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Chapter 5: The Hidden Truth

Felicia stormed into Nelson's throne room, her eyes blazing with anger and tears. "Nelson, how could you?" she demanded, her voice shaking with emotion.

Nelson looked up from the papers on his desk, a hint of surprise on his face. "How could I what, Felicia?"

Felicia's hands clenched into fists. "You know exactly what I'm talking about. You killed John, an innocent man, and you didn't even flinch."

Nelson's expression turned cold. "He was a traitor, Felicia. He deserved to die. For Christ's sake, he’s not innocent”.

Felicia's eyes welled up with tears. "No, Nelson, he didn't. He was a good man who was trying to protect you. And you repaid him by persecuting him."

Nelson shrugged. “Protect me? Shut up woman If you know nothing. I did what needed to be done. Don't be so sentimental, Felicia."

Felicia's face twisted in disgust. "Sentimental? You're the one who's heartless, Nelson. You're so consumed by your own ambition and desire for power that you've lost sight of what's right and wrong."

Nelson's eyes narrowed. "How dare you, Felicia. I'm the king, and I'll do whatever it takes to protect my kingdom."

Felicia's voice cracked. "You're not a king, Nelson. You're a monster. And I'm ashamed to be called your wife."

With that, Felicia turned and ran out of the throne room, leaving Nelson looking after her, his face unreadable.

“You can’t walk out on me, look at his little brat… What do you know?” He hissed..

Nelson watched Felicia go, his expression unreadable. He knew she was upset, but he didn't care. He had made his decision, and he wouldn't let anyone question it.

He turned his attention back to the papers on his desk, trying to focus on the task at hand. But his mind kept wandering back to Felicia's words. "You're a monster," she had said.

Nelson's eyes narrowed. He wasn't a monster. He was the king, and he had done what needed to be done.

As the day went on, Nelson found it harder and harder to concentrate. Felicia's words kept echoing in his mind, making him feel uneasy and defensive.

Finally, he couldn't take it anymore. He stood up and stormed out of the throne room, determined to prove to himself and everyone else that he was still in control.

Nelson decided to vent out his anger on the training ground. He arrived at the training grounds, his sword at his side. He was determined to prove to himself that he was still a skilled warrior, despite Felicia's words.

As he began to practice his sword strikes, he noticed a figure watching him from the shadows. It was a young woman, dressed in leather armor and carrying a sword of her own.

"Want to spar?" she asked, stepping forward.

Nelson raised an eyebrow. "You think you can handle me?"

The woman smiled. "I'm not afraid of you, King Nelson."

Nelson snorted. "We'll see about that."

The two of them faced off, swords clashing as they began to spar. Nelson was surprised to find that the woman was a skilled fighter, dodging and parrying his strikes with ease.

As they fought, Nelson couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Who was this woman, and why was she so talented with a sword?

Nelson gritted his teeth, focusing on the fight. He was determined to win, to prove to himself and the mysterious woman that he was still a skilled warrior.

The woman was a formidable opponent, but Nelson was the king. He had trained with the best swordsmen in the land, and he was not about to let some unknown woman best him.

As they fought, Nelson began to gain the upper hand. He landed a series of swift strikes, forcing the woman to stumble backward.

But just as he thought he had won, the woman suddenly countered with a powerful blow, sending Nelson stumbling backward.

Nelson's eyes narrowed. "Who are you?" he demanded. "You're not an ordinary warrior."

The woman smiled. "My name is Eira," she said. "And I'm here to challenge you, King Nelson."

“Challenge me? He said..

Nelson's face twisted in a scowl. "I don't have time for this," he said, turning his back on Eira. "I have a kingdom to rule."

Eira's eyes flashed with anger. "You're a coward, King Nelson," she spat. "You're afraid to face me because you know you'll lose."

Nelson's hands clenched into fists, but he didn't turn around. “HEY WHAT DID YOU SAY? I’m not afraid of you," he lied. "I just have more important things to attend to."

With that, he stormed off the training grounds, leaving Eira standing alone.

As he walked away, Nelson couldn't shake the feeling that he had just been challenged by a common girl. Who was Eira, and what did she want from him?

Nelson's mind was racing with questions as he walked back to the throne room. Who was Eira? What did she want from him? And why did she seem so determined to challenge him?

As soon as he sat down on the throne, he summoned his guards. "Find out everything you can about Eira," he ordered. "I want to know where she came from, what her motives are, and what she's capable of."

The guards nodded and quickly dispersed to gather information.

Nelson drummed his fingers impatiently on the armrest as he waited for their return. He couldn't shake the feeling that Eira was a threat, not just to him, but to the entire kingdom.

After what felt like an eternity, the guards returned with a tall, thin man in tow. "This is Rylan, the castle's chief spy," one of the guards explained. "He's been gathering information about Eira."

Nelson's eyes narrowed. "What have you learned?"

Rylan bowed. "Eira is a skilled warrior from a neighboring kingdom," he said. "She's been traveling the land, challenging kings and nobles to duels. But her motives are unclear."

Nelson's eyes narrowed as he listened to Rylan's report. "A skilled warrior, you say? With unclear motives?" He drummed his fingers on the armrest, his mind racing with possibilities. "I want to know more about her. What drives her? What does she hope to achieve by challenging me?"

Rylan bowed. "I'll continue investigating, Your Majesty. But from what I've gathered so far, Eira seems to be a mysterious person. Few people know much about her, and those who do aren't willing to talk."

Nelson's gaze intensified. "Make them willing, Rylan. I want answers, and I want them now."

Rylan nodded and quickly departed, leaving Nelson to ponder about the enigmatic Eira. Who was she, really? And what did she want from him?

As he sat there, lost in thought, Nelson's advisor, Lord Thomas, entered the throne room. "Your Majesty, I see you're troubled. What's on your mind?"

Nelson's eyes refocused on the present. "Eira, the warrior who challenged me. I want to know more about her."

Lord Thomas's expression turned grave. "Ah, yes. I've heard rumors about her. Some say she's a rogue noble, seeking revenge against the monarchy. Others claim she's a mercenary, looking for fame and fortune."

Nelson's grip on the armrest tightened. "I don't care about rumors. I want facts. Find out everything you can about Eira and report back to me."

Lord Thomas bowed. "As you wish, Your Majesty."

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