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Chapter 2 It is a dream come true

Author’s POV

(Five years later)

“Bonjour Madame!" James said laughing and taking Meredith in his arms.

"Oh my goddess!" she yells and puts her head on his chest crying. "I missed you so much!"

"Let me see you!" and frowning, he says, "You're even thinner than before." What did these French people give you to eat? ” he says, squeezing his eyes.

"Isn't that logical? Chocolate and strawberries! ” Meredith tells him and he immediately starts laughing.

"I can't believe you're back. I mean almost back, but now you will live just one hour away from our pack. ” he says and takes her in his arms again.

"Alpha James Quinn," Meredith said. "You're a little emotional!"

"Will you shut up?" James tells her, frowning at her. “You missed my alpha ceremony and my wedding. I shouldn't even talk to you! ”

“I am sorry” she said and looking into his eyes she realized how much she missed her brother.

“I want you to meet someone” James said and taking her luggage walks her out of the airport to his car where a very beautiful blonde woman is waiting.

But just before Meredith could say something the woman takes her in her arms and yells in happiness:

“I am so happy to finally meet you! James talk all day long about you ”

"Mer," James said. "She is Lori, my mate and my luna." but he doesn't have time to say that Lori immediately takes Meredith and drags her in the car on the back sit

“What’s the plan now?” he asks her as soon as she gets in the car.

"I will start my new job tomorrow and I will buy a lot of furniture," says Meredith.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay with us?" Lori asks her. "Mom and dad will be glad to know that you are back."

“Please don’t tell them for now. I will talk to them by myself, let me keep it a secret for the moment. ”

"You didn’t tell me, Mer. Where will you work? You keep it a secret. " James tells her, looking at her. “You will live in New Moon Pack territory. Isn't it a bit risky considering your past here? ”

“No. No one will recognize me, I am more than sure about that. And besides, I couldn't refuse such an offer, James. The territory of this pack is the largest in the US. And excepting my former in-law which are rarely going out and auntie Jen none knows my real face."

“So? Where will you work? James asks her again, a little bit worried.

“MaxLines Design offered me the opportunity to work for them. They even gave me a scholarship during my studies at the University of Paris and the condition was that when I finished my internship I would work for them. ”

"WHAT?" James asks and brakes the car involuntarily and then looks at Lori.

“James!!!! Are you trying to kill me? “Meredith asks in panic.

“Sorry… it was a cat” he said and looking again at Lori, he closed his eyes for a second and started to drive again.

"Do you know anything about MaxLines Design?" she asks, trying to get acquainted with the concept.

“Not much. “James lied.

"You know, James. I am really happy to be back home. I missed these places. "And Meredith puts her forehead on the car window and looks outside at the endless forest through her childhood.

"Will you really be alone in the New Moon Pack?" James asks suddenly.

“Don’t worry. I am not anymore the girl that I was five years ago. Now I know what I want, and all I want is this fantastic job. I will be the chief of the design department. It is a dream come true. ”

"If something happens tomorrow will you call me?" James insists.

“I will, but please stop. You are scaring me. It's just a job "

"I like your dress," Lori said, trying to relax the situation and change the subject.

"She always had a good taste in clothes, but I never thought she would become a famous young designer," said James in a soft voice.

“I am just worried about you. You just came back, and I can’t protect you if you stay here/” James whispers.

In the evening in her almost empty apartment situated in the public area of ​​New Moon Pack, where people live without knowing that they share the air with a pack of werewolves, she looks around and squeaks of happiness.

“My own house. I have my own house and I paid for it with my own money. I did it! I finally did it! “

A lot of boxes are all around her apartment. Is not big, only two bedrooms and a very large living room. But everything will be cozy. And everything will be gained by the work of her hands.

Is not that she is ungrateful but being a helpless and weak human in the midst of werewolves, she has always felt unworthy of the money her parents gave her. It was her deepest wish to succeed alone in life.

She loves the werewolves culture, and after she lived almost all her life with them she can’t stand humans anymore, in her heart she is a werewolf.

It's just about self-confidence and respect. No one said anything in front of her, being Alpha Quinn's daughter, but she saw their ugly looks and heard their discussions.

She always was THAT HUMAN.

And just thinking about this she remembers her staying in New Moon Pack during her marriage with Maximillian. She tried, even if it wasn't what she wanted. She did her part, but that scoundrel, who had been her husband for six months, didn't give her a chance. Because she was human.

On their wedding day Maximillian told her, "I will never look at you. You are disgusting! I feel sick just looking at you."

"I can't refuse my parents. " Meredith said "They gave me everything. If this marriage makes them happy, I'm willing to give up my happiness for them."

"Don't lie to me, " said Maximillian almost spitting her on her face" Who would look at someone as ugly and useless as you? I'm just a good deal for you. You can't fool me. But mark my word. In this life you will never catch me!" And he turned his back and never came in front of her again.

All because she was a human.

But now she will be the human who managed to break into the world of werewolves.

From now on she will never accept being bullied into silence. She will never allow herself to be a victim. She will design her own life.

Tomorrow. Tomorrow is the new empty sheet of her life and she can't wait to start drawing it.

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