Chapter 2
I woke up at the same time that I normally do, I got out of bed, showered and brushed my teeth. The same routine as always. I got dressed in my usual hoodie and jeans and put some foundation on to cover the bruises from the night before, left by my father. But I was used to it, it had become part of my life after my mother died of cancer three years ago, two years after she had my brother.
My father grew bitter and started drinking, and I who was the oldest took the brunt of his anger. Though that is how I preferred it, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if something happened to Jacob.
I entered my brother's room that was next to mine, sitting on his bed and gently shaking his shoulder. “Come on Jacob, it’s time to get up.” I said softly.
He woke slowly, rubbing his eyes. “Morning Sarah.” He says in the same sweet voice as always.
“Good morning, you know you are my favourite person right?” I tell him, gently stroking his hair.
“No.” He laughs, “I am the only person you like.”
I laugh back, though make sure I’m careful to keep somewhat quiet. He was a smart kid and he looked just like my mother, black hair and green eyes, high cheekbones and a button nose. He was tall for his age too, whilst I hadn’t grown past 5 foot 2 and a half.
“Come on, you have to get dressed.” I smile, picking him out a pair of jeans and a shirt.
“Do I have to go today? Tony stole all my toys yesterday.” Jacob whined, crossing his arms.
“You know that I can’t leave you here with dad.” I reply, frowning at his stubbornness.
“I know.” He sighs, “but sometimes I wish I didn’t have to go, or that we live somewhere else, I hate it here. I hate the people; I hate our home and I hate our father.”
Sometimes I think he’s older in his mind, understanding things that no child his age should.
“I understand, and I’m working on getting us away from this place, you know that. But for now we have to stay.”
“I also hate what he does to you, you don’t deserve it.”
I hug my brother, holding him slightly tighter than normal. “I’ll never let him hurt you.” I promised.
“I’m nearly six, I can take care of myself.” He pouts, crossing his arms once I pulled away.
“Oh of course, I never doubted you!” I wink, checking the time on my phone. “But we really have to go, we are going to be late.”
“Ok, I’ll get dressed.” He nods, climbing out of bed.
I leave him alone and go into my room, grabbing both my bag and his, knowing that I had packed everything we needed the night before. I pondered once more on my promise, knowing it wouldn’t be long before we had to leave, but I wasn’t quite ready yet, I needed one more pay-check.
I had enough saved last as a few months, maybe more than that, with a little over £15,000 in my account. I just hoped I would find a job soon when we did move, and that dad wouldn’t find us where we are going.
I had a car so it wouldn’t be hard, all I had to do was fill the tank with gas and pick a destination, but somehow, I was still tied to this house, to the memories that were left here. The good ones of my mother, of our family before everything went dark. I couldn’t help but wonder if we could have had that, what it would be like now if mother didn’t die.
I turned around to find Jacob watching me, worry coating his face. “He’s awake.” He says softly, glancing back down the corridor.
My face pales as I rush to grab Jacob’s hand, pulling him along the hallway and down the stairs. But it was too late, we had been spotted.
Our father came thundering after us and grabbed my hair, pulling me towards him as I cried out in pain, letting go of Jacob. I screamed when he threw me against the wall and punched my stomach, his whole body shaking from anger.
“You stupid girl, how long did you think you could hide it from me?!” He bellowed, scaring both myself and my brother.
“W-what do you mean?” I gasped, trying to catch my breath.
He wrapped his hand in my hair and slammed my head back into the wall, cracking the dry wall and causing my vision to blur. I cried out as I fell to the floor, tears pooling from my eyes as I looked at Jacob in panic, fearful dad would soon turn his anger to him.
“The money you little bitch!” Dad yelled, kicking me in the side. “A bank statement came, did you think I wouldn’t know you were hiding money from me?” He kicked me again. “I want that money Sarah! And I want it now!”
“I will get it.” I whisper, coughing up blood.
“Go and get it then!” He shouts, lifting me up and throwing me across the living room.
I land hard near the door and mouth for Jacob to run, and he does, bolting from the house as fast as his legs will go. I climb to my feet, backing away slowly after I pick up our bags, fearful that he will strike me again. Though he just stands there, shaking with fury and hatred.
When did things turn out this way?
“Get out of my sight! And if you don’t come back with that money I’ll make you pay!” He warns me, cracking open a fresh bottle of vodka.
I nod my head, too weak to talk as I walk out of the house, limping my way to the car where Jacob waits for me, we couldn’t wait any longer. We had to leave now.
I help my brother into the car and fasten him in before taking the drivers seat, checking the glove box for our identification. I sigh in relief when I see it’s all still there, along with a brand new credit card and the money I had placed there for emergencies. Another £5,000.
I pull the car onto the road and follow the speed limit, my knuckles turning white from how hard I was holding the steering wheel.
“Where are we going?” Jacob asks, “school is the other way.”
“We are leaving.” I say through gritted teeth, the pain almost too much. “We can’t go back there, not now.”
He nods before turning to look out the window, “Where will we go?”
“Anywhere that isn’t this city.” I reply, keeping my eyes on the road.
It was time for us to have a fresh start, we couldn’t risk another attack like that one, it was time to go. We didn’t have much in the car, but we could always buy more.