I evaded an assault from one of Logan's henchmen, trying to keep off the handcuff on my wrists.

I was facing four deadly foes.

They surrounded me, their hooks coming down to assault. One scratched my rear leg, making me scream in terror.

I very much wanted battling in my human form where I could be furnished with my two knives and move quickly on my feet. I was slower as a wolf, despite the fact that I could hit harder.

I wouldn't have a potential for success against a horde of wolf shifters as a human at any rate, except if I was armed with a rifle or shotgun, but I was sure I'd be trampled to death if I tried anything funny.

It appeared, in any case, that the odds were not in my favor.

I was waiting for Carlos to arrive but there was no sign of him.

I looked up to the side to see two shiters joining our group.

Immediately Carlos emerged out of nowhere and pinned his paws into Logan's throat.

"Carlos, get him, don't let him escape!" One of the two shifters yelled.

"I need backup!" Carlos wailed trying to match Logan's strength as the both kept pushing.

Unexpectedly, Logan took a jump at Carlos, and the two moved both ways, gnawing and pawing at one another. In spite of the fact that Carlos appeared to be stronger, Logan was fierce.

He had the high ground against Carlos, overwhelming him with his speed and agility.

This spelled doom for me, I never wanted to end up as Logan's slave.

I wanted to act as a backup to Carl, I needed to help him, I also wanted to hurt Logan as well - to make him taste the sweet nectar of revenge.

Goodness, I'll wish I could make him bleed, yes his blood - his - life leak out of him!

I steered a stage toward him however, screaming in terror when one of the wolves I should be fighting hit me with a club. I deserved that hit; I wasn't focusing.

Another wolf moved in and shoved me to the floor. A chain was being tied around me and I was being rolled up like a bag of flour.

The hits brought me anguish, yet they weren't deadly.

I ended up with bruises and cuts, maybe I was living my last day on earth, death was not only imminent but feasible.

Logan snarled, and the wolves quit going after me. After a second I heard them running north, toward the palace that Logan considered his own.

Alleviation washed over me. They hadn't polished us off. I would have rather not died, and particularly not at the moment when I suddenly felt… a mind-boggling fascination towards that lady.

Carlos and I needed to save her! We needed to go to Port Alvarez and salvage her! I could only guess what sort of plans Logan was having for her.

The bad guy had a harem of women, and everything about him showed that he was keen on adding this strange lady to his list.

But everything in me opposed the possibility of her being with another person.

I didn't have the least idea about the lady's name, but in my heart I had previously guaranteed her. She was mine! I would kill Logan in the event that he laid a hand on her yet this moment I was lying on the floor, bleeding and wounded.

For some time, until my injuries healed, I wouldn't have the option to do anything. Fortunately wolf shifters had fast abilities to heal, so in thirty minutes I would be all set once more. I raised my head to see how Carlos was doing.

He was lying not a long way from me. His fur was bloodied, however he raised his head and we shared a look.

I sighed. Sweet heavens! He wasn't dead.

On second thought, the way that Logan had messed with us this way was fairly annoying.

He didn't consider Carlos and me to be a threat to his regime. Today was his lucky day, his greatest undoing was keeping us alive.........

At the point when we went to Port Alvarez to save the lady, we'll put up a surprise package for Logan.

We would need to take mercenaries from our wolf pack in Belmont with us. Then, at that point, our numbers would be practically even, and the battle wouldn't be basically as uneven as it had been the first time.

For the time being, I needed to stay still until my wounds healed completely. I got Carlos staring once more.

He was attempting to get up, however his feet kept him from moving. He probably endured wounds to his legs. Anger consumed his eyes; he really wanted to avenge his defeat.

That level of savagery employed by Logan was nothing new to Carlos. Typically I would have been entertained by his fury. His crazy propensities really would in general give him the high ground in a battle. However, at this moment he expected to lay still.

I shook my head; telling him to back down, it wasn't worth the risk.

I attempted to hand-off to him with my eyes that he ought to continue to rest. We had been together since childhood, Carlos being my more seasoned cousin.

Fortunately, he figured out my message.

He protested, miserable about not having the option to follow Logan and his goons, yet his rage at last died down. I was happy we could communicate even without words. I adored him as my brother.

Thirty minutes went by as we laid out and about, our injuries healing gradually.

The desire to pursue the lady to save her returned in full power when my actual aggravation quit being so overpowering.

For me the mission was already sealed, attack Port Alvarez, free the captured lady and take back the rest of the prisoners to Centro Villa.

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