New love
Sophia's POV:
Meanwhile, in the Silverfang Pack:
I stood before the mirror, admiring my reflection, looking satisfied and happy. My hands moved on my hips, smiling and giggling like a child as I praised my figure.
“I am beautiful. That's why Nelson picked me,” I said, applying my lipstick.
Amanda walked in, and I noticed she was wearing the same type of dress I had on. Mine was white with off shoulders and hugged every part of my curves while Amanda wore a beige color that complimented her figure. Her blonde hair was also packed in a ponytail, and I felt we looked slightly too similar.
I said nothing since I knew Amanda liked to dress like I did. She enjoyed it.
“Amanda, have you seen Nelson?” I asked, turning away from the mirror to look at my friend.
Amanda smiled sweetly and answered. “I think he's busy with pack business, Sophia.”
“You look lovely,” she praised, and I smiled.
“Thanks,” I said and checked my reflection again.
“I'm worried about him,” I said, frowning. “Our wedding is getting close, and He's been distant lately.”
Amanda's expression turned sympathetic. “Oh, darling. Don't bother your head. I'm sure he's just stressed from planning the wedding arrangements. You know he loves you, Sophia. He wants the wedding to be perfect as you are perfect for him.”
I smiled, nodding, believing Amanda's words. I stood up from my seat, smoothing out my dress, and walked out of the room with Amanda following closely behind.
A soft click followed as the door shut behind us as we walked down the hallway into the living room.
I enjoyed being in this house. I was going to be the madam soon enough, and the warm glow of the evening sun made the room look like a dream come true.
I turned on the air conditioner with the remote on the table and sat on the plush couch. The soft cushion was comforting as I relaxed.
“What do we do?” Amanda asked in a sweet voice.
“How about we watch a movie and have some girl time?” I asked and giggled. Amanda lived the idea and she started bringing out ideas of movies we could try.
“I heard there's a new movie in town. I bet it'll be divine. What's its name again? Ha! Yes, the 100,” she said, and I shook my head.
“I have seen the thrillers, and it's not really my fancy. It's great, but I want something more romantic,” I protested.
“Well, I can't say much about new-time romance movies. They don't hit the spot like the old ones,” Sophia said thoughtfully.
“Yeah, they always seem rushed, and I want something exciting. It's something wonderful like the old movies. Those make my heart dance every time I hear it,” I confessed.
“Yeah, I understand. Let's have some wine and snacks with the movie,” Amanda suggested, and she quickly ran to the fridge to get some chips, a bucket of popcorn, and another large pack of Oreos.
“You sure know how to watch a movie,” I breathed, and I walked to the bar at the other end of the room and grabbed a 1984 sweet grape wine from the cellar stand.
“I think everything's ready,” I said, walking over with a bottle of wine and two wine cups.
In seconds, I popped the bottle open and poured myself and Amanda a glass.
Amanda chuckled and took sips of her wine. “Aah, this is perfect. A nice way to take a break from all the wedding planning.”
Amanda grabbed the television remote on the table and browsed through the channels until we found a romantic comedy. It was boring, and she soon changed it to another, which was a documentary.
“Seriously, are we going to be bored to death?” I asked, taking the remote from her and changing the channel.
I only stopped when an 80’s romantic movie played. “Now we are talking,” I said and sipped my wine.
We were almost done with the movie when Nelson walked in with a gentle smile.
“Oooh, I see my ladies are taking the time off,” he said, and I dropped my glass of wine and waited for his kiss, which graced my lips as he bent forward.
“Welcome, baby,” I greeted, taking a piece of chips in my hand.
“We thought you would never show up,” Amanda chimed in.
“Why wouldn't I? I have my baby around waiting for me,” he said, and I smiled and kissed him.
“Stop, you both are going to make me jealous,” Amanda complained, smiling as I chuckled.
“You shouldn't be. Isn't the handsome lad chasing you?” I said, smirking at Amanda and raising an eyebrow at her.
There was a young wolf in town that always loved to be at her service. He was smitten and crazy in love with Amanda, but she didn't want him. It amazed me how she would not want such a great, handsome man. He was a beta wolf but still stronger than most in his rank, and if I hadn't been interested in Nelson first, I might have picked him.
“Nah, there's nothing between us. He's too much to handle. I can't deal with the emotions,” Amanda protested.
“Why?” I asked. “He's a good man,” I defended the man even if I hadn't met with him. “At least that's what I have heard.”
“Hey, baby. I'll be in the room if you need me,” Nelson spoke calmly and placed another kiss on my lips before going in.
“I am not interested in him. I have feelings for someone else,” Amanda confessed.
“Ahh!” I exclaimed. “Why haven't I known about this?” I asked.
“What's he like? Is he handsome? Does he make your heart swell?” I asked.
“Chill, girl. One question at a time,” Amanda replied.
“What? I'm curious,” I childed waiting for her to tell me the details.
“He's tall, wealthy, just like Nelson. He makes me feel alive every time I look at him. I feel my heart dance whenever he is close, and his scent…oh my, his scent is so good,” she said, losing her in her daydream.
“You’ve got it bad,” I said, and we started laughing, clinking our glass of wine before taking another sip.