Chapter 4 Awkward Lunch
"What?" Hazel's eyes widened. How could someone ask a stranger to become her mother? "I'm sorry, I can't," Hazel quickly replied.
"What? Why?" The little girl's eyes welled up with tears. Flynn – her father – seemed to massage his temples. "You misspoke, Niña," he reprimanded his daughter.
"Huh?" Hazel became even more confused.
"Is that true, Papa?" Lucy looked up at her father.
"I apologize beforehand, Miss Stevenson. Lucy did not mean to make you MARRY me, if that is what you understood as 'replacing her mama," Flynn explained.
Hazel's brain certainly spun quickly. How could that sentence not mean such? She was only 20 years old, while Flynn? Maybe 30 or even 40 years old! 'He's a widower,' she screamed in her mind, emphasizing.
Marrying a widower on the first meeting was the worst idea. Even worse than wearing a thick coat in summer!
"There's a mother-daughter relay race at her school. Lucy does not have a mother. That is why she's been whining since earlier and asking for one. Do you understand now?" Flynn's eyes sharply pointed at Hazel, who looked bewildered. However, a moment later, the pretty girl blushed.
It seemed she understood her mistake.
"Ah, I see...." Hazel turned to look at Flynn and then at Lucy, who was wiping her already wet face from tears. She was not used to being rejected, and Hazel's decision hurt her heart.
"Sorry, Lucy. I misunderstood," Hazel, said softly while stroking Lucy's hair.
"So, would you like to be a replacement— I mean, be my race Chapterner?" she asked again. Hazel nodded. "Of course," she replied afterward. After all, she got nowhere to go! Where else should she stay?
Being friendly, polite, and useful might be her ticket to getting free accommodation until there was a chance to move on to the next stop. Once again, Hazel had no money and no friends. She really had no choice.
"We can talk while eating. It's already lunchtime," Flynn started his Mercedes car. The smooth hum of the four-wheeled vehicle accompanied their journey to the center of New Fork City, to Lucy's favorite restaurant.
Hazel was quite impressed with Flynn because he drove himself, instead of relying on a chauffeur. It seemed that Lucy could catch the girl’s gaze. "Are you admiring my Papa, now?" she asked in a whisper.
Hazel felt embarrassed and startled at the same time. "N-no," her answer only made Lucy want to laugh more.
"Are you curious why he's driving himself?" That 8-years-old girl guessed, and her guess was spot on.
"Why is that? Your dad seems rich. Rich people usually hire chauffeurs," Hazel asked, probing but still lowering her voice. Actually, Flynn heard everything. The car was not that big, but its interior was very luxurious. Any sound, however small, could be heard, and it did not mean Flynn was eavesdropping.
"Our driver is sick; we visited him earlier. That blue-painted house, on Harrison Street," Lucy said.
"Ah, I see," now Hazel understood. This area was not suitable for bosses' residences. If he was a driver, it made sense why they could cross paths now.
"You're very kind," praised Hazel. Not many employers visit their sick employees. Flynn turned out not as cold and rough as she thought.
Since being here – near Flynn – Hazel felt like the one she could not breathe. She was afraid of Flynn. The man seemed capable of swallowing her whole if she was not careful. Flynn even managed to drive away those thugs in five minutes. Truly terrifying!
"So, now tell me about yourself, Miss Hazel," Lucy requested. The car was still moving; the red traffic lights stopped them in the next minute. Hazel just threw a smile. She was not ready to reveal her shame.
"Me? What do you want to know?" Hazel teased. She would only answer the questions Lucy wanted to know. Flynn stole a glance from the front window, watching the two girls in the back.
"I already know your name, now ... I want to know where your house is. What is your job? Do you already have a boyfriend?" Lucy bombarded Hazel with various questions. Hazel's face tensed. Flynn smiled, although Hazel could not see it.
"Isn't that too much, Honey?" Flynn gently reprimanded Lucy. "It's impolite to ask someone about their boyfriend," he added.
"But, I need to know!" Lucy insisted.
"Why do you need to know?" Flynn asked as he drove them across Broad Avenue. They would arrive at Lucy's favorite restaurant soon.
"Well ... I need to know if I want her to be my mom in the future."
Hazel's breath caught. The air seemed to stop entering and exiting her lungs. "Wh-at?!"
Carl and Hans' dining that afternoon was not too crowded. Lucy ordered her usual meal: grilled meat and boiled vegetables, very specific ones: peas, carrots, and sweet corn. Meanwhile, Flynn enjoyed a Carne Asada Burrito, and Hazel ordered a Cheese Quiche.
Lucy's question had answered, but Hazel skipped the last question, and the little girl understood that someone's privacy should be respected, especially about becoming a mother in the future. Hazel pretended not to hear as Flynn sighed heavily, seemingly disagreeing with everything. Lucy was truly worrying!
‘I promise to leave soon after successfully borrowing the money! I'll find a cheap studio aChapterment, Oh, God!’ Hazel thought to herself as she ate her cheese pie.
No one was talkative. This father and daughter were suspicious. They would keep asking this and that, and Hazel did not want to answer anything.
"Do you like your pie, Miss Hazel?" Lucy asked after finishing her food.
"Yes. This Quiche is really good," Hazel replied as she took the last bite and sipped the red soda within reach.
Flynn remained silent, seemingly unbothered by eating cheap food like this. His Rolex watch seemed to disapprove of the atmosphere in this restaurant. Hazel could not understand Lucy's father contradictory behavior.
"I like eating here. Other restaurants are too complicated and noisy. Papa said Mama also used to eat here back then," Lucy's face turned melancholic. Hazel stroked her hair. She understood that the girl must want to evoke memories of her mother.
"Your mom must be happy that you're continuing her eating hobby," Hazel comforted her. Lucy lifted her face and smiled.
"Is that so?"
"Of course, Darling. Memories are important, but living happily with those beautiful memories is more important," Hazel added. Flynn seemed to raise the curve of his lips, again just a hint. In addition, Hazel did not notice.
"You're very wise for your age, Miss Stevenson," Flynn said, whether as a compliment or a sarcasm, nobody could tell. Hazel still could not distinguish Lucy's father true expression. He must be crazy for having invited her to sleep with him!
"Thank you, Mr. Bezos," Hazel replied politely. She wiped the corner of her lips with a tissue and excused herself to wash her hands. However, Hazel suddenly lost her balance because the restaurant floor was very slippery.
Hazel almost fell, but Flynn managed to catch her. Unfortunately, the misfortune was not over yet. Someone bumped into Hazel's back. "Whoa!" Hazel stumbled and fell down on Flynn’s chest and they accidentally... kissed!
"Oh my God! Dad! Miss Hazel!"