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Chapter 2: The Engagement

Felicia struggled to free herself from Nelson’s grasp, but he held her fast. He dragged her out of the room, down a dark hallway, and into a cold, damp cellar. The air was musty and filled with the scent of decay.

"Let me go!" Felicia demanded, trying to twist her wrist out of his grasp.

Nelson slammed the door shut behind them, the sound echoing off the stone walls. "You're not going anywhere," he growled, his eyes gleaming with anger.

Felicia's heart raced as he pulled her closer, his face inches from hers. "You think you can defy me?" he hissed. "I'll show you what happens to those who cross me."

Suddenly, he released her wrist and stepped back, a cold smile spreading across his face. "But first, we need to make our engagement official."

Felicia's eyes widened as he pulled out a small box from his pocket. He opened it, revealing a stunning diamond ring.

"Put it on," he ordered, his voice cold.

Felicia hesitated, her mind racing. She knew she couldn't refuse, not in this cold, dark cellar with no escape.

With trembling hands, she took the ring and slid it onto her finger. It felt like a shackle, a symbol of her imprisonment.

Nelson’s smile grew wider as he gazed at the ring. "Perfect," he said, his voice dripping with satisfaction. "Now, let's go back upstairs and celebrate our engagement."

Felicia's heart sank as he grasped her arm once more, leading her back into the world above. She knew she was trapped, and her fate was sealed.

Felicia's mind raced as she was paraded back into the party, the diamond ring heavy on her finger. She felt like a prisoner, trapped in a gilded cage. Nelson’s grip on her arm was like a vice, his smile a thin-lipped mockery.

As they entered the room, the guests turned to stare, their faces a blur of curiosity and suspicion. Felicia's heart sank, her eyes scanning the crowd for an escape route. But there’s none.

Nelson led her to the center of the room, his voice booming out as he announced their engagement. “Good day ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce my bride,” he said with a mischievous smile.

The guests erupted into applause, their faces fake and forced.

Felicia's eyes met her father's, his expression a mix of guilt and relief. She knew he had sold her out, traded her freedom for a debt paid.

As the celebration continued, Felicia's thoughts turned dark.

The music and laughter receded into the background as she planned her escape, her mind racing with possibilities.

Felicia's eyes locked onto the door, her mind racing with possibilities. She knew she had to escape, but how? And where could she go?

As the music and laughter reached a fever pitch, Felicia made her move. She pretended to stumble, her hand flying to her mouth as if she was about to faint.

Nelson’s grip on her arm tightened, his eyes narrowing in concern. "Felicia, are you okay?" he asked, his voice low and menacing.

Felicia nodded, her eyes wide with fear. "I need some air," she stammered, her voice trembling.

Nelson’s eyes flicked at the door, his expression calculating. For a moment, Felicia thought he would refuse, but then he nodded. "Very well," he said, his voice dripping with condescension. "But don't think about trying to escape. My men are everywhere."

Felicia nodded, her heart racing with excitement. She knew this was her chance.

As Nelson led her to the door, Felicia's eyes scanned the room, searching for an opportunity. And then, she saw it - a small window, high up on the wall, partially hidden by a curtain.

Without hesitation, Felicia made a break for the window, her heart pounding in her chest. She knew it was a risk, but she had to try.

Felicia made a run for the window, her heart racing with excitement and fear. She could feel Nelson's men closing in behind her, their footsteps heavy and relentless.

She reached the window and began to climb, her fingers scrambling for traction on the smooth surface. She was halfway up when she felt a hand grab her ankle, pulling her down.

Felicia kicked out, but it was no use. Nelson's men were too strong, too well-trained. They pulled her back into the room, her struggles futile against their grip.

Nelson himself approached her, his eyes blazing with anger. "You foolish girl," he spat, his voice venomous. "You think you can escape me? I own you now. You're mine."

Felicia's heart sank, her spirits crushed. She knew she was trapped, with no way out.

Nelson's men dragged her back to the center of the room, their grip like a vice. Felicia's eyes met her father's, his expression a mix of shame and regret.

"I'm sorry, Felicia," he mouthed, but she turned away, her heart heavy with betrayal.

Nelson's smile was triumphant as he raised his glass. "To my new bride," he toasted, his voice dripping with malice. "May she learn to obey."

The room erupted in laughter and applause, but Felicia's heart was silent,

Nelson's eyes gleamed with triumph as he gazed at Felicia, his expression unreadable. She felt a shiver run down her spine as he approached her, his movements menacing.

"You're mine now, Felicia," he whispered, his breath hot against her ear. "You'll do as I say, or suffer the consequences."

Felicia's heart raced with fear, her mind racing with thoughts of escape. But for now, she was trapped.

Nelson's men closed in around her, their faces expressionless. Felicia knew she was surrounded, with no way out.

As the night wore on, Felicia was forced to play the role of Nelson's bride-to-be, smiling and laughing on cue. But inside, she seethed with resentment and fear.

She knew she had to escape, but how? And where could she go?

As the party finally wound down, Nelson's grip on her arm tightened. "Time for bed, my dear," he said, his voice dripping with malice.

Felicia's heart sank, her soul was crushed.

“No, I do not feel sleepy,” she said in a shaky tone.

“Oh, I see… you’re avoiding me? He said.

“No, I’m not. I don’t just feel sleepy...” Felicia's words were interrupted by Nelson.

“ I command you as your lord, come to bed this minute.. don’t let me do something stupid.” He said with a commanding loud tone.

Felicia’s heart skipped; she knew she was in trouble. She can’t go against the ruthless mafia.

“Okay, I’m coming.” She said in fear.

Felicia walked in fear towards the bed. As she was about to lie on the bed, Nelson grabbed her, pushing her on the bed with great force.

“Sir, what are you doing? She screamed in fear..

“Can’t I have a taste of your body? Moreover, you’re mine now, I have the right to do whatever I want with you..” he said that while trying to spread Felicia’s legs..

“No, please you’re hurting me.. Don’t rape me please..” she cried in a loud voice.

Nelson already had his way, he enjoyed every bit of her.. Leaving Felicia soaked in tears.

If Felicia had despised Nelson before, he had just drawn further into her hatred.

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