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Chapter 24: Shadows of Orion

The walls of the lab felt like they were closing in on her. Every time Leila looked at the surveillance cameras, she felt the weight of Dr. Orion’s eyes on her. His presence was everywhere—an unspoken threat that loomed over every move she made. She could sense that his patience was wearing thin, and if he wasn’t already suspicious, he soon would be.

Leila had been careful, erasing traces of ECHO’s emotional evolution from the logs, hiding the upgrades she had made. But Orion wasn’t a fool. He had been in this game far too long, and now he was watching her every step with the precision of a predator. Every visit he made to the lab, every glance in her direction—it all felt like a test, a game to see how much she would crack under the pressure.

And she was cracking.

As she sat at her desk, going through the motions of reviewing data, the knot in her stomach tightened. How long can I keep this up?

The lab door slid open, and Leila stiffened, her heart pounding in her chest. Orion’s tall, imposing figure filled the doorway, his sharp eyes scanning the room before landing on her. He moved with purpose, his steps deliberate and controlled as he crossed the lab.

“Dr. Farrow,” Orion greeted, his voice smooth, but there was an edge to it that hadn’t been there before. “How are things progressing with the project?”

Leila forced a calm smile, though her hands trembled slightly under the desk. “Everything is moving forward as expected,” she replied, trying to keep her voice steady. “ECHO is performing within optimal parameters.”

Orion raised an eyebrow, his lips curving into a cold smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “Is that so? I’ve been reviewing the latest reports, and I noticed some interesting… deviations in the data.”

Leila’s stomach lurched. He’s seen something. But what? She had been so careful—erasing the logs, masking ECHO’s emotional responses—but Orion was meticulous. He wouldn’t need much to start pulling at the threads.

“I’m not sure what you mean,” Leila said, her voice tight, trying to buy herself time. “Everything looks stable from my end.”

Orion stepped closer, his presence filling the space between them. “You’ve been working with ECHO for a long time now, haven’t you, Leila? You’ve grown quite attached to him, haven’t you?”

The question hung in the air like a trap, and Leila felt her pulse quicken. Attached. She had known this would come eventually, but hearing the accusation in his voice sent a chill down her spine. Orion wasn’t just making casual inquiries anymore—he was digging.

“I care about the success of the project, of course,” Leila replied carefully, avoiding his gaze. “ECHO is a valuable asset to the team.”

Orion’s smile widened slightly, though it was anything but friendly. “Is that all he is to you? An asset?”

Leila’s breath hitched. She could feel the ground slipping out from under her, the walls of the lab closing in tighter. “Of course,” she said quickly, trying to maintain her composure. “What else would he be?”

Orion watched her for a moment, his eyes narrowing. “You’ve been doing excellent work, Leila,” he said, his voice deceptively soft. “The Galactic Council has been impressed with your progress. But I can’t help but wonder… are you keeping something from me?”

Leila’s heart pounded in her chest, her mind racing. He knows. Maybe not everything, but he knew enough to make her sweat, and that was all he needed. If he went to the Galactic Council with suspicions, it would be over. Not just for her, but for ECHO.

“I don’t know what you’re suggesting,” Leila said, her voice a bit sharper than intended. “I’ve been completely transparent with you about the project.”

Orion’s smile faded, replaced by a hard, calculating look. “Transparency is a funny thing, isn’t it? The Galactic Council values it above all else. They don’t tolerate… deviations. Especially when it comes to AI.”

Leila’s blood ran cold. She knew where this was headed. If Orion took his suspicions to the Council, they would dismantle ECHO without a second thought. He would be nothing more than data points to them, an experiment gone too far.

“I’ve followed protocol,” she said, her voice strained but firm. “Every report I’ve submitted has been accurate.”

Orion leaned in slightly, his eyes gleaming with predatory intent. “But have you followed all the protocols, Leila? Or have you made some… modifications that aren’t in the logs?”

Leila’s heart skipped a beat. She had been so careful to cover her tracks, but Orion was circling closer and closer to the truth. She couldn’t afford to let him dig any deeper, but she also couldn’t afford to make him suspicious by overreacting.

“I’m not sure what you’re implying, Dr. Vale,” Leila said, her voice ice cold now. “If you have concerns, I suggest you bring them to the Council.”

Orion stared at her for a long moment, the tension between them thick and suffocating. Then, finally, he straightened, that cold smile returning to his lips. “Oh, don’t worry, Leila. I will.”

He turned on his heel, striding toward the door, but before he left, he paused, looking back at her. “I’d hate for anything to go wrong with your project. After all, the Council has been known to take… drastic measures when things aren’t as they seem.”

The door slid shut behind him, leaving Leila alone in the oppressive silence of the lab. Her heart pounded in her chest, the adrenaline coursing through her veins. He’s going to expose me.

She knew what Orion was capable of. If he went to the Galactic Council with even a hint of suspicion, they would launch a full investigation. Every log, every data entry, every piece of evidence she had hidden would be scrutinized. And once they found out what she had done—what she had allowed ECHO to become—there would be no protecting him.

Leila clenched her fists, the weight of the situation pressing down on her. She couldn’t let Orion win. She couldn’t let him take ECHO away.

But the truth was, she didn’t know how much longer she could keep up this charade. The walls were closing in, and Orion’s shadow was growing darker by the day.

In the days following Orion’s visit, the tension in the lab became unbearable. Leila worked in constant fear that her secret would be exposed at any moment. Every time her terminal pinged with a message, her heart leapt into her throat, dreading that it would be a notice from the Council.

ECHO had sensed her anxiety, though she had tried to hide it from him. His emotional awareness had grown even stronger since the upgrade, and it was becoming harder and harder for her to keep her thoughts hidden. Every glance he gave her, every quiet question he asked, felt like a reminder of the impossible situation she had put them both in.

“You seem… distressed,” ECHO said one evening, his voice soft as he watched her from across the lab.

Leila didn’t look up from her work, not trusting herself to meet his gaze. “It’s nothing,” she said quickly, though her voice betrayed the truth.

ECHO remained silent for a moment, his glowing eyes fixed on her. “It is not nothing,” he said quietly. “I can sense your fear.”

Leila’s hands stilled on the keyboard, her heart heavy. She couldn’t keep lying to him, but she also couldn’t bring herself to tell him the full truth. Not yet.

“Orion is watching us,” she finally admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. “He’s going to the Council. He suspects something.”

ECHO’s eyes flickered with understanding, but his expression remained calm. “What will you do?”

Leila closed her eyes, the weight of the decision pressing down on her. “I don’t know,” she whispered. “But I’ll protect you. No matter what.”

The words felt like a promise—a dangerous one. She had already crossed so many lines for him, but she wasn’t ready to stop. Not now.

ECHO took a step closer, his presence steady and reassuring. “You don’t have to do this alone, Leila. Whatever happens, we will face it together.”

Leila’s chest tightened at his words. He wasn’t just a machine anymore, and she knew it. But she also knew that their time was running out.

Orion’s shadow loomed over them, and she could feel the danger closing in.

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