Chapter 3


I sipped my champagne, savoring the bubbly goodness as I surveyed the room. This party was something else – Nathan knew how to throw a shindig. My buddies, Adriel and George, flanked me, nursing their drinks and cracking jokes.

"Yo, who's that chick with Nathan?" Adriel nudged me, pointing across the room. "Never seen her before. She was new or something?"

I followed his gaze to where Nathan stood, deep in conversation with a stunning girl. They seemed cozy, laughing and leaning in close.

George chimed in, "Oh, that's his new assistant. Olivia, I think? Smokin' hot, right?"

"Damn straight," Adriel whistled low. "Lucky bastard, surrounded by all these babes."

I rolled my eyes. "You guys are ridiculous."

George wasn't done, though. He jerked his chin towards another corner of the room. "Speaking of babes, check out Nathan's girlfriend over there. Now that's a piece of-"

"Dude," I cut him off, frowning. "Show some respect."

But Adriel was already ogling. "Holy shit, you're right. What a knockout. How'd a guy like Nathan land her?"

"Money talks, my friend," George laughed, taking another swig of his drink.

I tuned out their crude comments, my eyes drawn to the woman they were discussing. Sophia. I'd seen her around before but never really paid attention. Now, though... damn. She was stunning, all right. Long legs, curves in all the right places, and a face that could launch a thousand ships.

"Jordan," Adriel's voice snapped me back to reality. "You okay there, buddy? You're staring."

I blinked, realizing I'd been gawking like an idiot. "Yeah, yeah. I'm good. Just... appreciating the view."

George chuckled. "Appreciating? More like undressing with your eyes. Not that I blame you."

I felt my face heat up. "Shut up, man. It's not like that."

But even as I protested, I couldn't help sneaking another glance at Sophia. She laughed at something her friend said, her whole face lighting up. It was... mesmerizing.

"Sure, sure," Adriel teased. "Keep telling yourself that, Romeo."

I downed the rest of my champagne, desperate for a distraction. "I need another drink. You guys want anything?"

They waved me off, already engrossed in some new topic. I made my way to the bar, trying to shake off the weird feeling in my chest. It was just the alcohol, right? Had to be.

As I waited for the bartender, my gaze drifted back to Sophia. She was alone now, sipping her drink and people-watching. Our eyes met briefly, and she flashed me a small smile.

I nearly dropped my glass.

I took a deep breath, steeling my nerves. Maybe I should go talk to her. What's the worst that could happen, right? Besides making a complete fool of myself in front of the hottest woman I'd ever seen. No pressure.

I started to walk across the room, but before I could get far, some suit-wearing dude swooped in and started chatting Sophia up. Damn. Missed my chance.

Feeling deflated, I retreated to the bar. "Another round, barkeep," I called out, trying to sound more confident than I felt. "Make it a double."

The bartender raised an eyebrow but didn't comment. Smart guy.

As I nursed my drink, my phone buzzed. I fished it out of my pocket, nearly dropping it hastily. A message from Elena popped up on the screen.

Elena. Shit. I'd almost forgotten about her. Supermodel Elena, with legs for days and a smile that could melt glaciers. How the hell did I manage to forget about her?

I swiped to open the message.

Elena: Hey, where are you?

Me: At Nathan's party.

Elena: Oh, right! Do you remember our first coffee date tomorrow?

Ah, shit. I'd nearly let that slip my mind, too.

Me: Of course I do.

A few seconds later, I got another message from her.

Elena: Great! So excited for it.

Me: Yeah.

An idea popped into my head.

Me: By the way, do you ever think about jumping straight into bed after that coffee? You know, skipping all the small talk and getting to the good stuff?

Elena: Jordan, you are always so direct! Let's meet for coffee first, and then we can think about bed on the next date.

Me: Alright.

Elena knew how to keep me on my toes.

Me: But make sure you get ready sexily for me. You know how I like it.

Elena: Oh, I'll dress beautifully for you.

Me: So, what are you wearing right now?

Elena: Wouldn't you like to know?

Me: Yeah, I would. Tell me every detail.

There was a pause. I imagined her, wherever she was, smirking at her phone. Finally, the message popped up.

Elena: Jeans and a t-shirt.

I chuckled to myself. Classic Elena. Always playing it cool, keeping me guessing.

Me: And underneath?

Elena: Only panties. No bra.

Damn. That visual hit me like a freight train. I leaned against the bar, trying to compose myself. My thumbs moved faster.

Me: You know I want to fuck you right now, right?

Her response came quickly, this time like she'd been waiting for it.

Elena: Let's see where our date takes us tomorrow.

I sighed. She always knew how to keep me on the edge of my seat.

Me: Fair enough.

I took a deep breath and glanced around the room, feeling more grounded. Sophia was still talking to that suit-wearing guy, but my mind was now on Elena. That woman had a way of making everything else fade into the background.

Elena: You're gonna have to earn it, you know. Can't make it too easy for you.

Me: Challenge accepted. But you know I love a good challenge.

Elena: Good. Because I've got a few surprises up my sleeve for tomorrow.

Me: Now you've got me curious. Should I be worried?

Elena: Maybe just a little bit.

I laughed out loud, earning a few curious glances from nearby party-goers. They didn't matter – all that mattered was keeping this banter going.

Me: Can't wait to find out what those surprises are. Just don't make me wait too long.

Elena: Patience is a virtue, Jordan.

Me: Patience isn't exactly my strong suit for you.

Elena: Well, you'll just have to work on that then.

Me: So, what are your plans for tonight?

Elena: Just relaxing at home. Maybe a bubble bath later if you're lucky ;)

Me: Lucky? Sounds more like torture knowing I'm not there with you.

Elena: Torture can be fun sometimes... don't you think?

Me: Only if it ends with us tangled in sheets.

Her reply took a moment longer this time, and I could almost see her weighing her words carefully before sending them through.

Elena: We'll see how well you behave tomorrow.

This woman was going to be the death of me, but damn if I wasn't looking forward to it.

I fired off a quick reply to Elena.

Me: Can't wait to see how well I can behave tomorrow. You might be surprised.

Pocketing my phone, I scanned the room for Sophia. There she was, still deep in conversation with Mr. Suit. Damn, did that guy ever shut up?

"Yo, Jordan!" Adriel's voice cut through my thoughts as he and George materialized beside me. "What's got you so distracted, man?"

I blinked, realizing I'd been caught staring. Again. "Nothing, just... people-watching."

George smiled. "People-watching, my ass. You've been eyeing Sophia like a starving man at a buffet."

"I have not!" I protested, feeling my face heat up.

"Dude, you're about as subtle as a sledgehammer," Adriel said. "Why don't you just go talk to her?"

I rolled my eyes. "And say what, exactly?"

George's face lit up like he'd just had the world's most brilliant idea. "You're a film producer, man. Tell her you want to cast her in your next movie!"

"That's... actually not a terrible idea," Adriel agreed, nodding enthusiastically.

I shook my head, chuckling. "Some other time, guys. I'm not about to crash and burn in front of everyone here."

"Chicken," Adriel muttered, but he was grinning.

"Bawk bawk," George added helpfully, flapping his arms like wings.

"Real mature, fellas." These idiots were my best friends for a reason.

We continued sipping our drinks, the buzz of alcohol making everything seem funnier than it probably was. The laughter around us grew louder, blending with the pulsing music that filled the air. As I gazed across the room, my eyes landed on Sophia once more, and I wondered if I'd ever worked up the courage to approach her. Would I ever get to talk to her, hear her voice up close, and see that dazzling smile directed at me?

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