Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 4 Big Hotshot


I turned and felt his hands all over my body, wandering, firm, and strong. Spreading me wide, he began pleasuring me with his skills.

I could feel his hot breath on my most delicate part.

When I was so close to an astounding release, his familiar whisper fell in my ears again.


I groaned unhappily and wanted to say something but at that moment, a loud thunder started buzzing around in my mind.


Frustrated, I woke up, with the full intention of smashing my phone against the wall, but then I realized I am not that rich to afford a new cell phone, hence, I stopped the alarm

clock and put my phone back.

A loud frustrating sigh escaped my lips as I sat up disorientedly.

DAMN! Why did I dream of that night again? !

This mysterious man and his Elsa, seemed like they both were never going to leave me.

Shaking away all the odd thoughts and scenarios from my mind, I got up to get myself ready.

On my first day at Shepherd Corporation, I need to appear refreshed and energetic.

Can’t give any reason for anyone to denigrate me.

To impress my superior at the job, I decided to spend some money and go by cab instead of train. This would help me look punctual.

But today, the traffic was insane.

At this hour, mostly the traffic was bearable in Berlin. I wonder what unusual happened today which made the traffic so unbearable.

“I’m at the door…” I told Elle as I handed the change to the driver and then left the cab.

Thankfully I left home early enough to arrive on time.

“A nice start!” Elle cheered for me but I noticed the noisy traffic from her end.

“Where are you now?”, I asked with confusion. As a regular employee, Elle should be here half an hour earlier than me.

“I’m still on the way…” Elle sighed in her frustrated voice, “Sorry, I promised to be the first one to welcome you today.”

“Oh, it’s fine… The traffic is insane today…” I told her looking around at the bunch of cars slowly moving in the line.

“Yeah, it doesn’t usually happen, I guess this is related to the new boss, I have heard wherever he goes, the security would check the whole area an hour before, and they

even spread their men for his safety.” Elle sounded amused as she delivered the information.

I also felt surprisingly astounded by this piece of information, this new Boss sounded like a Big Hotshot.

“Well, just for his safety, they’re making people suffer…” I sighed as I walked into the huge building ignoring the superiorities of the rich people such as the Big Hotshot.

“Truly.” Elle sighed in agreement, she was still stuck in traffic. “You go straight to the HR department, I’ll see you soon.”

“Come soon,” I told her as I stopped in front of the reception desk and the woman gave me weird eyes.

“Amy Hood, I have joined today,” Even with her poker face I gave her a sweet smile as I introduced myself, “Could you please tell me where the HR Department is?” I asked


“Your ID, Miss?” She raised her brow without changing her expression and I immediately retrieved it from my bag.

“Here…” I handed it to her but she didn’t take it.


I gave her a blank look and she half rolled her eyes at me.

So rude.

“You should wear it so people would know you’re the employee…” She advised with the same poker face, “And the HR Department is on the third floor.”

I gave her a curt nod faking a smile of gratitude as I walked to the elevator.


The third floor was crowded with both genders, men, and women. They all were well dressed and looked fully groomed. I guess the Boss’s arrival was too serious today.

Comparing myself to their glory, I looked down at myself. I am wearing a suit with my hair tied in a low bun.

It didn’t match the women’s effort here but at least I am presentable and decent.

Slowly, I reached Elle's desk and lowered myself there waiting for her patiently. And then I heard someone slamming the phone at the desk in excitement.

“Oh, My God! Oh, My God…He is here…”

"Derek Shepherd! He's on the way here!"

All of a sudden, a few more heads started to come out from the desk while touching up their makeup in the hand mirror they took out from their purses; and soon a group of

ladies was made near the door which was just right beside Elle’s desk as they started to gossip about the new Boss.

“What does he look like?” One of the women asked, curiosity evident in her voice.

“Here, Katy has just sent his picture.” One of the women beamed in happiness.

“The handsome boss "Derek Shepherd"

“Woah, even his name sounded sexy “Shepherd.”

“He has a rectangular face.”

“And a broad forehead.”

“Oh my, his eyes are so deep and black.”

The woman kept praising the new boss and somehow his praises made my mind reverse back to that charming man I met the night before, and who occupied my dreams lately.

Seems like the new Boss is also a More than Ten?

“Oh my, his eyes are so deep and black.”

“Look at those small cheeks, God, could someone be that charming?”

“Don’t forget his firm appearance, I wonder how many abs he is hiding behind that shirt.”

“I would give away anything to just see him naked once, God, he must be a wolf in bed.”

As their talk went to some bolder topic, my face heated remembering the wolf appearance of the man in bed. So ravenous.

“We poor people could only imagine, unlike Elsa…”

“Oh, yes, I’ve heard that she…”

Elsa?! The name instantly took my attention.

Wait! Isn’t this the name the man kept murmuring that night?

"Your gossip could wait until the day finishes. Do you all have any idea that Boss Derek is on his way to survey this place?"

A woman appeared and from her tone and aura, I could tell she is the senior here, perhaps a Manager.

Then, a small apology was murmured from all the different mouths as the crowd started to disperse.

The woman stopped before me, "Amy Hood?"

I was surprised she knew my name.

"I am Lily Wilson, Elle told me about you. You will be working under me and I would appreciate it if you keep yourself away from all the chatterboxes." She eyes around the

women who were now sitting at their desks with their heads lowered in embarrassment.

"Yes, Ma'am." I nodded to her words politely.


Just then the elevator door opened and a group of people walked out, with the bright faces of women and whispers of compliments.

Everyone could tell it was the boss, Derek Shepherd, coming.

I tried to look at him but couldn't as Miss Wilson blocked my sight with her body.


Instantly, the whole place fell into silence.

“Everyone, step forward our new Boss would like to take a tour of the HR Department.”

As I just stepped out, the same group of women started to rush towards the boss to put themselves first in the eyes of the boss.

Facing such a sudden storm, I was caught off guard and someone accidentally knocked me far away. I tried to swing my arms to keep my balance but failed. I fell to my knees

with a very indecent posture.

Damn! It's my first day!

Before I was able to get on my feet again, a hand stretched toward me. Without even looking, I took it and as I looked up to see the face of my helper.

And then, my breath stopped and my eyes dilated in shock.

These eyes… Yes, these eyes are so familiar…

These eyes belong to the More than Ten that night!

How come he is here?!

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