Ch. 6 ~ I'm a what?

Olivia is running through the woods and the twigs are snapping underneath her feet. The sounds make her jump a little bit and she shivers in the cold night. She has no idea where she’s going or what she is doing.

Her mind is wandering at the speed of 1000 mph. Her hunger has caused her stomach to start making awkward noises that rumbling the silence of the woods. She’s about to slow down and stop, but then she hears whispers.

“Olivia…” the same whisper from before calling and at this point she has no idea what to do.

She can see the shadows are physically moving. Heart pounds and her pulse is beating up against her forehead. Starts to drip down her neck. Fight or flight, and it’s time for her to run.

Her eyes grow wide, and she starts to worry as she watches the shadows leap from trees to trees. They swoop underneath her and up around her head. She collapses the ground and covers her head.

The Voice grow silent and she stands up and looks around. She doesn’t see anyone so she decides it took a chance to run away. She starts to run again, but just as soon as her feet starts to move it a quick pace she hears the voices.

“Olivia… wait!” They called to her and it only makes her run faster.

Suddenly, she smacks into somebody. She looks up and she realizes that it’s not a somebody it’s more of a something. It looks like a person but it’s not a person.

“Who. What?” It’s meant to be a question but comes off as more of an accusation.

“I am a spirit..” The ghost tries to exclaim.

Olivia burst into laughter but it’s not one of human. It’s one of confusion and fear. The ghost looks at her with irritation and her laughter comes to an end.

“As I was saying…” the ghost begins, “I’m a spirit and I am trapped in this never ending energy version of a body. I can’t sleep, I can’t eat, I am lifeless and angry!”

A gust of wind blows through Olivia’s hair and she can feel the pain of the spirit, “I’m not sure how to help you…”

The spirit stops her, “That’s fine, I’ll show you’ll!” She flies at Olivia with a supernatural amount of speed.

Olivia is screaming at the top of her lungs as they fly through the air. She looks at the ground and she wants to scream as her stomach and jumps out of her chest. The ghost is doing nothing but laughing, but Olivia doesn’t find it funny.

The landing isn’t so easy. The ghost hover is over the grass, but Olivia collapses to the ground. She wants to be mad, but she can’t because the sound of a ghost is giggles fizzy air and it’s such a delightful sound.

“Where did you take me?” Oliviademands and her tone shows her agitation.

The ghost crosses her arms and shakes her head, “I brought you to my home.” She points a weary finger at a log cabin, “In there you will find my husband.”

Her eyes grow cold, “He is now married to my sister..” as she continues to speak the wind picks up, “One of them had me killed so that they could be together!” Her voice booms and echoes among the trees.

Olivia tries to shush her with her hands, “Ssshhh!”

The ghost, looks at her in amusement, “They can’t hear or see or feel me.”

She crosses her arms and angrily admits, “Trust me, I’ve tried to get payback!”

In a way Olivia feels sorry for the girl, but her heart grows heavy as she has a bad feeling on what the spirit is expecting her to do. She stares at her and anticipation, but the spirits angry eyes are glued to the house.

“What is it that you expect from me?” Olivia is demanding but she’s trying to sound apathetic for the girl.

This spirit seems to appreciate it. Her face grows softer but remains serious, “I need you to go in there and ask them what happened to me?”

“You want me to just walk in there and ask people that I don’t know what happened to you?” The uncertainty and her voice causes the spirit to smile.

“You’re this big bad medium in your scared of a few little witches?” Clearly, she knows more than Olivia.

Olivia questioned her, “Medium?”

The girl gasps when she realizes that Olivia has no idea what she is talking about, “You don’t know what you are?”

Olivia shakes her head no, “On my 18th birthday thing started happening…”

The ghost clap your hands together, “You’re a baby medium!” She seems far too excited, “Does this mean that I’m your first spirit?” with her spirit powers she forms a spiritual camera and pretends to take a picture.

The gust of light causes Olivia to squint, “You’re extremely powerful, aren’t you?”

The spirit shrugs, “I am, but there’s nothing I can really do with it. I can create a few little storms if I want to. Make some wind move and flash some light it somebody’s face, but that’s all I can do..”

Olivia is excited, “Don’t sell yourself short that’s amazing.”

The spirit is amused by her lack of know how, “Me, amazing?”

Olivia, but the ghost continues, “You’re amazing you are the first walker that we have had in a long time. We have been waiting on you. Without you, We are all trapped, floating around the world watching our loved ones move on without us and we have no place to go!”

Olivia’s heart grows heavy for the spirit. She looks her new friend to the house and back again.. without saying word, she marches down the hill and to the house. That was the most information that she has gotten since this happened and the least she can do is return the favor.

All her confidence melts away as she gets to the door. The door flies open and uneasy feelings, fill her stomach. A strong gust of wind forces her to come inside.

She feels a little more relaxed when she sees the spirit standing behind the man. The woman on the other hand gives her the creeps. They both stare at her with anticipation and it makes her skin crawl.

“what happened to your wife!” It’s meant to be a question but it comes out is an accusation.

The woman cackles, “Who sent you?”

Olivia’s eyes meet the spirits, and she shakes her head no. Olivia giggles, “I what is a good friend of hers and I heard that something bad had happened..”

The man seems to understand, “She was poisoned, but we don’t know how..” the sorrow in his voice is a parent.

Olivia focuses hard on him. A bunch of his memories flow through her mind as if they were her own. He stares at her and shock if he saw a ghost. She can’t help but wonder if he saw but she, but neither of them say a word.

She turns to the sister and does the same thing. Visions of her poisoning, the spirits food popping into her head. The woman stands up abruptly, and fireball starts to flow through her hands.

“Who sent you?” She angrily demands.

Olivia’s eyes shoot to the husbands and the husband’s eyes go wide as he lives divisions with Olivia. Tears flow through his eyes and his hands start to shake. He stands stares at his wife.

“How could you?” he demand. The woman ignores him and points and angry finger at Olivia, “You’ll pay for this!”

She starts to storm towards Olivia, but her husband stops her, “Enough, Trudy!”

He twirls some magic around her and causes her to freeze. He tilt his head and Olivia‘s direction, “Do you see her?”

Olivia nods and is staring at the spirit. He’s not a silly man so he understands and he looks in the same direction, “Gabby, my love. Your mother and father abandoned her because they were so filled with grief…”

Tears built up in his eyes, “I knew you would want me to take care of her…”

His lips quiver and his eyes are filled with tears, ”The covenant told me that if I wanted to protect her and keep her in my house that I had to marry and claim her otherwise they were going to take her away…”

Suddenly snapped to the woman, “Was that a lie to?”

Her silence gives him all the answers that he needs. He smile softly, and Olivia and blows a kiss to the air where his spirit Wife stood and with a wave of his hand forces out of the house. A part of Olivia is worried about the woman, but the other part hopes that she gets what she deserves

The spirit stands in front of Olivia once more, “How did it feel?”

Olivia smiles at the genuine concern in the spirits voice, “I was absolutely terrified, and that was not nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be!”

Olivia watches as the spirit starts to slowly fade away, “It’s time for me to go!”

With a little bit of power, that the spirit has she pulls Olivia in for a hug, “You must find your mate before the seven days are up or I will be seeing you sooner than I should..”

The concern in the spirits voice is heavy, “Find him and save him, and you will save yourself.”

She’s almost faded away and all that’s left is her hand, “Head in that direction. The spirit will guide you and he will come find you….”

Tears what up and Olivia’s eyes is, she watches the spirit fade away. She says a little prayer, hoping that she can finally find her peace. sudden angry scream that comes from the house causes Olivia to jump into the air. Her heart is pounding and her palms are sweaty, and she is running as fast as she can into the woods.

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