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Web of Shadows

Chapter 3

Web of shadows

“Grin, grin, grin,” my alarm blared, pulling me out of a fitful sleep. I woke up feeling more stressed than refreshed.

As I sat on my bed, yesterday’s events replayed in my mind—my dreamy date with Peter, the encounter with the thugs, and the hot cutie from the festival who turned out to be my unlikely savior.

“Why is this happening to me?” I screamed in frustration, my voice echoing off the walls.

I checked my phone for any messages, but there was nothing.

“At least I’m safe from any tantrums,” I said to myself.

Before I could finish, I heard my father and stepmother arguing downstairs. I quickly dressed for school and went downstairs to find out what was happening. My stepmother’s angry voice filled the house.

“You’re going to get us killed,” Victoria yelled at my father.

“I don’t care what you do, but I won’t stand by and let you endanger my daughters,” Victoria said, her voice trembling with anger.

“I’m not going to get anyone killed. I will pay back the debt,” my father pleaded.

“Pay back what?” I interrupted, stepping into the argument.

“Oh, sunshine. You’re awake,” Victoria said with forced cheerfulness.

“Yes, I’m awake. What’s going on?” I demanded.

“Our father has put you into trouble, because me, my mom, and my sister aren’t the ones he’s endangering,” Vanessa spat out with disdain.

“Vanessa, shut up. We are family,” my father snapped.

“Dad! What’s going on?” I screamed, feeling panic rise in my chest.

“Baby, I’m in debt to one of the most dangerous people in San Andreas City,” my father said. The words hit me like a sledgehammer. The Blackwoods—the most feared mafia family in the city.

The Blackwoods are known for their power and ruthlessness. The patriarch, Don Vito Blackwood, runs the most notorious criminal empire. His sons are equally feared: Damian, the charismatic but ruthless eldest; David, arrogant and demanding; Denzel, a charming but notorious womanizer; and Dominique, the youngest and most feared of all, known as “The Devil” for his ruthless tactics and calculating nature.

As I absorbed this, tears welled up. “Dad, of all people, the Blackwoods?”

“Yes, Rory. I’m sorry,” he said, his voice full of regret. “But we’ll figure it out.”

“Uhm, Dad, I don’t know what to say. I’m off to school. We’ll deal with this when I get back,” I said, trying to mask my fear.

“Bitch, where are you going? Don’t you know you’re doomed?” Vanessa spat.

“Hey, young lady, watch your tongue,” my father said sternly.

“And you,” Vanessa shot back, “watch how you gamble.” She stormed out, leaving me in a state of shock. I walked out of the house, my mind racing.

On my way to school, the weight of the previous night’s events and my father’s debt pressed heavily on me.

“This is too much,” I cried out in desperation.

As I turned onto a street adjacent to my school, I noticed a black sedan following me. I quickened my pace, but the car stayed close. My fear escalated. I fumbled for my phone to call 911, but as I neared the school, the sedan drove past me, revealing its license plate: “MYSTERIOUS.” Relief washed over me, but it was short-lived.

“Is it the hot guy? Why is he following me?” I wondered aloud.

Just then, I received a text from an unknown number: “You’re safe, Love. Mysterious.” The message made my skin crawl. I felt as though I was being watched.

“I have a feeling it’s the hot guy,” I said, trying to convince myself.

The memory of him—the deep baritone voice, piercing blue eyes, and cold demeanor—filled my thoughts. Despite having met him only twice, I was inexplicably drawn to him.

At school, I felt a sense of security from the follower. I decided to confide in Alex about my issues. He wasn’t in class, so I went to the library, finding him there.

“Hey,” I greeted.

“Uh,” Alex replied, clearly annoyed.

“That’s for ditching me and not calling,” he pouted.

“Sorry, sorry. Don’t be mad,” I begged, feigning tears.

“Okay, no worries. How was your date with Peter?” he asked.

“It was nice, but I don’t think I’d date him,” I said.

“He asked you out?” Alex seemed surprised.

“No, but I feel he might soon. I’m unsure about my feelings,” I explained.

“Well, follow your heart. I support whatever decision you make,” Alex reassured me.

“Alex,” I started, but then stopped. “Never mind. Thanks for listening. You’re the best.” I left him in the library.

I decided not to mention the mysterious man or the hot cutie to Alex. I needed to solve this myself. I grabbed a snack from the cafeteria and ate in silence, reflecting on my problems. When school ended, I hurried home to finish my painting of the hot cutie.

As I rushed out, I heard Peter calling my name. I waited for him to catch up.

“Hey, what’s up?” I asked.

“I have something to tell you,” Peter said.

“Okay, what is it?” I prompted.

“I want to break up with Tiffany,” he blurted out.

“What? Why?” I asked, bewildered.

“I don’t know. I just don’t feel the connection anymore. I have my eyes set on someone else,” he said.

“And who might that be?” I asked, bracing for the answer.

“It’s you,” he revealed.

I stood there, stunned. “Say something, Rory,” Peter pleaded.

“I don’t know what to say. I’m speechless,” I finally managed.

“Isn’t this what you wanted?” Peter asked.

“I know, but it’s what I want, not what I need,” I said.

“What do you mean by what you want and don’t need? Like, you don’t need me?” Peter asked, confusion in his eyes.

“I want you, but I don’t think I need you right now. I’m dealing with too much, and I don’t want a Tiffany problem.”

“Forget about Tiffany. My heart is with you,” Peter insisted.

“I don’t think you should break Tiffany’s heart for me,” I said honestly.

“When did you start caring about Tiffany’s heart?”

“Now, I guess,” I replied.

“I want you. I can’t think about anything except you. My whole world is built around you,” Peter declared.

“I know, but I think we should stay friends. I don’t want to risk our friendship,” I said, walking away to avoid further discussion. Peter watched me leave, determination etched on his face.

I liked Peter, but I didn’t think it was right to pursue a relationship with him while I was still figuring out my own feelings. I hoped my decision wouldn’t lead to more trouble.

As I walked home, the black sedan appeared again. My heart raced as I quickened my pace. The car pulled up beside me, and the window rolled down. The mysterious man’s piercing brown eyes locked onto mine.

“You’re safe, Rory,” he said, his deep voice both reassuring and unsettling. “But you need to know, leave Peter alone because I want YOU.”

With that, the sedan sped off, leaving me both relieved and terrified. Who was this man? What did he know about me? What did he want?

The questions swirled in my mind like a vortex. I felt trapped in a web of emotions and uncertainty, with no clear way out.

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