I stood in front of the mirror staring at my reflection in utter disbelief. I was unrecognizable. I really did look like a boy. My hair was cut short. My entire appearance was so different.
“Maxine , it's time for you to get going.” I heard my mum say it as she walked into my room. She let out a small gasp.
“Oh my god! Honey, you look so-”
“Bad?” I interrupted her.
“No, you just look so different.” She said,
I let out a long sigh.
“I'll look like a girl someday, right?” I said.
“Sweetie, you look like a girl now. A brave girl. A fierce future leader of the coven that would do anything for her people. You are so amazing, and I’m very sure you are going to do well on this mission.” My mother said,
“Thanks mum.” I said and smiled.
“It's okay to be scared. Whenever you're scared, remember who you are doing it for. I’m counting on you. The whole coven is counting on you. I know you will make us proud.” She said and kissed my forehead.
“My beautiful girl. Whether you're a boy or a girl, you will always be my beautiful baby.” She added.
I smiled and hugged her tight.
“Uhm, I’d hate to interrupt this moment but we are running late.” Henry said behind us.
“Babe.” I jumped up and ran into his arms.
He lifted me up and twirled me. I heard my mother chuckle behind me.
“Okay, let's go downstairs.” She said,
We all walked out of the room. The elders of our coven were already sitting in the living room. They all stood up when they saw me. They made a slight bow. It was weird how people I saw as my grannies growing up were now showing me respect.
“Maxine , bring honor to our coven.” One of the elders said.
“Here.” My aunt, who is also one of the elders, handed me a glamor egg.
“You'll know when to use it. Stay safe, Maxine and always protect yourself. Remember to never blow your cover.” She said, She gave me a small hug.
“Thank you everyone. I will make sure to return honor to our coven. Give me your blessings and guidance on this mission. I won't fail you.” I said.
There were a lot of hugs and ceremonies before I was finally sent off to college. Well, not your typical going to college. I was going for a mission.
Many many centuries ago, some witches from my coven went rogue and decided to create a human being that cannot die. They made a concoction from the white oak tree, the longest living object in the world, and drew power from the sun. Then injected it into someone and killed the person. That was the beginning of the race of the undead. Also known as, the vampires.
The vampire race grew faster and out of hand. They reproduce by injecting humans with their blood and killing them. Or mating with humans. Those are called ‘the born vampires’.
The vampires created by the witches were called ‘the original vampires’. The ones that were injected with their blood are called ‘the turned vampires’.
The vampires have abilities like compulsion, speed, super strength, and ability to turn off their humanity. The original vampires have the ability to compel other vampires making them the deadliest vampires alive. The born ones are also very powerful but to a limit. They can compel other vampires too but not as much as their parents. The turned vampires have just basic vampire skills.
By doing this they disrupted the balance of nature. Witches were supposed to be servants of nature. So as usual, nature tried to find a balance.
All the witches in my coven were punished. We weren't allowed to perform magic on our own without drawing power from nature or talisman. In other words, we became siphoners. Well, the rest of the coven, not me.
In every generation, only one true witch will be born into my coven. She will be able to perform magic on her own without drawing power from nature, but she can also siphon if she wants to. The true witch becomes the leader of the coven. I was the true witch in my generation.
I was sent to this mission because the elders found a way to break the curse. A moon sacrifice must be performed with the blood of a hybrid on the day of Bailey's comet. Bailey's comet was in six months.
The hybrid is a mixed breed of werewolf and vampire. A very rare combination because vampires and werewolves loathe each other. Also because a werewolf bite is deadly to a vampire.
The hybrid was said to be posing as a human in an only boys college. The King's College. Since I was the only true witch in my coven, I was sent on the mission. My boyfriend, Henry, is currently driving me to school. He was also a siphoner in my coven.
“I’m going to miss you, babe.” Henry said as he swerved the car into the parking lot.
“I’ll miss you too.” I said. I gave him a quick kiss before alighting from the car.
Henry helped me pack into my dorm room. It was an executive suite assigned to only those who can afford it. It only has two rooms, a shared bathroom, a living room, and a kitchen. The coven managed to get me a slot. They thought it was nicer than having to share a room with a guy. It would give me some sense of privacy, and it will also help me keep my cover from my roommate.
I’ve mingled with humans my whole life so it shouldn't be a problem.
I saw that my roommate had already picked a room. I settled my stuff in the other room. I decided to take a shower and eat something. I brought out the meatballs my mother packed for me.
I finished eating not quite long after. I decided to take a tour around the dorm room. My roommate seems to have extremely bland taste. The living room barely has anything in it aside from the TV and the couches. But it was sparkling clean. It almost seems like he had OCD issues.
While continuing my tour, I ended up in his bedroom. Everything in his room was black and white. His sheets. The paint. Everything. Like the sitting room, his room barely has anything in it. Except for the huge painting hanging on the wall and some clothes in the closet, it looked like nobody lived there.
I told myself it was wrong to go through other people's things and decide to walk out. I turned and almost bumped into someone.
I jolted back in fear.
“Hi, roommate.” I said and laughed awkwardly. How was he able to walk so quietly that I barely noticed him?
“Who are you?” He asked, his tone clipped and full of hostility. Half of his face was hidden by his hood so I couldn't see him clearly.
“I'm your new roommate. Nice to meet you. I’m Max Cooper.” I stretched my hand for a handshake.
He didn't accept it. But I could feel his gaze boring into my soul. It was so intense that I had an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach.
I sighed and withdrew my hand.
“You know, you shouldn't creep up on someone like that. It is scary.” I said.
“You're the one going through my stuff.” he said with disdain in his voice.
“I'm sorry. I'll leave now.” I said as I made to walk past him.
Suddenly, a strange stench hits my nostrils. I turned to him sharply, my mouth wide open. He removed his hood and stared straight into my eyes, eyebrows raised.
“You’re a vampire.” I said, disgust dripping in my tone. His brows furrowed.