. For days, I couldn’t shake the need to see him again, to understand what made him different. I reapplied on the dating app, replacing thoughts of Leo with thoughts of this stranger.

Then, one evening, a message from Daisy popped up. "Hi, Sadie. I’m inviting you to the opening of my dad’s new house and the reunion of my parents. It’s a three-day picnic before the big event. I’d love it if you came."

I stared at my phone. Daisy had never mentioned her parents being separated. As I was about to call her for more details, the phone rang—it was her.

“Hey, Daisy. I got your message, but I’m actually waiting for a job interview.” The date’s not confirmed yet in the dating app, I lied, still hoping for a rematch with the stranger from the hotel.

“Oh, come on, Sadie! You need to get out and stop thinking about Leo. You’ll meet other guys at the picnic. You can leave when your interview is scheduled. I’ll cover the travel costs.”

Daisy’s family was well-off, so I knew she meant it. And deep down, maybe she was right. Maybe I needed to move on from Leo for good.

Author’s POV

Two days later, around noon, Daisy came out of her room to meet her dad, who was watching a baseball game. His name was Justin.

"Dad, it's time. My friend is at the airport now. Can we start going?" Daisy asked, but Justin's attention was focused on the television.

"Hmm..." he hummed, not fully paying attention to her daughter. At the same time, Daisy's mother, Juliana, walked into the sitting room and overheard Daisy's words.

"I know he'll always fail on his promises. Go and bring your friend yourself," she said sarcastically and disrespectfully. Both Justin and Juliana looked at each other angrily, while Daisy stomped her feet on the floor and said,

"Dad, Mom, what's happening? Stop this. You get angry over little things," Daisy pleaded.

"Go, I said he won't come with you," Juliana raised her voice. Justin stood up without replying to Juliana, and Daisy and her dad stepped out of the house. Juliana immediately turned off the television, provoking Justin, who wanted to go back and turn it on. However, Daisy held him back and said,

"You've already left the living room, let's go, Dad."

They got into the car, and Justin drove away. Thirty minutes later, they arrived at the airport, and Justin parked the car, allowing Daisy to go inside and look for Sadie. A few minutes later, Daisy and Sadie emerged from the airport, with Daisy carrying Sadie's luggage. Sadie was wearing a white gown that showed her curves.

"Where's your car?" Sadie asked.

"Look over there, my dad drove me here. I'm trying to spend more time with him," Daisy replied.

They walked closer to Mr. Justin, engrossed in laughter and speaking loudly. Meanwhile, the two ladies didn't notice Justin the way he looked at Sadie. Sadie's voice took his complete attention and he couldn't take his eyes off her. Justin couldn't explain how he felt the moment he laid eyes on her. The first thing he did was to pull a little bit away from his car. His heart raced and he enjoyed looking at the gorgeous lady walking towards him with his daughter.

"My name is Justin. Nice to meet my daughter's friend," Justin said, shaking hands with Sadie. Both Justin and Sadie's eyes were fixed on each other while Daisy went to put the luggage in the car's trunk.

"What's your name?" he asked Sadie.

"My name is Sadie," she replied. Justin was still holding her hand then he lowered his voice and asked,

"Do you have another name? Have we met before?” He was forced to ask.

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