Chapter Three:Sibling Bonds
Eva woke to her alarm going off;she groaned as she pulled the duvet over her head and realised today was the day she started at her brand-new school.
Only one year!That's all it would be.Then she could go home where she longed to be more than anything.
Eva had enjoyed their evening out last night;although Tina had not precisely made her feel welcomed,the twins certainly made up for their mother's hostility.
Quickly getting up and throwing her feet over the edge of the bed,she felt for her favourite fluffy slippers and shrieked when a hand grabbed her ankle,and she heard two muffled giggles from underneath the bed.
Eva rolled her eyes and grinned in amusement at her twin siblings trying to prank her like that.It was nice to have a little brother and sister around.
"Oh,I spy two little monsters that need a good tickle."she teased as they shrieked with laughter and jumped on her messy bed.
Millie was thrilled to have a big sister to look up to,while Eddie was delighted to have someone else to spoil him.
"Come on,kiddies,before the big bad wolf catches you,"Eva whispered to them,referring to their mother,who would probably have Eva's guts for garters if she found the twins not getting ready for school.
They did as they were told,and Eva smiled as she closed her bedroom door.Catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror,she scowled and jumped in the shower.
Once she was showered and dried,she got dressed in the clothes that she had already prepared the night before—a cute pair of denim shirts and a white blouse.Then,choosing to wear her hair in a high ponytail,she applied a little mascara and black eyeliner.Not too much to be classed as over-the-top,though.
Standing back and admiring herself,she nodded in approval before grabbing her bag and picking up her mobile from the bedside unit.She checked,and when she saw no messages or missed calls from her friends back home,she sighed and slid the phone into her bag.She had thought they would have at least asked how she was or wished her good luck for her first day at her new school.It was like she had never existed in their lives.
Eva wished her mother could be here.Then she would not have had to leave everything she knew and loved so much.
She walked down the stairs and licked her lips hungrily as the smell of delicious pancakes reached her nose.She couldn't wait to get that in her,and her tummy rumbled in agreement.
"Good morning."she grinned happily as she entered the kitchen where the twins were already seated.Tina sat opposite,sipping at her mug of coffee,and didn't even acknowledge Eva.Her father had already left for work,so it was only the four of them and the cleaner who had just arrived to complete her daily cleaning job.
Tina nodded at the cleaning lady,who waved at them as she passed through to the next room.
Tina picked up the keys to her car and jingled them.
"Any pancakes left for me?"Eva eyed the cooker hungrily and was disappointed when she saw they were all gone.
"Sorry,I didn't realise that you were still here,"Tina said,but Eva could see she was lying.She hadn't been bothered to prepare anything for Eva since it was obvious that she did not like having her under the same roof.
"It's ok,and you can have mine."Eddie held out his half-eaten pancake to his older sister.She smiled at his generosity and squeezed his cheek.He was so adorable and loving.
"No,you eat your breakfast.I'm sure Eva is capable of fixing her breakfast.Now hurry up before we are late."Tina glared at Eva.
"It's ok,thanks anyway,kiddo.I wasn't that hungry anyway."Eva smiled down at Eddie and grabbed herself an apple from the fruit bowl.
"Ok."he shrugged his shoulders and went back to eating.Millie had already finished by now and for down to wash her hands and face.
"Come on."Tina huffed impatiently and looked at her watch.
"Ok,come on,guys.Let's go."Eva helped them grab their bags and opened the front door.Tina frowned but didn't say a word.
The twins quickly jumped into their seats and buckled themselves in.Eva checked that they were in before sliding into the front passenger seat.Tina ignored her stepdaughter and started the car.
The gates opened,and they arrived at the twin's school.They said their goodbyes and ran to their classrooms,leaving Eva alone with their mother.
"Thanks for the lift."Eva glanced across at Tina,who only nodded in response.She drummed her fingers on the steering wheel and waited for Eva to vacate the car.
Once she was sure she had gone out of sight,she dialled her friend Sandy's number.After just a couple of rings,she picked up.
"This girl is too nice.It's sickening,"Tina complained as her friend answered.
"Give it time.She will not want to stick around for long,"Sandy assured her.Tina hoped that she was right.
"The twins adore her.She's going to make them forget me,isn't she?"Tina whined that she sounded immature,but her friend didn't want to upset her.
"No,of course not.You are their mother but don't forget she has just lost her mother.I can't imagine she is out to destroy your bond with the twins."Sandy told her.
"Let's talk later.I need to get to work."Tina sighed heavily before hanging up.
She looked up and saw that Eva had entered the building.She checked her mirrors before leaving the parking spot and returned to the road.Her workplace was only a few minutes down the road,and she decided to stop off for a coffee on the way.