"That will be the end of today's lectures. Does anyone have a question?"
Half of the students were already preparing to leave the classroom before the professor finished his sentence.
"Okay then. I want to remind all of you about the upcoming 'welcome to college' conference held for freshmen. It's tomorrow at the auditorium. Everyone must attend and write a report on it. You must turn in your report before our next class."
The entire class buzzed with groans of displeasure as the professor packed his things and left the class.
"This man is a buzzkill. I wanted to go the freshmen party tonight. But now I can't because of this stupid report. All the fresh blood I'd be missing out on." The boy sitting beside me said and smacked his tongue.
I didn't know what prompt me to do it, but I decided to stay back and listen to their conversation. Maybe it was the mention of blood. My mission is making me paranoid.
"Why can't you? The party is tonight. The conference is tomorrow. And we don't have history class till Monday. We've got till Monday to finish the report." Another said.
"Nah, I'd be too wasted at the party to even attend the conference. I'm here on scholarship. I can't let my grades fall, Derek." The first boy said.
"Dude, you can watch the recording of the conference and do your report on that. That's what everyone in class is doing. Don't be such a dork."
"Oh yeah, I can totally do that. Thanks man."
"Yeah yeah. Now let's go crush this party." They highfived each other and made to stand up.
"Excuse me." I blurted out. They turned to face me.
"I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I heard you talking about a party that's happening tonight. I resumed late so I don't know what party you're talking about."
"Yeah, the freshmen party. Weirdo." Derek said. The other boy nudged him slightly.
A party with alcohol and drugs full of hormonal college students? I think not.
"Yeah, I'll definitely be there. Where is this party at?"
"It's off- campus. At a bar named 'Bobby's'. We'll see you then." He said and they both walked away.
The party could be a great opportunity to mingle with other students, and mingling is what I needed right now. But I can't imagine myself going to a party. I've always hated crowded places. And I could accidentally blow my cover. I drew a long sigh and draped the backpack over my shoulders. I walked out of the classroom.
I decided to grab a cup of coffee before going back to the suite. An uneasy feeling settled at the pit of my stomach as the memories of this morning filled my head.
After the vervain incident that transpired between me and my vampire roommate earlier this morning, I hadn't seen him and I really hope I don't. I came across the container of blood when I was arranging my food into the refrigerator. He was so careless about his diet. I completely freaked out by it and dumped a whole vial of vervain into the container. It was part of the vervain the coven gave me to protect myself. I had expected him to pass out after drinking the blood, but when I got to the kitchen, I realized that he didn't drink the blood. It was spilled everywhere in the kitchen.
To be honest, I was a little scared about his threat. I made sure to put a little vervain in everything I eat and I casted a protection spell in my room. No vampires can step into my room or come close three feet close to me. I strolled to the starbucks and placed my order. I turned to leave when I suddenly tripped but I caught myself before I could hit the ground. The lid of the cup came off spilling the entire content on the mman walking towards me.
"I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking." I raised my head and met with the man's eyes.
His eyes were hard and void of emotions. There was a dark aura surrounding him and I immediately know what he was. His lips curled into a smirk as he held my gaze.
"It happens." He said simply.
"Allow me to buy you another cup of coffee."
I straightened my posture and cleared my throat.
"That wouldn't be necessary. I will take my leave now. I'm sorry again for your shirt."
I start to walk away hurriedly but he followed me catching up to me very easily.
"Come on, the least you could do for me after ruining my shirt is have a cup of coffee with me." He said and chuckled.
It seem he wasn't aware of what I was yet. I decided to play it cool. I can't go around revealing my nature to every vampire I come across. That wouldn't be of any advantage to me. I need to tread carefully.
"I'm kinda in a rush to get somewhere so I can't." I flashed him a smile and increased my pace.
That still didn't stop him from following me. But he did not invade my personal space. He was surprisingly three feet away from me.
"Oh! Bummer. Maybe another time then. How about the freshmen party tonight? Let me buy you a drink." He persisted.
I couldn't take it anymore. I stopped abruptly and turned to face him.
"Why do you keep following me? What do you want from me?" My voice was harsh as I spoke.
He dipped his hands inside his pocket and turned his face away. He drew a long sigh.
"I sat behind you in history class a few minutes ago. I wanted to approach you but I didn't want to come off as too pushy. It's my first time asking out a man." His hand traveled to the nape of his neck and he tugged on it gently. A shy smile appeared on his lips.
Say what now? I swallowed hard as I thought of the response to give him. He seem very nice and genuine, so unlike my vampire roommate. Also, he seem like a new vampire who is just trying relate with humans. Old vampires would have recognized a witch with the protection spell surrounding me.
"Uhm, I think you got the wrong idea about me. I'm actually straight."
"Oh! I'm s..so sorry. I made the wrong assumption." He looked really embarassed.
"It's okay. We can be friends though. I just resumed so I don't have that much friends around here." I said and flashed him a smile.
Every nerves in my body screamed at me as I said those words. Befriending a vampire? What was I thinking? No matter how nice he is it doesn't change his true nature. All vampires are evil.
His face lit up and he stared at me.
"Yeah sure. So I'll see you at the freshmen party tonight?"
I had no intention of going to that thing, but maybe I should go. It would help me connect with other people as well.
"Can I get your name and your number too maybe?" He asked.
I gave him a nod. He pulled out his phone from his pocket and stretched it out to me. My fingers grazed his but I didn't get any negative energy from him. My hunch was right about him being a good person.
"My name is Max."
"Nice to meet you, Max. I'm Xander." His lips curled into a grin.
Something about the way he pronounced his name sent chills down my spine, making me shiver slightly. I knew I could trust him when I touched him, but what if I couldn't?