My heart pounded loudly like it wished to give me away. My breath was ragged, and my chest burned as I ran across the thick forest.

The moon was full of glory; its shadows were cast on me, and it seemed to shift and twist with every step and turn I took. But I dare not look back.

They were near. I could feel them.

I could feel their eyes. I could smell them. Strong and intoxicating.

They were lurking in the darkness, waiting for me to falter. Grandma warned me about them and the things hidden in the dark. About the monsters in the woods, who only roamed at night.

“Always Stay in the light,” she would advise. Her voice was permanently tinted with fear. “Always Stay hidden, Seraphina. They mustn’t find you.”

But she wasn’t here anymore.

And now I understood her fears and why she had kept me hidden in that tiny hut, hidden from everyone.

My mind was still simmering from the truth I had discovered. The cruel and undeniable fact.

I wasn’t an ordinary girl as I had thought; I wasn’t a wolf-like grandma or human. I was a lobizona, born from the union of a werewolf and a human.

I was a stain to nature’s laws. I am not even supposed to exist. And if not for Grandma, I probably wouldn’t exist.

The people who are hunting me would have gotten rid of me the moment I came out of my mother’s womb.

The letter revealed everything she had kept hidden all these years. I found the letter tucked under her favorite flower vase a few days after her death. Her handwriting looked shaky and desperate; it spelled out a truth I had never seen coming.

“My dear Seraphina,

There are things I have kept from you, all so I could protect you, but seeing as I am writing this letter, I believe I won’t be here much longer to protect you,

Sera darling, you must have seen some hints that show that you are not like the others in town. You are a lobizona. Half human and half werewolf.

It is both a gift and a curse. And the world will hunt you till they find you. So you must run. Run and survive. Never look back. And trust no one. This is my final wish.

Behind this letter is the map to the Lupine Academy; go there, for They shall help you; and Seraphina, remember, power can be deadly. Do not let it consume you.”

I hadn’t even processed the letter fully before I heard footsteps. Heavy, fast, and close.

They had been watching me. Waiting to capture me. I didn’t know who they were—but the fear in my grandmother’s words was enough for me to start running.

I couldn’t let them catch me.

Now I was running, my heart beating raptly and heavily on my throat. I was unable to think of any other thing. Other than the instincts to survive.

The forest was dimmed with the moonlight; the trees brushed past me, and the branches grazed my skin. However, I kept on going. My lungs were on fire, burning with every breath I took.

The Lupine Academy is my only hope. I didn’t know much about it. Only that it was hidden deep in the mountains and a place for creatures like me. A place where I could be safe.

I had to make it there.

But with each step, the air got thicker. Darker even. I could feel them closing in on me. Whatever they were.

I heard the sound that caused me to tremble the most.

It was a howl. Piercing and bone-chilling to the air.

Wolves! Real wolves. Or perhaps worse.

I increased my pace. Pushing myself harder and faster. My legs ached, but I couldn’t stop. Stopping wasn’t an option. Stopping means death.

The wind turned suddenly. Carrying a putrid stench. Like something spoilt. Something ill.

My stomach turned as the stench hit my nose. I knew it before seeing them.


Grandma told tales about them. The werewolves who lived on the brink of insanity. Destroyed by dark magic. And lost to their bloodlust.

I have never seen one physically, but the stories were enough to keep my heart beating loudly in fear.

I could hear them more apparent. Their growls were low and dangerous. It echoed through the trees, mingling with the snapping branches and the leaves crunched beneath their feet.

They were getting closer. Way too close.

Panic gripped my chest. But I didn’t let it take over. I couldn’t lose control, not right now.

I remember Grandma's teachings. About how to survive. How can you stay calm even when a storm is breaking? How to be calm Even when everything inside of me wanted to panic.

Yet I still struggled to find that calm; it was hard to when I could still feel their hot breath on me. Their eyes burned holes into my back.

I fell over a root, barely able to catch myself, before I tumbled to the floor. My ankle got twisted painfully. I tried to bite down the scream that escaped from my lips.

However, it was too late. For they had caught up to me.

Five of them. All are standing tall and strong. Towering over me, their eyes were reddened, and their growl was low and deep.

I swallowed hard.

I wasn’t even given the chance to stand up and defend myself, for one of them was already pouncing on me,

He was more significant than any other wolf that I had seen. His fur was matted. His fangs glistened under the moon’s light.

I almost accepted my fate, for I stared the rogue in its red eyes as it lurched at me.

I am going to die.

Suddenly, the attack was stopped midway. And the rogue was sent flying over the trees and landing on the floor.

Standing over him was a woman. Tall, fierce with blond hair, her eyes glowed with strange powers.

“Stay down!” She growled to the beast before whipping her head to meet my eyes. “Get behind me.” She ordered.

I couldn’t move. Couldn’t even think. Who was she?

Another rogue lurched towards her. She met him head-on; she shifted to her wolf form, a blue-black fur wolf, unlike anything I had ever seen.

It wasn’t even about her size. It was the sheer force of her presence that made me seem small.

She fought off all the rogues; they could barely get a scratch on her. Meanwhile, she had scarred them badly.

Sensing that they were no match for her, the rogues began to retreat. Till they were all gone.

I sank to the ground, and relief washed through me. At least it was over for now.

The woman turned to me again, her green eyes locking on mine.

“You shouldn’t be out here alone.” Her voice was steady but laced with concern.

“I-.” I swallowed. Feeling quite nervous in her presence.

“I didn’t mean to be alone. I-“ I wanted to tell her my grandma was dead. But I wasn’t sure I could trust her. At least not entirely.

“I didn’t know that they would chase me.” I completed.

She raised her eyebrows in skepticism.

“They always chase. And so you can either face them or run from them.”

I nodded like I understood what she meant.

She brought her hands forward.


I looked at her hands like they held my life decisions. And maybe it did.

“I don’t bite well only if you don’t provoke me to.” She had a warm smile on her face, and that was what made me place my palms on hers.

She helped me stand up.

“Who are you?” I asked immediately, and I was on my feet.

“I’m Lena Nyx.” She replied. “The headmistress of Lupine Academy.”

My pupils dilated at the mention of the academy.

“The academy for eerie creatures?”

“The very one. Though some of the students wouldn’t take lightly to you calling them eerie.”

“How are you here? Why are you here? Do you know me?”

The warm smile was still on her face. “The magical bird alerts me of any movements on the academy grounds. And I came to check it out. And no I do not know you. But you can enlighten me on that.”

“I’m Seraphina Blackwood.”

Lena's eyes dilated in shock. “As in the daughter of Sophia Blackwood and Marcus Blackwood?”

Those were the names of my late parents, which my grandma told me. As far as I knew, only she and I knew of them.

So how did this woman get such information,

“You knew my parents?”

She ignored the questions. “Give me your hands.”

I hesitantly brought my hands forward. She took it and focused her gaze on them.

“You are indeed their daughter, the legendary lobizona.” Her voice was filled with Awe and shock. Her eyes were fixed on my hands like they had some new trophy on them.

I still needed clarification as to what was going on.

“You are coming with me.” She said as a matter of fact.

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