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Chapter 6 THE DARE

“Yo, what’s up?” Vernon said, making me sneered.

He was my best friend back in high school and I didn’t know he was also sent here in NewArc Academy until last weekend.

“What do you want?” I asked irritated.

“We’re going clubbing, wanna join?”

My weakest link? Clubbing!

As soon as Vernon hung up the phone, I ran back inside the living room and gave Uno an apologetic look.

“W-what?” he asked curiously.

“Is everything okay?” Thomas plastered on a fake smile.

I shook my head and raised my phone. “Someone called and I’m going out.”

Thomas walked over to Uno, swaying his hips. He placed his hands on Uno’s shoulder and squeezed affectionately. Then they began murmuring some stuff.

I could not hear a single thing, no matter how much I tried. So I walked my way inside my room and pulled on black skimpy dress and black boots.

When I stepped out of the room, Thomas was gone, and Uno was giving me a scary glare. His gaze travelled from my head down to my boots, making me smiled at him seductively.

“I’m so sorry Uno, we can go out some time.” I touched his cheek dramatically but he stepped back.

“I’m fine.” And he entered his room leaving me dumbfounded.






“Wooooh! Strip! Strip! Strip!” the sweaty bodies chanted although I was way too intoxicated to actually care that they were all staring directly at me in my little black dress. I swayed my hips to the beat of my dancing partner’s heart, as his pulse vibrated throughout my entire body due to our very close proximity. His clammy palm roamed on me and if I wasn’t so spaced out, I would’ve decked him.

Oh well, I’ll just have to burn this dress later.

I downed another cup of the disgusting beer and marinated my tongue in the residue of it.

The buzz I was feeling from my head to my feet intensified when I swallowed all the contents of the cup. Almost instantly I felt my partner’s hard ‘magic wand’ poked me as I threw the red solo cup on the floor of temporarily trashed house which made me want to smack Vernon on the head because he said we’re going clubbing but we ended up here.

“Ashley,” I heard Vernon’s condescending voice breathe and he pulled me away from my partner. “Let’s go.” He said and even though my vision was blurred, I could’ve sworn he turned red and steam was coming out of his ears.

Or that could’ve just been my imagination.

“What the hell? I said let’s go, you’re drunk!” he said angrily although it just made it look even more cartoony and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Stop being such a buzz kill Vernon, I can hold my alcohol.” I said surprisingly my voice came out clear, aside from a few slurs.

“Hey dude!” Jackson, a random barely known skateboarder came out of the everlasting crowd of drunk hormonal teenagers. He grinned goofily and did the stupid handshake thing with Vernon. He surprisingly managed to keep me properly hoisted while dealing with Jackson.

“Cheers! You’re like a fucking spiderman and shit. Keeping me up and stuff!” I said, making Jackson looked at me weirdly but proceeded with his conversation, ignoring the fascination I had with his nose.

I poked his nose oddly while I laugh aloud and he smacked my hand away but continued talking to Vernon.

“Okay dude, we’re playing Truth or Dare upstairs. You coming?” Jackson invited Vernon and he shook his head furiously, obviously irritated with me.

But goddamit I was ready for fun.

“Hell Yeah!” I exclaimed and Jackson chuckled.

“You’re not playing Truth or Dare, not this drunk! Those games get real dirty!” Vernon said hiking me up by my waist as I started to slip.

“But Vernon, I’m Ashley Anderson and I do whatever the hell I want!” I reminded as if he had forgotten and my throat itched for another drink.

He started to protest but thought against it as he nodded, knowing I wouldn’t take no for an answer.

I mean last time, he didn’t let me do what I wanted and took me from a party before I wanted to leave. I screamed rape and he almost got pounded by my ex.

“Whatever! Don’t blame me when you get felt up.” He said and Jackson navigated us through the pools of vomit on the floor upstairs to one of the spare bedrooms.

The room was almost completely empty aside from the mattress that sat on the floor and the five teenagers, half already drunk, sitting on it, some already practically creating a hot scene and others giggling with each other.

Altogether, there were four boys and four girls.

“Let’s get this started.” Jackson said walking over and sitting next to Melanie on the mattress who seemed sober. She was clearly out of her element and sheepishly nodded at his indirect statement.

“You all know the rules. You spin that bottle,” Leila informed as she pointed at an empty Heineken bottle in the middle of the circle. “And whoever it lands on, you ask Truth or Dare, blah blah blah. If you refuse the dare or don’t answer the truth, you take an article of clothing off.” She finished, and Melanie’s eyes widened as she began to have a panic attack beside Jackson.

“Me first,” a girl I recognized as Emma, from the cheer squad exclaimed while she looked ahead of her devilishly at a guy named Mark, rumored to be her ex. Emma was one of the ones who were already a shot away from being drunk.

She grabbed the bottle excitedly and spun it,

Her face fell when it didn’t land on Mark and instead it landed on Jun, a football player. Mark however couldn’t look more relieved as he stared at the top of the bottle which landed only two people away from him.

“Truth or dare?” Emma asked forcing a smile but it came out as more of a pout.


“Seven minutes in heaven with Leila in the closet.” She said, the devilish smirk playing on her face once again.

Leila and Emma were sworn enemies. And it’s obvious that Leila is in fact a virgin. And who better to your set your own enemy up with rather than a player.

“The top comes off.” Leila said shooting a dirty look at Emma as she slid her top off and you couldn’t peel Vernon’s eyes off of her.

Jun winced, grabbing his chest mockingly and faking a pain. “Ouch, Virgin Mary, that hurts.” He uttered earning himself a glare.

That was how the game started and before I knew it, tops were flying and dresses were spread on the floor.

“Mia, your turn!” Jackson said and pushed the bottle closer to the antisocial girl beside him who was fully clothed. Her hair however was fucked up due to the intense make out session she just had with Vernon.

“Alright.” She said grabbing the bottle and spinning it with minimum force.

The bottle spun fast and it still made me dizzy even though I was staring to sober up. I was pretty sure that if I had to, I’d have been able to walk in a straight line.

Then it landed on me.

And as usual, I didn’t pick truth like some sissy.

“I dare you to…” Mia said racking her brain to come up with a dare. I thought I’d be something dirty like lick shots off of Jun or some shit like that but it wasn’t. It was a dare that I didn’t know would affect me. “Take Won Carter's virginity.”

Wait, Won Carter?

Who the hell is he?

And what do they think of me? Not a virgin anymore?

If I have to take Won’s virginity, then I’ll lose mine too. Fuck!

But I only want Uno to take me first. Shit! Shit! Shit!

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