Chapter 5 The Alpha's Fight
Just meters away, the alpha wolves were having an intense debate on what to do with the witch who had cowardly killed their leader alpha Conri. They all sat under the shade of a large oak tree. This panel was temporary presided by Kane who was more favored to become the next Alpha supreme or the head of the wolf clan, just after his father's demise.
"Brothers!" Began Kane. "We must not execute her right the way. We should hold her hostage perhaps, that's the best we could do at this moment while, we proceed with our plans on how to avenge my father's death."
"These sounds more like the words of a coward!" Entered Tanak. "It's so sad we are still letting this witch to live. Everyone here knows that the expected verdict of this heinous crime is nothing but death. And now, my wolf brother is telling all of us to keep her breathing," he turned and stared briefly, at his brother before resuming again, "hostage? Are you kidding me hostage? Is that all you have to say and do? I'm sure our father will be more than disappointed by your opinion right now wherever he may be."
"Brothers," began alpha Lunak. "This argument shouldn't be a pretense to get at each other because of our personal differences. We are talking about our leader alpha Conri, who has no doubt lead our clan for more than two hundred years. He was such a great leader and believe me he wouldn't want his house to be in disarray while he is gone. All of us here are representing our packs and are more than willing to ensure that justice is properly served to the humans and witches who had our great leader killed."
"I'm sure there must be a good reason why alpha Kane wants the witch to be held as a prisoner. If so, would you mind sharing your thought with us please,'' said alpha Nero.
He was the leader of his pack and has had a closer relationship with Kane. Perhaps, he knew Kane has something to do with human witch in their captivity. He had been told about that on one of his meetings by no other person than the adventurous alpha Kane.
"You know Nero, I can never come up with a plan if, I don't have a sensible reason and argument. First, we don't know what next could be their plan therefore, we should not be hasty in putting her to death. Perhaps, if we keep her with us then, I'm sure we will have a leverage over them. That will definitely lead a change in their plans thus; giving us enough time to prepare for whatever that comes next,'' replied Kane.
"Your answer sounds more convincing and authentic than one could ever imagine. Alpha Kane you have no doubt proven that, you are more than capable of succeeding your father. The wisdom your father displayed over the years was what kept the wolf clan united against our common enemy. And now, I'm proud of you because, it's obvious from what you have said that his wisdom has been inculcated in you,'' praised alpha Tori.''
"Agreed too! Count me in this plan!'' Echoed Nero.
"What is wrong with all of you? Why can't you see that my brother wolf is trying to mislead you all? He says one thing and does the opposite. Why cants you all see that?'' Lamented Tanak. "As far as I'm concerned, there shouldn't be any reason in hesitating to put her to death. Letting her live will make us look like cowards and fools in the face of the witches. It's so sad, that's the direction Kane is pushing us to. While they are celebrating the death of my father somewhere with clings of wines glasses, we are here making a ridiculous decision by letting the killer of my father; your leader, to have more breathe."
"But, you know quite alright she has not been convicted yet of carrying out the heinous crime since, she is yet to admit her responsibility? Why should we pass a quick judgment on her if, she denied the allegation? She has been pointing her fingers on Ferahon ever since she was apprehended so, Tanak you see why we should count our teeth with our tongues,'' Nero came to Kane's defense.
Lunak turned to Kane and began, "you know how much I respects you and everything you father has done for our people. But with that been said, I'm afraid I will disagree with you on the issue of holding her hostage. We don't need any more signs. The witches spat on our faces. They have declared war on our people already. We never wished for this but I'm sorry to say that, this is the reality."
At once Tanak sprang to his feet with his fury wolf eyes. "Finally, that's what we should call some words of wisdom and not the one you all applauded for. Lunak has said it all. Let's kill the witch and send her pieces to them in that way, they will know that we are not scared to take on the challenge they have brought to us. This is our only chance to do that."
"But how can we kill her if, she is innocent? She has been insisting she was not the one ever since, we caught her. These, Nero have said before," reminded Tori.
"No witch is innocent from now onwards with regards to father's death. I will hunt them down and kill them whenever I can. This is not a threat, this is a promise I have made to myself! They human villages will burn in fire because they harbored the witches that killed father," replied Tanak.
Kane's anger grew immediately after hearing his half-wolf brother making a threat to the humans, irrespective if they are innocent or not. "What is wrong with your reasoning Tanak? How could you kill the innocent for the crime they know nothing about, how could you?" His wolf face brightened under anger as he speaks and his voice sounded deeper. "As long as I'm alive, I will never allow that to happen. If you need someone to stop your evil intention then, I will volunteer. So be it!"
"I'm not surprise that you are saying all these. No, I'm not Kane,'' began Tanak, "do you know why I said so, do you? Because, you are a coward and a sellout!" He looked at their faces before resuming, "listen to me all of you, it's no longer news. I mean, it's obvious my brother has sold his own kind to the humans and witches and he is proud of that. Is this whom you would choose to succeed father as the alpha supreme of Nazan clan? Think again! My half-wolf brother will leave you all at the mercy of the humans, witches and very sadly, the vampires which my father was able to put at bay for many years. You all know what is like, when attacks are coming from different angles right? Save yourselves from the impending disaster before it becomes too late,'' he turns suddenly, to meet the burning fury of Kane as he continued talking. "Don't heed the words of a coward and a witch sympathizer!''
Tanak has hardly finished speaking when Kane became enraged. He had probably had enough of Tanak's unkind words and attitudes. His eyes turned yellow with fury. His body began elongating as if, something was sprouting out of him. He grew in size rapidly. Strange hairs emanated all over his body. His nails grew longer and sharper. His loud, animal-like, strange voice that accompanied his transformation could be heard.
While, Kane was turning into a beast, Tanak and the rest of the alphas were also undergoing the same process but, a bit slower than he was. So that, before they could finish turning to their beasty forms, he himself, had already completed his transformation process and advanced with a great fury to take on his half-brother wolf. Thus; opening a scene of violence among the lycanthropes present.