Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 4


If someone had told me just days ago that I'd be disowned by my father, the man who was supposed to love and support me unconditionally, I would have brutally disagreed.

And if they had also told me that the two people I trusted most in this world, my best friend and my confidant, would betray me in the worst possible way, I would have thought they were crazy.

But life has a way of proving us wrong, and now here I am, standing in front of a stranger who has just asked me to marry him.


I blinked continuously trying to process his words.

"I want you to marry me Vivian"

He repeated,his eyes locked onto mine with an intensity that made me quiver

"Now you're definitely crazy"

I burst into another round of laughter

""I want you to marry me for a year and in return, I'll find your art career. I'll give you everything you need to succeed -studio space,materials, connection, everything

He said,his voice calm and collected.

Someone remind me to not get drunk again. How much did I let on last night? I must have been so drunk and bursted everything out to him.

"I..I can't do this. As enticing as your offer is with Mr Kian. I don't think I can do this. Get married to someone I barely know"

I shook my head vigorously. Nothing could make me agree to it. And how can a club owner help me with all that,even connection.

"This is a business deal Vivian"

His gaze remained impassive but his eyes seemed to bore into my soul.

"You don't have to love me or even like me. Just be my partner for a year and we can go on our separate ways"

This stranger is either completely delusional or manipulative. Either way,I wanted no part in his twisted games.

"It's Kian Blackwood,if the name rings a bell"

I shrieked and I felt my lips go wide open.

"Alright, I'll leave you to think about it. You should get dressed"

He said, narrowing his eyes over a wardrobe in the room.

"Someone will be here to help you"

He didn't spare me any more glances but simply made his way out of the room.

Kian Blackwood?!!

I couldn't believe I had been talking to Kian Blackwood all this time,that I had been so blind to his identity. Everyone who was anyone knew the Blackwood family. Our social circle rarely cross because the Blackwoods were old money, my family was new money.

Kian Blackwood, the youngest billionaire in New York,the most eligible bachelor and the most influential man in the city was standing in front of me, proposing a contract marriage.

I didn't know whether to feel blessed or cursed. Blessed because a billionaire just expressed his intentions to marry me. Just associating with the Blackwood is like hitting a jackpot. Cursed, because I don't understand why he would want me to agree to that kind of arrangement. What if it's something illegal or harmful? You can't always trust these billionaires.

Just then,I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in"

I mumbled enough for the person outside to hear and the door flung open to reveal a young lady in her mid twenties.

"Good morning ma'am"

She cooed as she slightly bowed.

"Sir Kian requested my assistance with your bath"


I simply nodded,still trying to process everything that's happened.

The proposal…

A larger part of me wanted to scream NO and leave this place but then,I needed it. I needed the assistance,I needed someone to help me with the funding now that my supposed father has disowned me.

But then, marriage is something I'm not ready for and to think I'd be married to the Blackwood family is shocking.

The lady began to prepare the bath, adding rose essence to the steaming water. The fragrance filled the air and I felt a pang of longing for the life I once knew

"You can take your bath now ma'am"

The maid said with a smile plastered across her face.

I rose from the bed and made my way to the bathroom but noticed the maid trailing behind me.

"Oh,I can handle it myself"

I said, trying to sound firm.

"But Sir Kian ordered..."

"I'll be fine"

I interrupted,my tone sharper than intended.

I just wanted to be alone,to wash away the memories of the day.

"Of course ma'am, as you wish"

She turned and walked out of the room.

I reached the bathroom door,grasped the handle,and flung it open.

I let out a sigh before stepping into the bathroom,the door closing behind me with a soft click

I pulled the curtain shut before stepping into the bathtub. The warm water welcomed me and sent calming chills down my spine

The heat seeped into my muscles, releasing the tension and for a brief instant,I forgot about Kian's proposal,the contract and the complicated web I was now entangled in.

After some minutes, I walked out of the bathroom feeling refreshed

I took a simple yet elegant dress from the closet and put it on, feeling a sense of normalcy wash over me and I made my way out of the room.

As I exited the room, I couldn't help but admire the opulent decorations and attractive designs that adorned the walls and furniture. The grandeur of the mansion was truly breathtaking. A quick mental review and I depicted this place to be Kian's penthouse. The Blackwood mansion is always on display everywhere. Kian must be a private person given I haven't seen this place anywhere on TV.

As I walked down the stairs,I met Kian sitting in the dining area, his piercing green eyes fixed on me.

His chiseled features and strong jawline seemed even more pronounced in the morning light, and I felt a flutter in my chest as our gazes met. His dark hair was perfectly styled, and I couldn't help but feel drawn to him.

"Came to give me a response?"

His cold voice jolted me out of my fantasy, and I felt a flush rise to my cheeks as I realized I had been staring. He must have caught me admiring him, and I felt a sense of embarrassment wash over me.

I strode towards him,my heart pounding in my chest. I took a seat in front of him,his cologne seemed into my nostrils,enveloping me in a warm scent that made my pulse quicken.


I cleared my throat, trying to sound confident despite the nervousness that threatened to betray me.

"I agree to your proposal"

His eyes flickered across my face as if searching for any sign of hesitation or doubt.

"But I have my terms"

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