Read with BonusRead with Bonus

I'll Prove You Wrong

I drove for three hours before having to stop for gas. When I went to insert my debit card, I frowned. If I continued using it, Will would be able to track me. I didn’t want him to be able to track me down and find me. At least not yet. I grabbed my purse off the front seat before marching inside the gas station to pay for the gas. I still had about 200 miles to go before I arrived at the Garden of Eden. I was extremely anxious, but also just as determined. Every mile I drove, I was more tempted to turn back around and just accept the divorce. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to open myself up to everything the pamphlet promised would be waiting for me when I arrived at my destination.

When I was done pumping the gas, I replaced the nozzle on its stand before climbing back into my car. I started the car up but didn’t move while I took a few deep, steadying breaths. I really needed to get the thought of turning around and going home to beg for his forgiveness out of my head. No matter how many times I told myself that I had every right to say no to something, it did nothing to mute my father’s voice as he drilled the rules of being a wife into my head.

“Leah! Pay attention! Dinner is on the table when he gets home, and then you go lie on the bed and wait for him to fuck you! You give him offspring, good meals, sex, and keep the house clean. You are to do whatever he asks you to do. You are nothing without your husband! Say it!”

I would lower my head obediently. “I am nothing without my husband.”

I shook my head to clear the fear he instilled in me as I put my car in drive. Will was my husband. He wanted me to go to the Garden of Eden, and so I would go. A good wife listened. A good wife did everything her husband told her to, even if it made her uncomfortable. A wife’s discomfort didn’t matter. Not to her husband. Nor should it. I glanced at myself in the rearview mirror.

“Screw that!”

I wasn’t going to live like that anymore. I was tired of walking around on eggshells that would just break under my feet anyway. I wanted to be happy, damnit! I deserved to be happy! I would be happy. No matter how long it took me, I would find myself while I learned who I wanted to be, and maybe, just maybe, good people would flock to me and show me what healthy relationships looked like. With my determination renewed, I sped up a little. If I kept up the pace I had been going at, I would arrive at my destination just as the sun came up. That was if I was able to drive straight through the night.

I turned my gospel music up as I continued to drive. My nerves started to get to me again, and I started belting out the lyrics to ease the feeling a little. I raised my hand in surrender as I got more into the music that was blasting around me. I was exhausted, but I wanted to get there sooner rather than later.

When I was about half an hour away from my destination, the landscape changed. Instead of rolling fields and forests, a 15-foot-high fence was the only thing that could be seen on the right side of the freeway. It creeped me out, and my paranoia grew as I thought about what could be on the other side of the high fence. I was in the middle of nowhere, and I fully believed in the horrible things that went bump in the night.

As the sun started to rise, I let out a long, relieved breath. Hopefully now I could stop imagining monsters chasing my car, waiting for me to stop so they could drag me off to their lairs to devour my flesh. I yawned for the millionth time as I pulled up at the fence's entrance as my navigation system told me that I had reached my destination. At least it was nice to know that the outside world couldn’t see in. I got out of my car to press the speaker button.

“Hello? Ummm… My name is Leah. I… I hope I’m in the right place. I’m looking for the Garden of Eden.”

I waited in front of the speaker for a response. After several minutes of not even a slight buzz on the intercom, my shoulders slumped, and I returned to my car. I wasn’t sure what to do, but I was going to wait until those doors opened and somebody told me to get lost. I locked my doors and set my alarm before leaning back against my seat with my arms folded over my chest. I closed my eyes, giving into my desire to sleep. A little nap wouldn’t hurt. Or at least I hoped it wouldn’t.

I jolted awake when someone tapped on my window. My eyes frantically looked around before coming to rest on one of the most handsome men I had ever seen. My heart thumped wildly in my chest as I wound down the window just far enough to be able to talk to him.


He smiled at me, and my heart fluttered a little. Oh, God. What was wrong with me? He put his arm on the roof of my car as he leaned down to peer into my face.

“You can’t park here, princess. This is private property.”

I trembled as his deep, husky voice washed over me, sending heat through my body. I opened my mouth, and nothing came out. He raised an eyebrow at me in amusement.

“I didn’t catch that, princess.”

“E-Eden,” I managed to squeak out.

“Eden? Interesting. I didn’t peg you as one of those people who walked around in the nude.”

“I’m not!” I said, blushing.

“So, why are you looking for Eden?”

“M-my husband told me I had to come…”

“Your husband? What’s your name, princess?”


“What’s your last name, princess?”

“A-Adams,” I stuttered, getting more flustered every time he called me princess.

“Adams. Ah, yes. William said that Darcy would be participating in the plan that he purchased.”

I looked away as tears filled my eyes. I disengaged the alarm so I could start my car.

“Okay,” I whispered. “I’ll just go.”

He tilted his head as he studied my face. “Turn the car off, Leah. You need to sleep before you go anywhere. I’m sure Mister won’t mind if you sleep in the Adams’s home for a few hours while he speaks to William.”

I shook my head. “No! Please, don’t. He can’t know I’m here. I-I’ll just go back and give him his divorce,” I said, letting my shoulders slump in defeat. “I just wanted to learn who I was before we divorced.”

“Turn the car off, princess, and come with me,” he repeated, softer than before.

“What’s the point?” I asked.

“The point is, Eden is the perfect place to do just that, and I’m sure Mister will allow you to remain as William’s trainee.”

I turned my car off but didn’t take the key out of the ignition. “I don’t want to be his trainee. I want to be my own trainee. He doesn’t deserve to have me in any way. Not after what he did.”

He opened my door, holding his hand out to me. “Come on, princess. Let’s go find the true you.”

I turned my head to meet his eyes. “But what about my car?”

“You will give the keys to me, and your car will be moved to our holding area. There is a car provided for you to use while you are here.”

I laid my head down on the steering wheel. Was I really about to go into this nudist colony and let them “train” me? I wasn’t even sure what their “training” consisted of, and now they wanted to take my car. What was next? My phone? Was this even safe to do, or was this really a cult that would steal my soul and leave me dead in a ditch? I sighed. Whatever it was, it had to be better than the life I escaped from. I yanked the keys out of the ignition before handing them to him.

“Please, don’t lose my car,” I said quietly.

“We won’t, princess.”

I got out of my car, sighing. “I guess I’ll be following your lead.”

He smiled at me again, and once again, I was stunned by how handsome he was. “I promise not to lead you astray.”

I followed him through the gate, jumping as it shut behind us. As we walked through the streets to a house about half a mile into the small city, people eyed me curiously. I tried to keep my eyes on the ground to avoid seeing all the skin around me. When he pushed open a door, I hurried inside while he chuckled behind me.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone blush so much,” he mused.

“I don’t even like seeing my own nudity,” I blurted.

“Why not?”

“Because I’m not beautiful,” I answered softly as I looked down.

He tilted my face up so that I was looking into his eyes. “Everybody is beautiful, Leah. Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re not. Now, you should rest before Mister makes a decision.”

“Who’s Mister?” I asked curiously.

“The creator of the Garden of Eden. He decides who stays and who goes.”

“How do I convince him to let me stay?”

His thumb rubbed my bottom lip, making my breath hitch in my throat, before letting my chin go. “Just be honest with him, and don’t lie to him.”

“I never lie!”

“Mhmmm. Sure,” he said as he headed towards the door.

“I don’t!” I snapped.

He paused at the door to look at me over his shoulder. “Everybody lies, princess. It’s in our nature.”

The door shut softly behind him, and I stared at it for a long time before sighing.

“No, sir, you’re wrong. I don’t lie. You’ll see.”

I wandered down the hall, peering into all the rooms, until I found the master bedroom. I tossed myself down on the bed, sliding my hand under the pillow to support my head. I covered another yawn as my eyes closed. God, I hoped whoever this Mister was would allow me to stay. I now had more than one thing to prove. I was not a liar, and I didn’t like to be accused of being one. I was more determined now to prove that I wasn’t a liar than I was to divorce Will, and there was no way that I wasn’t going to divorce him. Just like there was no way I could let someone think that I was a liar.

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