Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 7


Sapphire's POV:

As the night air blows, I silently watch my prey. I know that any minute now he will drag the child he kidnapped out of the parked van.

Levius Luther, known child trafficker, and a high-ranked vampire. He’s avoided being caught and taken in for about 4 years, which is why I’ve been asked to step in. It’s been a year and a half since I left my pack and almost two years since the incident at the Alpha Conference. Right now I’m a freelance agent, or assassin, or whatever you want to classify it as. They call me when they need things handled delicately and tonight is no different. I spray on another layer of my masking mist, I don’t need any vampires actively hunting me down.

The little girl screams as she grabs her by the hair and pulls her out of the van.

“Now’s our chance Saph” Enya says

Along with the rustling of the wind and the cloak of the night, I jump from the tree branch and sprint towards him from behind.

Pulling my karambits from my vest, I slit the wrist that holding the girl by her hair. “Ah!, wha-?!” He yells as I aim for his throat.

As expected, he evades me easily and puts distance between us. Not wasting a second I close the distance and attack again. “Swish…swoosh” the knives sing through the air with every swing of my arm. “He’s quicker than expected” says Enya. “Who are you?” He asks, I catch him off guard with a kick to the stomach making him unbalanced. I take the opportunity to plunge one of my knives into his right shoulder. He hits me in the chest and knocks me back a few feet. “Are you a vampire or a wolf?” He asks curiously as he pulls the knife out of his shoulder. I recover immediately and attack again. This time he doesn’t dodge and charges at me too. Slapping the second knife out of my hand, the hand to hand combat gets intense. “I’m going to enjoy drinking your blood tonight” He shouts. I had to focus, one slip up would cost me my life. We exchange punches back and forth and then I notice him grab something from his jacket pocket. Dodging and knocking it out f his hand, I see it’s a syringe with a light blue liquid inside. “That was close” I say to Enya, “He was probably gonna inject the girl with that”. With a smirk on his face, “It’s been a while since I’ve had to use my full strength” he says as his eyes go black and his fangs and claws begin to fully elongate. His aura changes and his speed doubles. In the blink of a he was in front of me and before I could react he punctures my side with his claws. As he rips his right hand out of my side, my blood splatters the air and the tree behind me. Thankfully, he misses my organs. Avoiding a second wound I jump to the upper branch out of his reach. I grip my side as my side heals in a matter of seconds. Jumping back down, “no more wasting time” I say as I attack faster and more intensely than before.

After another ten minutes he’s laid out on the ground un-remorseful as he life drains through the whole in his chest. I limp over to the girl curled up by the backside of the van and stretch my hand out to her, “Are you hurt anywhere?”. She shakes her head “no”. “What pack are you from?” I ask squatting in front of her so that we were eye to eye. “Black Creek” she says as she wipes her remaining tears.

“Ah, alpha Jason’s pack” I say to myself. Sighing, “Okay, I’ll take you back to your pack, is that okay with you?” I ask trying to make her comfortable. “Yes, I wanna go home” she says wiping more tears. “Good” I answer, “But I’m going to need you to be brave, that means you’ll have stop the crying. I’m going to shift and take you back to your pack.” There was no way I would be able to pick her up in the state I’m in. Being in my wolf form will help my body recover quicker and I’ll be able to get to her pack lands faster.

After shifting, I lay down so that she could climb on my back. I’m a big wolf for a female, my burnt red fur stands out in the night. “Hold on tight” I say standing up. Once I feel her grip tighten, I take off running. Thankfully, Levius never usually goes too far from the pack he snatches from. If I run as fast as I can, we can be there in 2.5 hours. We have to leave before his underlings show up.

After 2 hours of running my body starts to feel weird. “Enya, what’s wrong with us?” I ask. “I do’t know, I don’t know, it feels like we’ve been poisoned” she says.

“Damn it, when did-?”

“Doesn’t really matter at this point” she cuts me off. “We’ll get there soon, our packs are on good terms with them so it shouldn’t be a problem to enter their pack lands. After that we can head to our midpoint to get treated.”

Looking ahead I see Black Creek pack lands. Once I cross, patrols will come towards me. That’s exactly what I want. I’ll hand over the little girl and leave. The only annoying part is that their pack land is huge so it might take a few mins to run into any patrols.

As I cross their pack border, I give off my alpha aura. They’ll know someone strong crossed their border and they’ll all come at me.

Jason’s POV

As I’m giving final directions to split up and track the vampire that snatched one my pack’s pups I feel a strong presence cross my pack borders.

“Alpha do you feel that?” Asks Ron

“Yea” I growl threateningly, “surround and close in on them now!” I instantly shift and head towards the invader.

5 minutes later we reach the clearing, the invader was a wolf. A beautiful mud reddish brown wolf. It’s big but I can tell it’s a female. Standing my ground I growl indicating I want her to stand down. Instead she growls defiantly and takes a defensive stance. I was about to attack when Ron links me, “Alpha wait! She has a pup with her!”

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